



  • 2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文四篇
  • 2022年12月大学英语四级作文万能模板【三篇】
  • 2022年12月英语四级作文模板【三篇】
  • 2020年9月大学英语四级易考作文范文三篇
  • 2022年12月英语四级作文必背范文汇总
  • 2022年12月大学英语四级范文必备模板
  • 2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文四篇

    【 #四六级考试# 导语】不做说话的巨人,行动的矮子。说再多的漂亮话,也不如做一件实实在在的漂亮事,行动永远是迈向成功的第一步,想永远只会在原地踏步。对于考试而言亦是如此,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下为“2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文四篇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注 ! 【篇一】2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   假设你是Tony,是英语一班二年级学生,因有事不能上外教Ms. Riddle 的课,给她写一张请假条,说明你不能来上课的原因。   【范文】   October 8, 2007   Dear Ms. Riddle,   I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from your Oral English class this Thursday morning.   Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from my cousin, who is now operating a small company in suburbs of this city. He needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most trustworthy person, so he wants me to make an attempt. It seems to me that this is a golden opportunity to put what I have learned in your class into practice, but I need your permission of absence. If you think I may go and help him overcome the difficulty, I am confident that I’ll do a good job and both of us will be thankful.   Earnestly yours,   Tony 【篇二】2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Intelligence- Nature or Nurture? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   1. 有人认为智力是天生的   2. 也有人认为智力是环境决定的   3. 如何更好地发展智力   【范文】   Intelligence-Nature or Nurture?   Nowadays, there is no agreement among people concerning intelligence. Some people contend that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. And the closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence.   However, others maintain that environment plays a crucial role in our intelligence. For instance, if we put two identical twins in different environments, we might send one to university and the other to a factory where the job is boring, we would find differences in their intelligence several years later.   Just as every coin has two sides, our intelligence is partly born and partly developed. The sure way to develop our intelligence is intelligent parents as well as a good environment. 【篇三】2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Shopping Center in the Neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   据称,在你所在社区内将建一个大型购物中心。你同意还是反对这个计划?为什么?请说出具体的理由。   【范文】   A Shopping Center in the Neighborhood   Although large shopping centers are very convenient and good places to spend free time, they can also bring some disadvantages, and for this reason I would disagree with the building of one in my neighborhood.   First of all, one disadvantage of having a large shopping center would be a great increase in traffic. More cars would not only bring traffic jams but also noise and parking problems. Second, a large shopping center requires a lot of space. To build one, some open space would have to be sacrificed. We might no longer have room for a sports ground.   Just because of the above disadvantages, I would oppose any plan to construct a large shopping center in my neighborhood. Although it is necessary for me to visit shopping centers on occasion, I could spend some time traveling to another one not far away. My neighborhood is a peaceful and quiet place and I hope it will stay that way. 【篇四】2020年9月大学英语四级备考作文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Do We Need “Never give up”? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:   1. “永不言弃”一直被认为是一种积极的生活态度,是个人成功的关键因素   2. 但是,也有人认为适当的放弃才是明智的选择   3. 你对此的看法及理由   【范文】   Do We Need “Never give up”?   It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for himself/herself.   In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.   Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.   


