
摘要今天我们来聊聊2020江苏高考英语答案,以下6个关于2020江苏高考英语答案的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的大学知识。本文目录2020年江苏高考英语卷真题试卷答案解析(WORD文字版)2020年 高考英...



  • 2020年江苏高考英语卷真题试卷答案解析(WORD文字版)
  • 2020年 高考英语 江苏卷 阅读理解精析
  • 2020年江苏省高考英语试卷有泄密吗?
  • 【高考专题】2020年高考英语 专题复习 阅读理解(15篇) 一(含答案)
  • 2020高考英语难度排名前三的是哪些试卷?
  • 2022新高考一卷英语卷试题及答案一览(可打印)
  • 2020年江苏高考英语卷真题试卷答案解析(WORD文字版)

    高考像漫漫人生路上的一道坎,无论成败与否,只有努力过、拼搏过,这段青春也就无悔了,执的是自信之笔,答的是满意之卷,放松心情,去迎接挑战,相信自己一定会很出色,本文为大家介绍关于2020年江苏高考外语卷的点评解析,即外语卷WORD文字高清版,一起了解。 一、2020年江苏高考外语卷真题答案解析 2020年江苏高考外语考试结束后,我们会第一时间免费分享2020年江苏高考外语卷WORD文字版及真题答案解析:可以扫描免费获取: 1、总体评价:英语试卷选材新颖、题材丰富、体裁多样,富有教育性、时代感,语言真实、地道,符合考生的认知水平和心理特点,试题的设计规范、严谨,没有偏题怪题,呈现了语言交际情境的真实性、实用性和合理性,有利于对考生学科核心素养的考查。 2、倡导核心价值、体现真善美:今年的高考英语试卷,在试题选材和立意之中,紧密联系当代社会生活,处处体现生活中的真善美。考生答题时,既要读懂文章内容,也要理解作者字里行间流露出的情感和价值观,这有助于启发考生树立正确的价值观,进行积极的 3、本套试卷凸显了英语在介绍外国文化,推动中外文化交流中所扮演的角色。通过不同话题和体裁的语言材料,小到课堂教学大到历史事件,向考生呈现出丰富多样的西方文化。比如,阅读C篇介绍了一个全球性的图书交流平台,有利于培养考生用英语参与全球文化交流的能力和意识。 二、2020年江苏高考最新新闻分享 2020年全国普通高考将于7月7日至9日进行。江苏省共有34.8万名考生报名参加普通高考,全省共设279个考点、10566个考场,共有3.3万人参加考务工作。目前,各项准备工作已经就绪。 在省委、省政府统一领导下,全省各地相关部门高度重视疫情防控常态化下的高考工作,坚持“健康第一、考生第一、安全第一”的理念,严密部署,细致安排,确保各项措施落到实处。各级招生委员会进一步加强对疫情防控和高考工作的组织领导,以最高标准、最严要求,层层压实疫情防控和高考组织双重责任,确保广大考生和考务人员的身体健康和生命安全。高考应急协调会议各成员单位加强联动、通力协作,深入开展“净化涉考网络环境”“打击替考作弊”“打击销售作弊器材”“净化考点周边环境”等专项整治,对违纪舞弊现象保持持续高压态势。各级教育和考试部门进一步强化责任担当,逐级明确责任主体和工作要求,切实将疫情防控纳入高考工作全局,确保考试组织各项工作扎实有序。根据防疫要求,全省共设1034个备用隔离考场,各考点均增设一名防疫副主考,共安排1076名卫生健康(疾控)专业人员进驻,切实筑牢防疫防线,确保健康高考。 考前,我省对13个设区市高考准备情况进行联合专项督查,着力围绕考试安全、疫情防控、防暑降温、极端天气应对等重点环节和关键部位全面排查风险、消除隐患,确保考试组织各项安全责任措施落实到位。今年我省持续加强考风考纪建设工作力度,通过调查问卷、宣传教育片、诚信考试承诺书、典型违规案例分析、公开举报电话等多种形式,不断加大对考生诚信考试的宣传和教育力度,引导考生自觉自律抵制舞弊、诚信应考。同时,全省各地各部门强化服务意识,树立“以考生为本”的思想,考前用心服务,为考生送上防疫、备考、心理、天气等方面贴心提示,考中精心组织,为考生提供送考、交通、环境、食品、医疗等各项保障服务,积极营造安全、公平、和谐、温馨的考试环境。 今年我省高考所有科目考试均安排在标准化考场内进行。所有考点均设有体温测量通道,考生和考试工作人员进入考点前必须接受体温测量。所有考生进入考场时,都需通过“考务通”进行身份验证,所有科目的考试都不允许提前交卷。 三、江苏高考英语图文推荐 1、2020年江苏高考英语试卷难度系数点评及答案解析(WORD文字版) 2020年江苏高考试卷难度备受大家关注,教育部考试中心党委书记、主任孙海波介绍,今年江苏高考将以“稳”字当头,科学施策、精准施策,高考的命题将保持试卷结构、题型题量,以及考试难度的相对稳定。我们一起来了解关于2020年江苏高考英语试卷的难度系统和点评解析的相关内容。>>> 查看全文 2、江苏高考英语总分 江苏高考英语总分江苏高考英语单科总分为120分,具体分布为具体分布如下:听力20分、单项填空15分、完形填空20分、四篇阅读理解30分、任务型阅读10分、书面表达25分。江苏高考考场答题技巧1、遇事都往好处想考试前一天没睡好,但我一起床就对自己说“昨天睡得很好”,有了积极的心理暗示,一天顺利挺过来了。看大题时,先不想该怎么做,只是看它如何表述,甚至跟自己说“这题我会做”,让自己有一个平和的心态答题。语文是弱项,相对考得最不好,但因为心态保持得很好,考过了就不再去想,并没影响后来几门发挥。2、别看他人做题的速度..>>> 查看全文 3、今年江苏高考英语卷难不难,2020江苏高考英语卷难度系数点评分析 人生一定不是场百米赛跑,一定是场马拉松是个长跑,人生的这场马拉松,高考只是这漫长跑道上的一段征程。即便暂时落后了同伴很多米,但只要我们足够用力,足够有耐心,光着脚也一定可以跑到终点。言归正传,今年江苏高考英语卷难度系数怎么样?江苏高考英语卷和去年相比难不难,江苏高考英语卷评价如何?下面我为你整理了关于江苏高考英语的相关知识。希望对你有帮助。>>> 查看全文 4、2020年江苏高考英语卷难不难 试卷难度点评解析(word文字版下载) 5、2020年江苏高考英语试题难不难,今年江苏英语难易度调查

