



  • 英语听力短文训练材料
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  • 英语听力短文训练材料

    【 #英语听力# 导语】在英语听力里,短文听力是难度较大的一种,因此,考生可以在日常的英语听力里多进行一些短文听力,强化自己这方面的英语听力能力。下面是 分享的英语听力短文训练材料。欢迎阅读参考! 1.英语听力短文训练材料   《酸奶》   When you open a container of yogurt, you’ll often see liquid collected on top. Some people mix it back into the yogurt, and others drain it off. What is it, and where does it come from?   打开一盒酸奶,你常常会发现有一层液体浮在表面。有的人把它拌入酸奶中,有的人则将这层液体倒掉。这层液体究竟是什么东西,它又是从哪来的呢?   To solve the mystery of the liquid in yogurt, let’s take a few steps back, to the milk that yogurt is made of. Milk has two different types of proteins. Most of the proteins are casein proteins, and the rest are whey proteins–of curds and whey fame.   为了揭开酸奶中这层液体的神秘面纱,让我们往回追溯,去看看制作酸奶的原料—牛奶。牛奶有两种不同类型的蛋白质。大部分蛋白质是酪蛋白,其余是乳清蛋白,包括凝质和乳清。   If you look at a glass of milk, you can’t tell the casein from the whey. But that changes when special bacteria are added to milk to make yogurt. Yogurt-producing bacteria ferment the sugars in milk and produce an acid. As a result, the mixture is more acidic than before, and this higher acidity solidifies the casein proteins. The whey proteins, on the other hand, don’t solidify, and separate out from the casein as liquid.   单单看一杯牛奶,我们是无法从中分辨出酪蛋白和乳清的。但是往牛奶中加入特殊的细菌来制作酸奶时,情况就不一样了。制作酸奶用的细菌会发酵牛奶中的糖并制 成酸。因此,混合物比之前更酸,更高的酸度使得酪蛋白凝固。而另一方面,乳清蛋白则不会凝固,它会从酪蛋白中以液体的形式分离出来。   Yogurt you buy in the store has a stabilizer, usually fruit pectin, to keep the solid casein and liquid whey mixed together. But some of the whey still separates out from the casein, and that’s what you see when you open the yogurt container.   你在超市买到的酸奶中含有一种稳定剂,通常是果胶,它的作用是让固体的酪蛋白和液体的乳清混合在一起。但是部分乳清仍然从酪蛋白中分离出来,那就是你在打开酸奶包装时所看到的液体。   Whey contains not only proteins but also B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and thiamin, which can’t be found in the solid portion of the yogurt. Because of the nutritional value of whey, your best bet is to mix it back into the rest of the yogurt, then gobble it down!   乳清不仅含有蛋白质还有维生素B,维生素B包括核黄素,烟酸和硫*素,这些物质反倒无法在酸奶的固体部分中获得。因为乳清的营养价值,你的选择是把它和酸奶搅拌在一起,然后一饮而尽! 2.英语听力短文训练材料   《天花的历史》   In Shakespeare’s day, wishing a pox on someone was a terrible curse. Ten percent of the population in 17th century London died gruesomely of smallpox, a virus spread easily by airborne particles or contaminated clothing. Infection began with fever, aches, sneezing, and nausea. Soon a rash of red dots appeared, often covering the skin with dripping scabs. Though some recovered, people could become blind, deaf, or severely scarred from smallpox.   在莎士比亚时代,诅咒某人得天花是非常恶毒的。在17世纪的伦敦,有百分之十的人死于天花这种恐怖的疾病,这是一种可以通过空气和被污染的衣服传播的病 毒。患者被感染后的前驱症状是发烧、疼痛、打喷嚏和恶心。随后很快出现红色斑丘疹,而后通常会发展成皮肤上的滴痂。尽管有些人病愈了,但是他们会因此失去 听觉、双目失明或者留下很深的疤痕。   None of the physicians’ attempts to treat smallpox with sheep manure or a golden needle helped at all. But European peasants and traditional healers in Africa and Asia had discovered that exposure to a very small dose of the virus offered some protection.   当时的内科医生尝试用羊粪或金针帮助治疗天花,但是毫无作用。但是欧洲的'农民和非洲及亚洲的传统医师发现,感染极少量的天花病毒会带给人体一定的免疫作用。   Traditional healers inoculated scratches in the skin with a small amount of pus infected with smallpox. About one in 200 people died from this procedure, but most became mildly sick, recovering in a few days. In the process, they gained immunity to the disease.   传统医师通过给正常人注射天花患者的少量脓液来进行预防接种。这种治疗方法的死亡率是两百分之一,但是大多数人症状轻微,会在几天内恢复。在这个过程中,他们获得了对天花病毒的免疫力。   Because smallpox inoculation exposed people to such a tiny dose of the virus, it caused far fewer deaths than the natural spread of the disease. Still, London physicians were skeptical of anything peasants or traditional healers did. Not until fashionable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu returned from Turkey did it catch on with the upper classes.   因为接种天花疫苗时使用的病毒剂量是非常微小的,它所导致的死亡和天花的自然传播相比是微不足道的。不过,伦敦医生对农民和传统医师的这种治疗方法仍旧持怀疑态度。直到玛丽•沃尔特利•孟塔古从土耳其回国后,这种治疗方法才在上流社会中流行起来。   Having observed Turkish healers, Lady Mary had her son inoculated in London and published a pamphlet explaining the procedure. Soon, even physicians saw that inoculation gave people a better chance of contracting a mild case of smallpox, preventing many deaths.   通过观察土耳其医师的治疗方法,玛丽夫人让她的儿子接受了预防接种,并且在伦敦出版了一个小册子来解释这种治疗过程。很快,甚至是那些内科医生也注意到这种接种方法只会让人们出现轻微的天花症状,它拯救了很多人的性命。 3.英语听力短文训练材料   《虚拟学校》   Forty-two of the fifty American states offered some kind of public online learning this past school year. One state, Michigan, now requires all students to have an online learning experience before they finish high school.   