    【 #四六级考试# 导语】你可以创造未来的方式,就是脚踏实地向前走。你的未来也只有自己才能创造,既然选择了就要毫不犹豫的坚持走下去。 考 网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.2022年12月大学英语四级作文万能模板 篇一   Green Consumption   1. 绿色消费的概念在中国日渐流行   2. 中国推行绿色消费还存在许多困难   3. 如何解决这个问题   【参考范文】   Green Consumption   The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and more and more   people are becoming conscious of environmental protection.   However, there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, due to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the   market. Moreover, many consumers don’t want to pay extra money for green foods.   There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers’ interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable. 2.2022年12月大学英语四级作文万能模板 篇二   1.什么是社会责任感   2.如何加强社会责任感   3.呼吁:让我们肩负起自己的社会责任   【参考范文】   Strengthening the Sense of Social Responsibility   Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility. The sense of social responsibility is very important to us. If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility, we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.   How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlook, so that when they grow up, they become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country. Last but no least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda.   If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society. 3.2022年12月大学英语四级作文万能模板 篇三   Free Admission to Parks   1. 越来越多的公园免费开放,目的是什么   2. 也会带来一些问题   3. 你的看法   【参考范文】   Free Admission to Parks   To encourage people to go outside and relax, a mounting number of parks offer free admission now. People benefit from it, especially during these tough economic times. With free entry, more people will have the opportunity for affordable vacations for families, taking pleasure in the natural landscape.   Fresh air and landscapes in parks are good for people. However, too many people   flocking into parks might not be so good for the parks.   For example, some visitors leave their garbage behind, which may cause environmental pollution. And people’s barbeques and stamping will also bring damage to the grassland and other greeneries in parks.   As a university student, I’m in favor of free admission to parks. Free entry to parks not only saves people’s expenditure, but also makes things fairer — people like the poor and students can go to parks frequently as well. On the other hand, visitors should be informed to preserve the environment while enjoying the beauty of the nat


    【 #四六级考试# 导语】中国有“书读百遍,其义自见”的古谚,一直在强调重复练习的重要性。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年12月英语四级作文模板   Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Getting to Know the World outside Campus.   1.大学生了解社会的必要性。   2.了解社会的途径(大众媒介,社会服务等)。   3.你打算怎么做。   【英语四级作文范文】   Getting to Know the World outside Campus   It is of great significance for a collegue student to know the world outside the campus.In this fast-developing “Information Age”,collegue students must keep pace with the progess of the world.Additionally,by contacting the off-campus world,collegue students can have chance to get more practical skills.Therefore,how to know the world outside the campus is worth our attention.   Many ways can be adopted by our collegue students to increase our knowledge of the world.Firstly,mass media,such as radios,televisions,newspapers and the Internet,are a good choice,by which we can be well informed about what is happening.Secondly,providing volunteer services is an efficient way to contact and know the society.Thirdly,we can take part-time jobs to increase our practical experience.   As for me,I will try to create and grasp more chances to contact the society.In my opinion,getting to know the off-campus world is as important as improving academic performance.Therefore,I suggest every collegue student should not confine himself to the campus but often go outside. 2.2022年12月英语四级作文模板   旅行方式   Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Which Mode of Travel Do You Like?   1. 有的人喜欢参加旅行团旅行。   2. 有的人喜欢自己独自旅行。   3. 你喜欢的是......   英语四级作文范文:   When it comes to travel mode, different people have different preferences. Some people are in favor of the package tour. However, others would like to travel on their own.   Those people who hold the first opinion believe package tour saves them a lot of trouble, such as finding the accommodation. In addition, they say, package tour can relatively ensure the safety of the tourists. However, still others think differently. In other opinions, they can get a greater degree of independence and freedom, and can take their time to appreciate the views. Besides, they argue that it will cost less to travel on one’s own than join package tours.   Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer to the latter one. For another, I can decide by myself when to start on my way, where to linger a little longer and which spot to skip over. Considering all these, I think traveling on my own is a better mode of travel. 3.2022年12月英语四级作文模板   拒绝盗版   Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated Products.   1. 目前盗版现象比较严重。   2. 造成在这种现象的原因及危害。   3. 我们应该怎么做?   【英语四级作文范文】   Nowadays piracy is becoming more and more of a problem in China. Almost any product, such as tape, CD and hi-tech device, can be copied. Shortly after a newly-developed product is put on the market, people will unsurprisingly find its pirated counterparts in the stores.   It should be paid attention to that piracy causing great harm. On the one hand, pirated products often sell well due to their unbeatable advantage in price in spite of their relatively poor quality, and the original ones, on the contrary, sell poorly. On the other hand, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers since those legitimate producers’ enthusiasm may be greatly hurt as a result of money loss. Therefore, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem as soon as possible.   First of all, stricter laws and regulations should be issued to punish piracy behaviors. Moreover, as customers, we should develop our consciousness to resist pirated products. Only in this way can this problem be solved radically.