    2020年 高考英语 江苏卷 阅读理解精析

    B     Sometimes it's hard to let go 放手 . For many British people, that can apply to 应用于 institutions and objects that represent their country's past — age-old 古老的 castles,  splendid华丽的  homes ... and red phone boxes 红色电话亭 .     Beaten first by the march of (the march of sth ...的稳步发展)  technology and lately by the terrible weather in junkyards (废品场) , the phone boxes representative of(be representative of sth/sb 典型的;有代表性的)  an age are now making something of a comeback 再度流行 . Adapted in imaginative ways, many have reappeared on city streets and village greens housing tiny cafes, cellphone repair shops, or even defibrillator machines (除颤器).     The original iron boxes with the round roofs first appeared in 1926. They were designed by Giles Gilbert Scott, the architect 建筑师  of the Battersea Power Station in London. After becoming an important part of many British streets, the phone boxes began disappearing in the 1980s, with the rise of the mobile phone sending most of them away to the junkyards.     About that time, Tony Inglis' engineering and transport company got the job to remove phone boxes from the streets and sell them out (sell out 售空) . But Inglis ended up(end up doing sth 以...结束) buying hundreds of them himself, with the idea of repairing and selling them. He said that he had heard the calls 听到召唤  to preserve the boxes and had seen how some of them were listed as historic buildings 历史性建筑 .     As Inglis and, later other businessmen, got to work, repurposed(repurpose v. 为适应新用途对...稍加修改)  phone boxes began reappearing in cities and villages as people found new uses for them . Today, they are once again 再一次 a familiar sight 熟悉的场景 , playing roles 扮演角色  that are often just as important for the community as their original purpose.     In rural areas在农村地区, where ambulances救护车 can take a relatively long time to arrive, the phone boxes have taken on 承担 a lifesaving role. Local organizations can adopt 采用  them for 1 pound, and install安装  defibrillators to help in emergencies在紧急情况下 .     Others also looked at the phone boxes and saw business opportunities 看到了商机. LoveFone, a company that advocates提倡  repairing cellphones rather than 而不是 abandoning them, opened a mini- workshop 车间 in a London phone box in 2016.     The tiny shops made economic sense 有经济意义 , according to 根据  Robert Kerr, a founder 创始人  of LoveFone. He said that one of the boxes generated around $13,500 in revenue收益 a month and cost only about $400 to rent.     Inglis said phone boxes called to mind 使想起 an age when things were built to last. "I like what they are to people, and I enjoy bringing things back," he said. (enjoy doing sth ) C     For those who can stomach (v. 能吃,吃得下)  it, working out(work out 运动,锻炼)  before breakfast may be more beneficial for health than eating first, according to a study of meal timing  and physical activity .     Athletes and scientists have long known that meal timing affects performance. However, far less has been known about how meal timing and exercise might affect general health 整体健康状况 .     To find out, British scientists conducted a study 进行了一项研究. They first found 10 overweight and inactive but otherwise healthy young men, whose lifestyles are, for better and worse, representative of those of most of us. They tested the men's fitness and resting metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates and took samples (样品) of their blood and fat tissue 脂肪组织.     Then, on two separate morning visits to the scientists' lab, each man walked for an hour at an average speed  that, in theory理论上 , should allow his body to rely mainly on 主要依靠  fat for fuel. Before one of these workouts , the men skipped breakfast 不吃早餐 , meaning that they exercised on a completely empty stomach after a long overnight fast (禁食) . On the other occasion, they ate a rich morning meal about two hours before they started walking.     Just before and an hour after each workout, the scientists took additional samples of the men's blood and fat tissue.     Then they compared the samples. There were considerable differences 巨大的差异 . Most obviously, the men displayed lower blood sugar levels at the start of 在...的开始  their workouts when they had skipped breakfast than when they had eaten. As a result 结果 , they burned more fat 燃烧更多的脂肪   during walks on an empty stomach than when they had eaten first. On the other hand 在另一方面 , they burned slightly more calories (卡路里), on average 平均 , during the workout after breakfast than after fasting.     