过去的一个学年,美国50个州中有42个州提供了某种形式的公共网上学习。现在,密歇根州要求所有学生在高中毕业之前都有网络学习经历。   Even the idea of a school has changed since the rise of the Internet in the nineteen nineties.   自90年代互联网兴起以来,学校的理念甚至都已经发生了变化。   A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University says eighteen states have full-time virtual schools. There are no buildings. All classes are online.   印第安纳大学评估和教育政策中心一份新的报告称,18个州拥有全日制虚拟学校,没有校舍,所有的课程都是在网络上学习。   Online learners might work at different times. But there might be set times for class discussions — by text, voice or video — and virtual office hours for teachers.   网络学院可以在不同的时间学习,但是课堂讨论必须在既定的时间进行——通过短信、音频或视频——对于教师来说也有固定的虚拟工作时间。   Flofida started the first statewide public virtual school in the United States in nineteen ninety-seven.   1997年,佛罗里达开设了美国首个全州范围的公里虚拟学校。   Today, the Florida Virtual School offers more than ninety courses. Fifty-six thousand students were enrolled as of December. Almost sixty percent were female. The school's Web site says each student was enrolled in an average of two classes.   今天,佛罗里达虚拟学校提供了90多门课程。截止到12月份,已有5.6万名学生入学,其中接近60%的学生是女性。该学校网站称,每个学生都参加平均两个班级。   Two-thirds were also enrolled in public or charter schools. Charter schools are privately operated with public money. Other students are home-schooled or in private school.   三分之二的学生同时还在公立学校或政府特许学校就读。政府特许学校由私人运营,但是由公众提供资金。其他学生则在家接受教育或在私立学校就读。   Florida Virtual School has now opened the Florida Virtual Global School. Students in other countries pay for classes. Janet Heiking teaches an English class. She lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her students live as far away as Africa and Japan.   佛罗里达虚拟学校现在开设了佛罗里达虚拟全球学校。其他国家的学生缴纳费用来学习。珍妮特·海靖是一个英语班的教师。她住在印第安纳州的印第安纳波利斯。她的学生则远在非洲甚至日本。   So how good are virtual schools? Students have shown mixed results, as that new report from Indiana University notes.   那么,虚拟学校到底怎么样呢?印第安纳大学这份报告指出,研究表明,表明学校水平参差不齐。   For example, students at Florida Virtual School earned higher grades than those taking the same courses the traditional way. And they scored higher on a statewide test.   例如,佛罗里达虚拟学校的学生比按照传统方法学习同样课程的学生取得的分数更高。在全州的.考试中,他们的分数也更高。   But virtual school students in Kansas and Colorado had lower test scores or performed at a lower level than traditional learners.   但是,堪萨斯和科罗拉多虚拟学校的学生则比传统的学生得分更低,表现更差。   Educaiton experts say the mixed results suggest the need for more research to find the best ways to teach in virtual schools. Also, they say schools of education need to train more teachers to work in both physical and virtual classrooms.   教育专家表示,这些表现不一的结果表明,需要进行更多的研究来发现的虚拟学校教学方法。同时,他们说,教育类学校需要培养更多教师,能够同时在实体和虚拟教室授课。 4.英语听力短文训练材料   《伊丽莎白·泰勒》   Legendary Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor has died at the age of 79. A statement from Taylor's family says she died peacefully, with her children at her side. The veteran actress, known for movies such as "National Velvet," which made her a star at the age of 12, and "Cleopatra," had been suffering from congestive heart failure. She had been hospitalized in Los Angeles for the past six weeks.   好莱坞传奇女影星伊丽莎白·泰勒去世,享年79岁。泰勒家人发表的一份表明说,她在安详中去世,她的子女守在她身边。在过去6个星期里,这位资深的女演员因为患有充血性心力衰竭而在洛杉矶的医院里住院。她因主演《玉女神驹》和《埃及艳后》等影片出名。《玉女神驹》这一影片使泰勒12岁的时候就成为明星。   Taylor won Academy Awards for her role in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Butterfield 8." In later years, she was a spokeswoman for humanitarian causes, notably AIDS research. That work gained her a special Oscar in 1993.   泰勒因在影片《谁怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫?》以及《青楼艳*》里的出色表演而荣获奥斯卡奖。她在后来的时间里担任了人道主义事业的发言人,特别是艾滋病研究。她因这方面的贡献于1993年荣获奥斯卡特别奖。   Taylor was sometimes called the most beautiful woman in the world. In addition to her work in film, the Oscar-winning actress was also well known for her off-screen drama, including being married eight times, twice to actor Richard Burton.   泰勒被称为“全世界最漂亮的'女人”。除了演电影以外,这位获得奥斯卡奖的女演员也因为她在银屏外的戏剧性经历而广为人知,这其中包括结婚8次,其中两次是与演员理查德·伯顿结婚。   Born in London to American parents, she moved to Los Angeles before World War II, and went from child star to Hollywood starlet to movie icon. But she gained attention for more than just her beauty and acting talent. Her srormy personal life and numerous marriages, as well as her friendship with pop icon Michael Jackson, made her a constant source of stories for the press.   泰勒出生在伦敦,父母都是美国人。她在二战前移居洛杉矶,从一个童星成为好莱坞影星,最后成为电影界的偶像级人物。但是她不仅仅因为她的美貌和演艺才华而引起人们的注意。她坎坷的个人经历、无数次的婚姻,以及她与流行歌星迈克尔·杰克逊的友谊使她一直成为媒体报道的对象。   