    【 #四六级考试# 导语】只有坚定坚持最初的梦想走下去,再苦再累再难,坚定不移,才有可能走向成功。考试开考在即, ! 【篇一】2020年9月大学英语四级易考作文范文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Nationwide Shortage of Power Supply. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   1. 专家预测,自2006年下半年出现的全国范围内的电力短缺目前仍呈不断加剧态势   2. 分析全国范围内缺电现象的原因(可从发电设备过于陈旧、高耗能行业的过快发展等方面加以分析)   3. 试提供缺电问题解决方案   【范文】   Nationwide Shortage of Power Supply   According to experts, China is facing a more severe power shortage at present than it did in the second half of the year 2006. In fact, a good number of provincial areas have already imposed power brownouts in the past few months.   There is no doubt that accelerating development of power-intensive industrial sectors, the growing pace of urbanization and low energy efficiency should be blamed for the extensive shortage of power supply. Besides, the situation is worsened by slow power construction and inadequate overall power generation.   In order to ease the current power shortage, a package of measures should be introduced as soon as possible. Firstly, a nationwide campaign should be launched to educate the public about methods to improve efficiency of energy consumption. Secondly, great efforts should be made to curb wasteful duplications and cut irrational demand in some industries. Thirdly, construction of energy and transport projects should be accelerated to expand power supply. Lastly, it is necessary to optimize energy structure and establish a diversified energy consumption pattern. Only in this way can China’s power shortage ease and finally disappear in the near future. 【篇二】2020年9月大学英语四级易考作文范文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter of Recommendation. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:   假设你是Leah Kim,为你的学生李明给其应聘的公司写一封推荐信,信的内容可以包括以下几点:   1. 介绍学生的基本情况   2. 评价学生的表现和能力   3. 对他未来发展的评价   【范文】   A Letter of Recommendation   To whom it may concern,   It is my pleasure to recommend my student Li Ming for working in your company. I have been acquainted with Li Ming for four years but came to know him well last year, as he was in the class that I taught, a thirteen-student junior English class.   Students and teachers often remark that Li Ming is blessed with considerable talent. He is gifted for the English language and has acquired good listening and speaking skills for the language. And he won the first prize in our English writing contest last semester. As regards his personality, I find him honest, responsible, and cooperative. I bet you’ll like him too.   I recommend him enthusiastically. I believe Li Ming will be a competent and responsible employee. And his hardworking and talent will enable him to go further in his career. If you need further information regarding Li Ming, do not hesitate to contact me.   Best regards!   Sincerely yours,   Leah Kim 【篇三】2020年9月大学英语四级易考作文范文   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Media and Shopping. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   1. 当今,各种媒体非常发达,人们通过媒体购物相当普遍起来   2. 媒体购物给人们带来很多方便,同时也暴露出其弊端   3. 我的看法   【范文】   Media and Shopping   With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and the Internet.   As we know, every coin has two sides and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you don’t have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss.   As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefits to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.