But it was the effects deep within the fat cells that may have been the most significant, the researchers found.(强调句式) Multiple genes behaved differently, depending on whether 取决于是否  someone had eaten or not before walking. Many of these genes produce proteins (蛋白质) that can improve blood sugar regulation and insulin (胰岛素) levels throughout the body and so are associated with 与...相联系  improved metabolic health 代谢健康 . These genes were much more active when the men had fasted before exercise than when they had breakfasted.     The implication应用 of these results is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise, it may be wise to skip eating first. D     I was in the middle of the Amazon (亚马逊) with my wife, who was there as a medical researcher. We flew on a small plane to a faraway village偏远乡村 . We did not speak the local language 说本地话 , did not know the customs, and more often than not 常常 , did not entirely recognize the food. We could not have felt more foreign 陌生的 .     We were raised on books and computers, highways and cell phones, but now we were living in a village without running water自来水 or electricity . It was easy for us to go to sleep at the end of the day feeling a little misunderstood.     Then one perfect Amazonian evening, with monkeys calling from beyond the village green, we played soccer 踢足球. I am not good at soccer, but that evening it was wonderful. Everyone knew the rules. We all spoke the same language of passes and shots. We understood one another perfectly. As darkness came over the field and the match ended, the goalkeeper 记分员 , Juan, walked over to me and said in a matter-of-fact way 平静地 , "In your home, do you have a moon too?" I was surprised.     After I explained to Juan that yes, we did have a moon and yes, it was very similar to 与... 非常相似  his, I felt a sort of awe (敬畏) at the possibilities that existed in his world. In Juan's world, each village could have its own moon. In Juan's world, the unknown and undiscovered was vast and marvelous 令人惊讶的 . Anything was possible.     In our society 在我们的社会, we know that Earth has only one moon. We have looked at our planet from every angle and found all of the wildest things left to find. I can, from my computer at home, pull up satellite images of Juan's village. There are no more continents and no more moons to search for, little left to discover. At least it seems that way.至少看上去是如此。     Yet, as I thought about思考 Juan's question, I was not sure how much more we could really rule out 不考虑 . I am, in part 某种程度上 , an ant biologist, so my thoughts turned to what we know about了解 insect life and I knew that much in the world of insects remains unknown . How much, though? How ignorant (无知的) are we? The question of what we know and do not know constantly bothered me 一直困扰着我.     I began collecting newspaper articles about new species, new monkeys, new spiders..., and on and on 不停地  they appear. My drawer quickly filled. I began a second drawer for more general discoveries: a new cave system discovered with dozens of 许多  nameless species, four hundred species of bacteria found in the human stomach. The second drawer began to fill and as it did, I wondered whether there were bigger discoveries out there, not just species, but the life that depends on things thought to be useless, life even without DNA. I started the third drawer for these big discoveries . It fills more slowly, but all the same 依旧 , it fills.     In在做...的过程中  looking into the stories of biological discovery, I also began to find something else, a collection of scientists, usually brilliant, occasionally half-mad, who made the discoveries . Those scientists very often see the same things that other scientists see, but they pay more attention to them, and they focus on them to the point of exhaustion (穷尽) , and at the risk of the ridicule 嘲笑 of their peers. In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.     We are repeatedly willing to (be willing to do sth 愿意做某事) imagine we have found most of what is left to discover. We used to (used to do sth 过去常做某事) think that insects were the smallest organisms (生物) and that nothing lived deeper than six hundred meters. Yet, when something new turns up 出现, more often than not , we do not even know its name.