She had a passion for jewels and jewelry and introduced her own perfumes, including one called White Diamonds. In later years, she was widely recognized for her charitable work. France awarded her the prestigious Legion of Honor in 1987 and Britain's Queen Elizabeth made her a dame, the female equivalent of a knight, in 2000.   泰勒酷爱珠宝首饰并创立了自己的香水品牌,其中一种香水叫做“白色钻石”。在后来的生涯中,泰勒因为她的慈善工作而受到普遍的认可。法国在1987年授予她荣誉勋章。英国女王伊丽莎白在2000年封她为贵妇人,相当于爵士的爵位。 5.英语听力短文训练材料   《呼吁老年教育》   Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published recently.   根据最近发表的一项新的人口研究报告显示:老年人要想不成为社会的负担,想继续发挥余热,就必须给他们更多学习机会。   The current approach which focuses on younger people and on kills for employment is not adequate to meet the challenges of demographic change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is currently spent on the oldest third of the population.   该报告声称:现在的教育方法倾向于年轻人和职业技能,难以应付人口结构变化的挑战。占人口总数三分之一的老年人只占有百分之一的教育预算。   The challenges include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in retirement, that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and that 11.3 million people are over state pension age.   这些挑战包括:多数人三分之一的生命将在退休后度过;五十九岁以上人数高于十六岁以下人数;一千一百三十万人达到了国家法定领取退休金年龄。   "Learning needs to continue throughout life. Our historic concentration of policy attention and resources on young people cannot meet the new needs," says the report's author, Professor Stephen Mcnair.   报告的作者史蒂芬·麦克威尔教授说:“学习应该贯穿人生的整个过程,我们壹仟的政策重心和资源配置更多偏重于年轻人,难以适应新的需求。”   The major portion of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. When people are changing their jobs, homes, partners and lifestyles more than ever, they nees opportunities to learn at every age. For example, some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.   教育预算的大部分花费在二十五岁以下的.人身上。当人们比以前更频繁地更换工作、居住地、生活伴侣和生活方式的时候,处在各种年龄段的人们都需要学习的机会。”例如,有些人到了五十多岁或更迟又重新开始创业。   People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to adjust to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for transition to retirement, which may now happen unpredictably at any point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.   人们需要一个“中年回首”的机会来适应以后的工作生涯,规划退休后的角色转化。这种转化现在可以发生在五十岁到九十多岁的漫长时间内。   And there should be more money available to support people in establishing a sense of identity and finding constructive roles for the "third age", the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.   应该有更多的资金来保证人们建立身份认知和在“第三年龄段”——也就是退休后二十或更多年的健康生活中——找到建设性角色。


      大学英语听力短文材料一:   At a gathering of students from China and some other countries,Yang Weiping and Virginia Wang, both first-year college students,are talking about their learning of English.   Hello, my name is Yang Weiping.I'm a freshman at Peking University and I'm majoring in chemistry.At college we have to study a foreign language.I choose English because I like listening to English programs on the radio and TV.I also like British and American pop songs.Some day I hope to visit Britain and the United States.I started learning English several years ago and I'm getting better at it.My favorite activity is listening,especially listening to songs and stories.My big problem is, however, speaking.I feel nervous whenever I speak.And I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me.But I've decided to overcome my shyness and learn to speak English by speaking as much as I can.   Hi, my name is Virginia Wang.I'm a library science major at the National University of Singapore.In our country, English is important.It is one of the official languages and you have to be fluent in English to get a good job.I've been studying English since high school.I'm good at reading because I like learning about new things and new ideas.There are so many books and articles written in English.Our textbooks at the university are in English, too.I know writing is also very important,but I find it really difficult.When I graduate from the   university,I would like a job in the city library where I can read all kinds of new books.   Questions   1. Which of the following would be the best title for the two talks?   2. Who are the speakers?   大学英语听力短文材料二:   I find listening most difficult,because I worry about the words I don't know.Now I'm trying to focus on the general idea,not worrying about the new words.This makes me feel good,because I know I've understood something.Then, I listen again carefully and if I have any problems I play the difficult parts again.In this way I come to understand better both the main idea and the details of the listening text.


