



  • 自动控制专业英语请高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!
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  • 自动控制专业英语请高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!

    1.All the wit and learning in this field are to be present at the symposium||在这一个领域的所有的机智和学问将在酒宴在场. 2.The contributors in component technology have been in the semiconductor components||成份技术的贡献者已经在半导体成份中. 3.The foresight and coverage shown by the inventor of this apparatus are impressing||被这一套装置的发明家显示的远见和报导是有印象. 4.The movement of the spring is made to work a pointer on a dial, so weight is recorded||春天的运动被创下在一个刻度盘上操作一个指针, 的确如此记录. 5.Working with numerals, a computer is similar in many respects to an automatic language translator||与数字合作 , 一部计算机是相似的在许多方面对一个自动的语言翻译者. 6.The interference worked much unstability in the system||运作系统的很多的不安定的冲突. 7.If low-cost power becomes available from nuclear power plants , the electricity crisis would be solved||如果廉价的力量从核能发电厂变成可得 , 电力危机会被解决. 8.Experiment indicates that the new chip is about 1.5times as integrative as that of the old ones||实验指出新的薄片是像旧一些的那样统合的大约 1.5 次. 9.The same principles of low internal resistance also apply to millimeters||低内在的抵抗的相同原则也适用于毫米. 10.The modern world is experiencing rapid development of information technique||现代的世界正在经历数据技术的迅速发展. 11.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes||从不犯错的人是一个明智的男人. 12. We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much||我们不能够估计现代科学的价值太多. 13.It was not until years afterwards that he heard of Semmelweis||它是不直到数年然后他听说 Semmelweis. 14.The computer performs a supervisory function in the liquid-level control system by analyzing the process conditions against desired performance criteria and determining the changes in process variables to achieve optimum operation||计算机藉由分析对抗需要的表现标准的程序情况而且决定在程序变数方面的改变达成最适宜的操作在液体-水平控制制度运行一个管理的功能.


    自动化专业:Automation major

    机电与信息工程:Mechatronics and Information Engineering


    1、This course is an introduction to the design and programming of electromechanical systems based on imbedded microcontroller technology.


    2、The new theory and new method of the electromechanical stress and strain analysis of piezoelectric intelligent beam are studied.


    3、Electromechanical coupling effect is considered in the dynamic analysis on permanent magnet AC servo precision derive system.


    4、The company is good at automatic control, electromechanical integrating, mechanical engineering and hydraulic pressure engineering, etc.


    5、The electromechanical coupling field of stator vibration is analyzed by finite element method.


    6、It teaches an understanding of principles and analysis of electromechanical systems.


    7、Classifies and analyzes the electromechanical coupling system of hybrid electric vehicles.


    8、A human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices.


    9、This paper can be used as reference for technician and designer working in PLC programming and electromechanical system design.



    电路理论 Theory of Circuitry 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control MATLAB程序设计及应用 Design and application of MATLAB procedure 电机与拖动 Electrical Machinery and Towage 自动控制系统 Automatic Control System 电力拖动自动控制系统 Electric Drive Automatic Control System 电力电子技术 Power and Electron Technology 计算机控制技术 Computer Control Technology 现代控制理论 Modern Control Theory 工厂供电 Factory Electricity Supply 传感器原理及应用 Fundamentals and Application of Sensors 轮机自动化 Marine machinery Automation 船舶电气 Marine Electric 过程控制系统 Process Control System 交流电机控制技术 AC Electromotor Control Technology 电器与PLC控制技术 Electric Appliances and PLC Control Technology 搞定,查阅机械英语翻译,请验收


    automation control


    Automation professional education is accompanied by the rise of automation technology in the social production and life of a wide range of applications. It mainly studies the principle and method of automatic control, automatic unit technology and integration technology and its application in various control systems. In this area, the United States is in the world's leading level. Because of the wide application of automation technology, the social demand for this profession is increasing, in order to adapt to the situation, the United States of the University in a timely manner to introduce the professional education in the classroom. Because of the professional skills of applicability, which soon caused the young students keen interest, the United States in the field of rapid development and lead his country laid a solid talent foundation.

    China's research in this field is also relatively early, but the real as a professional education into the University's classroom is relatively late in the evening. This is also the lack of reserve personnel in this field in our country, which is an important reason for the difference of the other countries.

    In the early period after the founding of new China, the people's government faced is undone situation, the socialist economic construction need to have advanced production technology. So in support of the party and the country, a number of schools such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beijing Institute of Technology have set up the relevant professional education and professional technology institute.

    After the reform and opening up, the new technology revolution in the fourth wave of the wave, automation professional education has been considerable development. In addition to the original has been opened with the relevant professional colleges and universities, and a large number of colleges and universities such as Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beihang University, Southeast University, Nanjing University, etc. are added to this professional. According to statistics, there are more and more colleges and universities, which have more than 90% colleges and universities. Because of its wide applicability and wide demand for the professional talents, it has been more and more popular. General colleges and universities each year are to 200 - 300 capacity of students take sage, some universities even more, record of formal schooling also by the specialist, undergraduate to masters and doctoral ranging, forming a cascade of talent training mode of education. In recent years, in this field emerged many famous professors, experts, teachers strength greatly enhanced, for example Wucheng, professor at the Department of automation, Tsinghua University in system integration technology attainments, Chen yuliu, Xiong Guangleng, Yang Jiaben, Yang Shiyuan, Xiao professor in the respective fields of research has yielded fruitful results, Wu Qidi, a professor of Tongji University has long been engaged in modern control theory and application, automation system engineering and computer integrated manufacturing system and automatic intelligent system theory and Application Research of. Southeast University automatic control system and Automation Research Institute has a high level of academic leaders, led by Professor Qian Zhonghan, Professor Feng Chunbai, Professor, led by the Chinese Academy of sciences. These outstanding scholars and experts have made outstanding contributions to the development of new technology in our country.













    供电技术Power supply technology

    ,电气控制与可编程控制器技术Electrical Control and PLC technology

    ,电机与拖动基础Motor and Drag


    ,电子技术基础Electronic Technology(数电/模电),

    电力电子技术Power Electronics

    ,电力拖动自动控制系统Electric drive control system

    ,集散控制系统原理及应用Principle and Application of Distributed Control System

    ,检测与转换技术Detection and conversion technology

    ,自动控制原理Automatic Control Theory