    精心挑选的试题语料富含很高比例的文化元素,尤其是来自中国的要素。比如线上教学、大湾桥、垃圾分类、新冠肺炎、6G、张仲景、成功、武汉、英国邮筒、锻炼、血糖、发现、幽默、BBC、CCTV 9、杜甫、中国故事等等。


    参考资料来源:中国网-江苏高考英语试卷“疑现原题” 官方:正了解情况

    【高考专题】2020年高考英语 专题复习 阅读理解(15篇) 一(含答案)







    2020高考英语难度排名前三的是江苏卷 、上海卷 、浙江卷。





















    2022新高考一卷英语卷试题及答案已经公布,需要的朋友可以下载出来使用。下面是我为大家整理的2022新高考一卷英语卷试题及答案一览(可打印),仅供参考,喜欢可以 收藏 与分享哟!


    高考 复习 方法


    用以往的 经验 来说,身边有很多同学,平时成绩很好的,但是一到大考,却往往不理想,这是为什么呢?大多数落榜的同学往往是因为心理素质的问题,有所欠缺,还没有认识到心理素质在高考之中,也是很重要的。除了平常的知识点复习以外,也要注意自己心理的状况。平时压力大就要学会及时宣泄抒发。平时要加强锻炼自己的抗压能力,抗挫折能力。考差了不要紧,要分析原因,找漏洞和短板,如果考好了,不要骄傲,要谦虚的学习,跟不断地进步。






    紧跟老师的节奏。进入高三以后,许多同学都会形成一个误区,总觉得老师讲的知识点太简单了,自己什么都会,所以上课的时候基本上不听讲,只按照自己的复习步骤来。这是一个错误的复习方法,凡是能够带高三的老师,那他们一定是身经百战,阅历丰富的老师,否则的话,他们也不能够带好高三。老师的经验很丰富,他们已经带过很多届 毕业 生,对于高考哪些知识点会考到,哪些地方需要注意都是了如执掌。所以,不管老师讲的怎么样,一定要紧跟老师的脚步。


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