    高中英语听力材料   英语听力材料能帮学生们做好听力练习,下面是我整理的英语听力材料,希望能帮到大家!   高中英语听力材料【1】   [00:00.00]1.David,are you coming with us to the park?   [00:05.80]No.I'm sorry.I have to catch up with my homework.   [00:10.48]What is David going to d   [00:13.09]2.What would you like to have ,sir?   [00:16.35]Well,I'd like to have an apple juice and chicken sandwich.   [00:20.61]Where are the two speaker   [00:23.09]3.Those oranges look nice.How much are they?   [00:28.81]They're 60 cents a pound.   [00:32.16]How much a pound are the orange   [00:34.77]4.Excuse me,can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport?   [00:42.19]It leaves in three minutes.If you run,you might catch it.   [00:47.46]Thank you.I'll try.   [00:49.37]What is the man going to d   [00:51.98]5.Oh,dear.I wish we had taken this lift.   [00:58.31]If I had know if was so far up.I wouldn't have suggested walking.   [01:03.32]What are two speakers doin   [01:05.85]6.Excuse me ,what did you say you would like to do,Mr.Green?   [01:10.82]I said I'd better go back to the hotel.I'm meeting someone this evening.   [01:16.15]Ok.How are you going back,by bus or taxi?   [01:21.11]I think I'll take a taxi.Do you know where I can get one?   [01:25.84]Oh,just wait by the roadside.I'll wait with you.   [01:30.67]Ok.Thanks.Are the taxi in London all black?   [01:36.05]Well,some of them are .Is this your first time to London?   [01:41.43]Yes,it is.Do you give extra money to the taxi drivers here?   [01:47.00]You mean the tip?Oh,yes.They usually expect about ten percent.   [01:53.58]That's the same as in my country.   [01:55.96]Oh,look,here is one .Taxi!   [01:59.48]Thanks see you tomorrow.   [02:02.15]What will the man do in the evenin   [02:05.07]7.Hello.International Friends Club.Can I help you?   [02:09.54]Oh.Hello.I read about your club in the paper today.And I thought I'd phone to find out a bit more.   [02:18.87]Yes,certainly.Well,We're a sort of social club for people from different countries.   [02:25.89]It's quite a new club.We have about 50 members at the moment.   [02:30.91]But we are growing all the time.   [02:33.63]That sounds interesting.I'm British actually.   [02:38.09]And I came to Washington about three months ago.   [02:41.91]I'm looking for ways to meet people.Ah,what kind of events do you organize?   [02:50.03]Well,we have social get_togethers and sports events and we also have language evenings.   [02:57.27]Could you tell me something about the language evening?   [03:00.64]Yes.Every day except Thursday we have a language evening.   [03:06.20]People can come and practise their language,you know,over a drink or something.   [03:12.29]We have different language on different evenings.   [03:15.58]Monday,Spanish;Tuesday,Italian,Wednesday,German;And Friday,French.   [03:24.15]On Thursday,we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.   [03:30.44]Well,that sounds great.I really need to practise my French.   [03:36.32]Ok,well,if you can just give me your name and address,I'll send you the form and some more information.   [03:44.97]If you join now,you can have the first month free..   [03:49.49]Where are the speake   [03:51.76]8.Good morning.City Taxi.   [03:54.37]Good morning.I'd like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning please.   [04:00.35]Where from?   [04:01.58]I'm at the Garden Hotel on Union Street.There will be three of us sharing.   [04:08.56]How much will it be ?   [04:10.38]About 60 dollars.   [04:12.76]60 dollars?Each or between us?   [04:16.47]Oh.That's altogether.What time do you want to leave?   [04:20.60]Seven in the morning.   [04:22.48]Right.We'll pick you up at your hotel at seven then.Thank you very much .   [04:28.59]Goodbye.   [04:30.16]9.Mary,tomorrow is your Mom's 50th birthday,do you know?   [04:35.54]Of course I do.How shall we celebrate?   [04:39.77]First of all,a birthday present.What about buying her a beautiful skirt?   [04:45.28]That's a good idea.It'll make her look younger.And a birthday cake too,with 50 candles.   [04:53.96]That's right.Shall we have a special dinner?   [04:57.64]How about a Chinese dinner?Fine.Where shall we have it?   [05:02.26]We can have it at home.I've learned to cook a few dishes from a Chinese friend.   [05:09.24]I'm sure Mom will like them.   [05:11.67]All right.Are you going to do the shopping as well?   [05:15.64]Why don't we go together,Dad?   [05:18.20]Ok,when?   [05:19.87]How about this afternoon?   [05:22.40]10.Now,you want to know about life in the past.Right?   [05:26.97]I can tell you .When I was a boy,things were different.   [05:32.36]I had to get up at six every morning.   [05:35.99]That was not very bad in summer,but in winter it was cold.   [05:41.92]And we didn't have any hot water in the house.   [05:45.78]We had to wash in cold water.We didn't have a bathroom.   [05:51.82]My dad had some chickens.I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister.   [06:02.42]It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening.   [06:08.20]But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school.   [06:13.11]There was a bus ,but we didn't have the money.   [06:16.97]And we had to go to bed at seven o'clock every night.   [06:21.99]We couldn't watch TV because there wasn't any .   [06:26.22]On Sundays we had to go to church three times_morning,afternoon and evening.   [06:34.97]And we couldn't play outside on Sundays.But it wasn't all bad.   [06:41.61]We had some good time.We could go out and our parents didn't have to worry about us.   [06:49.55]There weren't so many cars on the roads then.So the streets were safe to play in.   [06:57.02]And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days.   [07:02.14]We had to work hard and we weren't able to buy those things in the shops today.   [07:08.72]Life was hard,but it was simple and people were happier.   [07:13.79]I don't think I'd like to be young today.   高中英语听力材料【2】   [00:00.00]1.W:Excuse me,where is the Bell Museum?   [00:04.02]M:Oh,it's not far away from here.You can walk.   [00:08.70]W:Yes?   [00:10.53]M:Go straight along this road.Then turn left...No,right.Turn right at the first turning.   [00:18.26]W:Turn right?   [00:19.96]M:Yes,Keep walking till the crossroads,then turn left .You'll see a theatre on the righ   [00:27.69]W:A theatr   [00:29.31]M:Yes.Beside the theatre,there is a side street.   [00:33.72]W:Do I take the street?   [00:35.89]M:Right.Walk to the end of the street and turn left again.   [00:40.99]Then you'll see a church on the left.Next to the church is the museum.   [00:46.81]W:Oh,this is not easy.I'll try.   [00:51.17]M:Good luck.   [00:52.66]W:Thank you very much.   [00:54.75]M:You'll welcome.   [00:56.71]2.M:Hi,Jane.It's nice to see you again.I heard that you went to the U.S.during the vacation.   [01:03.45]W:Yes,I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.   [01:09.46]M:Wow.You were lucky.How long did you stay there?   [01:14.21]W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.   [01:22.02]M:Where did you live in New York?   [01:24.85]W:Oh,I lived with an American family,the Smiths.   [01:30.38]They were very kind people.Shortly after I arrived,we became good friends.   [01:37.59]And,living in their house,I could speak English with them every day.   [01:42.82]Besides,I didn't need to worry about my daily three meals.   [01:48.36]They looked after that .   [01:50.71]M:How nice!And how about the course?   [01:54.26]W:The course was also very good.The teachers were nice.   [01:58.88]They taught us to listen,speak,read and write in English,but it was mostly speaking.   [02:07.43]One interesting I found was that the American classes are different from our classes here because they are very free.   [02:17.87]You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.   [02:21.77]You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class.   [02:27.12]And you are welcome to share your ideas with the class.I really like this kind of class.   [02:34.15]M:How interesting!Maybe our teacher should try that.   [02:38.90]3.M:Well,Stella?Why do you look unhappy?   [02:42.72]W:Oh,Bill,I have just had a quarrel with Mr.Philips.   [02:47.60]W:Mr.Philips!What on earth was it about?   [02:51.62]W:Well,I have made three bad mistakes so far this week.   [02:57.37]Today I forgot to give him an important message,so he got really angry with me.   [03:05.03]M:But I don't understand.You are usually very careful and never make mistakes.   [03:11.58]W:I'm just so tired.I don't know what I'm doing.   [03:16.39]M:Why?Have you been going to bed late these days?   [03:20.88]W:No.I'm usually in bed at about eleven.But I've been woken up at half past four every morning.   [03:30.63]And then I can't go back to sleep again.   [03:33.79]M:Why?   [03:35.09]W:It's my new neighbor,the milkman next door.   [03:39.38]He has to get up at half past four and he always turns te radio on loud.   [03:46.25]M:Ask him to turn it down then.   [03:48.60]W:It's difficult.I don't know him yet.   [03:52.62]M:If you don't want to see him,write him a letter.   [03:56.72]W:Do you think it's good idea?   [03:59.20]M:Yes,I do.I'll help you with the letter.   [04:03.10]W:OK.Let's try.   [04:06.60]4.W:Can I talk to you for a moment,Tom?   [04:09.68]M:Of course,Julia.Sit down.What is it?   [04:14.17]W:I've decided to leave.   [04:16.39]M:Leave?   [04:17.70]W:Yes?   [04:19.13]M:Oh,no.Is it because we're moving out of London?   [04:23.68]W:Well,yes.But there are other reasons.   [04:27.49]M:I see.You've never liked working here.   [04:31.52]W:No,no.I've enjoyed working here,but...   [04:35.28]M:But what?   [04:37.24]W:Well,I haven't had time for other things.   [04:40.61]I've worked here for four years.And I'd like to do something different.   [04:46.30]M:What do you mean,something different?   [04:49.67]W:I want to travel.You know,I have never been to other countries.   [04:55.24]M:Haven't you?   [04:56.80]W:No,I haven't.I want to live abroad and learn to speak a different language.   [05:04.54]M:Well,what can I say?I'm really sorry.But I understand.   [05:10.23]W:Thank you Tom.   [05:12.27]5.Good morning,Ladies and Gentleman.   [05:15.04]Welcome to our school.My name is Andrew Brown.   [05:19.71]I am a history teacher.I'll give you a quick introduction to the school before I show you around.   [05:27.08]Our school is called a "free school".That means that the pupils are free to choose what and how they want to learn.   [05:35.96]The school opens at 9a.m.,but the children can arrive when they like.   [05:41.97]Most of them are in school by ten.   [05:45.05]Between nine and ten most people are in the living room and the kitchen downstairs.   [05:51.27]Some of the children haven't had much breakfast,so there is a lot of eating,tea_drinking and talking.   [05:59.13]This is a time when children and teachers can work out what they are to do for the day.   [06:05.82]Now if you look through the door of that big room you will see those children reading and drawing there.   [06:12.64]Some have chosen to do maths.They are on the third floor with Miss Green.   [06:18.72]Four of the older boys are now on the way to the Cardrome to have their driving lessons.   [06:25.20]Several children are in the kitchen helping Miss Cabell with lunch.   [06:30.58]The children take turns doing this.They all enjoy doing it.   [06:35.55]After lunch it's someone else's job to do the washing-up.   [06:40.22]This job is unpopular and not many of them like to do it.   [06:45.19]After lunch the children go on with what they've been doing until 4:30.   [06:50.46]On Monday and Thursdays the school is also open in the evenings until 9:00p.m..   [06:57.54]On Wednesday afternoon there is a school meeting.   [07:01.35]On Friday we sometimes take the children to a cinema or a museum.   [07:06.97]The school is also open every weekend for those children who want to come.   [07:12.59]6.Good morning everybody.My topic for today is "Early Money."   [07:18.67]I'm going to tell you something about money used in the early days.   [07:24.03]To be honest,we know little about how early people came to use money,but we do know some of the things which have been used as money.   [07:35.97]In some parts of Asia,tea was used for money.The American Indians used nuts and other things.   [07:46.76]Perhaps the mos common money of all was an animal found some places today,cows are still used as a kink of money.   [07:57.91]So you see,things highly valued by everybody may serve as money.   [08:04.99]The Chinese were the first people to use coins as money.   [08:09.67]Oh,sorry,you don't know the word?Well,it is spelled C-O-I-N.   [08:20.58]Here are some coins of the past.You can come over and have a look. ;


      英语情景对话犹如汉语中的“看人说话,量体裁衣”,就是说应该在不同情景中运用不同的表达方式适时、适地地传递语言,交流信息。我精心收集了关于面试英语对话听力材料,供大家欣赏学习!   关于面试英语对话听力材料篇1   A: I've read your resume, and I remember it says you worked in GE company for quite a number of years.   A:我已经看了您的履历表,我记得上面说 您在通用电气公司工作过好几年。   B: Yes. I stayed with them for almost four years since my graduation from University of Foreign Trade in 2003.   B:对。自2003年我从外贸大学毕业时算 起,我已经在那儿待了差不多4年了。   A: Did you enjoy working there?   A:您喜欢那儿的工作吗?   B: Yes, I did. I started as an office clerk, and became a department manager three years later. About one year ago, I was appointed assistant to the general manager.   B:是的,我喜欢。我从办公室职员做起,3 年后成了一名部门经理。大约在1年 前,我被任命为总经理助理。   A: What did you exactly do in that position?   A:您担任那个职务具体做什么工作?   B: Well, I assisted the general manager with his work in many ways. Sometimes I presided over meeting or took part in some social activities in his name. I was also in charge of making credit inquires, approving payment terms and things like that. But I was mainly responsible for the feasibility studies of the projects, such as estimating the market potential of a newly developed product, competition in the industry, investment environment, credit study of the investment partners, and so forth.   B:啊,我在很多方面协助总经理工作。有 时候,我代表他主持会议或参加社会活 动。我还要负责进行信用咨询、审批付 款条件,诸如此类的事情。但我主要是 负责项目的可行性研究,比如,评估一个新开发产品的市场潜力、行业竞争情况、 投资环境、投资伙伴的信用研究,等等。   A: I can see you did a lot of work. Mr. Wei, you must have done a good job in that corporation. Not many young people at your age can expect to reach a higher position than assistant to the general manager. So I don't quite understand why left the post.   A:看得出来您做了许多工作。魏先生,您 在那家公司一定干得很出色。没有多少 像您这种年纪的青年人能指望担任比总 经理助理更高的职务。因此,我就不太 理解您为什么要放弃那个职位。   B: I never easily give up something that is valuable. Before I decided to quit that position, I had made a thorough analysis of things like what I would gain and what I would lose here in your company. You know, Hongkong has always been a fascinating place to me, full of challenges as well as hopes. In addition to this, I have the specialized knowledge and the necessary experience of making a good assistant to the investment manager. Of course, opportunities to work abroad and a higher salary are also important to me. So I believe it’s worthwhile to come here to work.   B:我从不轻易放弃有价值的东西。我在决 定放弃那个职务以前,就对于在贵公司 我会得到什么和我会失去什么之类的问 题做过全面的分析。您知道,对我来讲, 香港从来都是一个迷人的地方,既充满 了希望,又充满了挑战。另外,我具备当 好投资部经理助理的专业知识和必要的 经历。当然,有机会出国工作和较高的 工资对我也很重要。所以,我相信来此 工作是值得的。   关于面试英语对话听力材料篇2   A: Excuse me, is this personnel division?   A:劳驾,请问这是人事部吗?   B: Yes. What can I do for you?   B:是的。我能为你做些什么?   A: I came about your advertisement for an assistant of manager. Is there any still available?   A:我是来应聘你们经理助理的。还有空缺 职位吗?   B: Oh, yes. Won’t you sit down? What’s your surname?   B:有。请坐,请问贵姓?   A: My surname is Xiao.   A:我姓肖。   B: What’s your first name, Mr. Xiao?   B:你叫什么名字,肖先生?   A: It's Jianguo.   A:建国。   B: I’m the director of personnel devision of the company, Mr. Brown.   B:我是人事部经理布朗先生。   A: How do you do, Mr. Brown?   A:你好,布朗先生。   B: How do you do, Mr. Xiao?   B:你好,肖先生。   A: Here is my resume.   A:这是我的简历。   B: Fine. You've been in the States about six years, haven’t you?   B:好的。你已在美国生活了 6年,是吗?   A: Yes, I came to study in Princeton University in 1989.   A:是的,我是1989年来普林斯顿大学学习的。   B: Could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?   B:能不能告诉我你喜欢与哪一类人一起工 作?   A: To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with various people. I’m an easygoing person. But of course, I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.   A:说真话,我能和各种各样的人合作。我 是容易相处的人。但是,当然,我特别喜 欢与有责任感、待人友好、乐于助人的人 一起工作。   B: Why are you interested in the position?   B:你为什么对这一职位感兴趣?   A: I think I’m fit for the position. For I’m sure my major would be of great use for the position. I’m quite happy in my present work, but I hope I would have more responsibility and improve my position.   A:我认为我适合这一职位。因为我肯定我 的所学专业对这一工作一定会很有用 处。我目前的工作让我很开心,但我希 望能承担更多的责任,找到更好的工作。   关于面试英语对话听力材料篇3   A: What contribution did you make to your current organization?   A:你对目前的工作单位有何贡献?   B: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.   B:我已经完成了 3个新项目,而且我相信 我能将我的经验运用到这份工作上。   A: What make you think you would be a success in this position?   A:为什么你认为自己能胜任这份工作?   B: My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.   B:我在学习和实习工作中得到了锻炼,使 我有能力胜任这份工作。我相信我能成功。   A: Are you a multi-tasked individual? Do you work well under stress or pressure?   A:你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人 吗?你能承受工作上的压力吗?   B: Yes, I think so. The trait is needed in my current position and I know I can handle it well.   B:是的,我可以。这种特点就是我目前工 作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。   A: What is your strongest trait?   A:你个性上最大的特点是什么?   B: Helpfulness and caring.   B:乐于助人和关心他人。   A: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?   A:你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?   B: They say Mr. Du is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.   B:他们说,杜先生是位诚实、工作努力,又 很负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。


    初中英语听力材料   听力常作为初中英语英语考试一种题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的.把握。下面是我整理的初中英语听力材料,希望能帮到大家!   初中英语听力材料【1】   1.M: Can you say something about your favorite animal?   W: Yes. It is not big and it can swim well. It can jump. It can live in water or on land.   Question: What animal does he like best?   2.M: Why is the river dirty now?   W: Some people throw rubbish into it. We must stop them.   Question: What do they want to do?   3.M: I can’t find my pen anywhere.   W: The monkey hid it on the cupboard.   Question: Who hid his pen?   4.W: Do you often watch TV?   M: I watch TV on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.   Question: How often does the boy watch TV?   5.W: I’m going to the city by bus tomorrow.   M: Could I go with you?   Question: Where is the woman going tomorrow?   6.W: I go to school by bus every day? What about you?   M: I go to school by bike.   Question: How does the boy go to school every day?   7.W: Could you get me a glass of milk?   M: Sure. Here you are.   Question: What does that woman want?   8.W : What a big zoo!   M: There are more than 150 kinds of animals in it.   Question: How many kinds of animals are than in the zoo?   9.W: How much is the fruit?   M: The apples are 4 yuan a kilo. The pears are 5 yuan a kilo.   Question: Which fruit is cheaper?   10.M: Windy, shall we meet at about 11:30 at the school gate?   W: Certainly. See you then.   Question: What time are they going to meet?   初中英语听力材料【2】   W: What are you going to do this weekend, Bob?   M: I have no idea. What about you, Amy?   W: I don’t know. Do you want to do something together?   M: Sure. What do you want to do?   W: How about going fishing on Saturday?   M: OK! Where are we going to meet?   W: Let’s meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can teach us fishing on the lake.   M: What time shall we meet?   W: Let’s leave early in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.   M: Great! It will be very funny. See you on Saturday.   W: See you then.   初中英语听力材料【3】   1.W: When do you usually get up?   M: I usually get up at 6 in the morning. But this morning I get up at 6:15.   Question: What time did the man get up this morning?   2.M: Who runs fastest in your school?   W: Sally runs faster than Millie. But Millie runs faster than May.   Question : Who runs fastest in your school?   3.M: Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to the post office?   W: OK. Walk along the street, take the first turning on your left and then you’ll see a cinema. It’s on the right of the cinema.   Question: Where is the post office?   4.W: What would Daniel like to drink, tea or coffee?   M: I have no idea.   Question: Does the man know what Daniel would like to drink?   5.M: Where are you going, Miss Green?   W: I’m going to send a letter home.   Question: Where is Miss Green going?   6.M: When will the meeting begin?   W: It’s only 6:30. It will begin in half an hour.   Question: When will the meeting begin?   7.W: What should the visitors remember to do?   M: They should remember to take their umbrellas with them.   Question: What should the visitors remember to do?   8.W: What did you do yesterday?   M: I bought three English books. Peter bought three Chinese books and two geography books.   Question: How many books did they buy yesterday?   9. W: Lily, your bag is too heavy.   M: Yes, but Tom’s bag is heavier than mine , his sister’s is heavier than his.   Question: Whose bag is the heaviest?   10. W: Andy, I hear your bike was not here.   M: Mine was here. , but Jane’s wasn’t.   Question: Whose bike was here? ;



    材料不在多,在于你能否真正掌握它们。我们总是习惯于购买许多材料,但最终发现并非每本书都会从头到尾阅读。因此,强烈建议大家不要购买太多的听力材料。 最好的英语听力材料是VOA、BBC、CRI等。

    首先,初学者可以从VOA Special English开始,因为VOA是最纯正的英语之一。 不管大家是听磁带还是网上听,第一遍,泛听,放松大脑,先掌握整体的意思。 很多人说听不懂,很多词不认识等等,事实上,是因为没有适应英语节奏;第二遍,精听。这时,主动把句子联系起来,弄清楚新闻的意思,包括新闻的一些细节;第三遍,可以对照原文进行精听。这时,应该模仿每个单词的发音、每个句子的语音语调、连读、专业词汇的使用以及整篇文章的节奏。如果还听不懂,多听一遍;最后一步是用自己的语言复述这篇文章的意思。


    再次,在听力练习的过程中,我们应该把握这个流程:首先了解总体思路,然后掌握英语语音语调,最后学习单词和语法。按照 这种方式反复练习将大大提高英语听力水平,并且更容易与外国人面对面交流。


    这些年来,我养成了有事没事就会收看CCTV9的习惯。看新闻很难,新闻中有许多专业词汇,而且语速相对较快。因此,如果你是初学者,不要担心,因为你不了解新闻,听不懂它是正常的,你可以有选择地观看。我经常看的是UP-COLSE,这是一个对话节目,里面经常邀请一些嘉宾来对话。这个节目对练习听和说非常有帮助,当然,其他节目也不错,比如季小军的culture express、杨瑞的dailogue。CCTV-9有很多不同口音的英语,经常观看也有助于我们熟悉不同国家的英语发音,对实际交流非常有帮助。