    对于考英语四级的朋友来说,英语作文这一块是高分题,只有把握好了才能得分。以下是我收集的四级英语作文范文,欢迎阅读参考!希望对大家有帮助。 英语四级作文范文 第一篇 On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success. The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers’ feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.” All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved. 第二篇 A volunteer activity was organized by the Student Union in our University on 5th June last week. The activity was designed to visit and help the elderly people in the neighborhood. Twenty students actively took part in the activity and contributed to giving care and love to the elderly. They helped to clean up the houses and chatted with the senior people in the morning. In addition, they played games with the elderly people and delivered a series of art programs to the welcoming seniors. This volunteer activity is meaningful and valuable. With the activity, we can cultivate mutual trust, understanding and good relationship between us and the elderly. The society and family must give priority to helping the elderly, which is indispensable for not only their mental and physical health but also for the long-term development of the society. 第三篇 Sample: Moral Building on Campus Recently, if you search the internet or other media, you would see reports on demoralization now and then. Universities are no exception. These demoralization shows in the following aspects: theft, lack of credibility, cheating in examinations, plagiarism in papers, improper interaction with the opposite sex etc. In sum, moral building on campus is of critical importance in students’ all-round development. On one hand, this requires the universities to attach great importance to natural environment planning and building. A good campus environment plays an active role in cultivating students’ ideology and moral education. On the other hand, the staff in the university should find the best in both Chinese and Western culture to educate the students. Students can learn important lessons from Western cultures, adding to our profound morality. We, as students in the university, should be aware of the importance of moral building. We should do something to support the moral building work, starting from little things around us. Students Union should organize some activities for students to take part in, highlighting the importance of moral building. 第四篇 Ideals Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another. My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving people’s lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. 第五篇 Fast Food Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won't be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurant. However, I think that fast food isn't healthy enough because it does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. 英语四级作文必背万能句子 一、用于作文开头的万能模板 1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为…… 这句话乍看没亮点,但将众人皆知的"think"换为"insist"有没有觉得高大上了许多? 2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…… 这个可是我当年的"杀手锏"啊,虽谈不上洋气,但正确率百分百啊,还超好记! 3、A lot of people seem to think that... 很多人似乎认为…… "think"终于闪亮登场,但"seem to"为整个句子增添了点婉转之感,这种客观的方式貌似较受老外(尤其腐国人)喜爱。 二、引出不同观点的万能模板 1、People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that.... 人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为…… 看这个长度就已然鹤立鸡群。其实,也是一个蛮简单也好记的模板。 2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。 乍一看,跟上句的开头神似,其实就是省略掉了"people's",不仅清爽而且好像高端了一些。 3、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。 又是一个婉转的句子,展示其客观性。 4、There are different opinions among people as to... 关于……人们的观点大不相同。 "different"虽拉低了水准,但"as to"又拯救了回来。 5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。 这句话貌似亮点不多,顶多一个"hold",但也是安全牌,容易理解。 三、得出最终结论的万能模板 1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that... 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论…… 很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短语的应用,加分。 2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that... 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论…… "Take into account sth"短语似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一个层次。 3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that... 因此,自然我们得出以下结论。。。 "Hence"一词用在文章中大气吧,但别平时口语中用,否则即使老外也用一种看老古董的眼神看你。。。 再特意提一句:"we'd better"在这里不是“不得不”或“最好”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。 4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。 短语"there is no doubt that"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友"as well as"增加看点。 5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。 这句话一般用于作文结尾,属万能句式,句式较为简单,方便操作。


    【 #四六级考试# 导语】生命不是一篇“文摘”,不接受平淡,只收藏精彩。对于四级考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年12月大学英语四级范文必备模板   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Deal with Sub-health? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   1. 随着现代化的不断加速发展,全世界的物质生活水平不断攀升,但人们却日益受到“亚健康”这种不良状态的威胁   2. 亚健康的具体表现及在我国的蔓延程度(据调查,北京 75%、上海72%、广州70%的上班族都处于亚健康状态)   3. 在现代社会中应怎样解决亚健康问题   【范文】   How to Deal with Sub-health   With the modernization of the world, people’s standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.   There are some typical symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation is spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.   Then how can we solve this problem effectively? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves healthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy. 2.2022年12月大学英语四级范文必备模板   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a letter applying for a position of acompany. You should write at least 120 wordsaccording to the outline given below in Chinese:   1.申请职位;   2.简要介绍自己的情况;   3.期待回信。   【范文】   Dear Sir or Madam,   I am senior from the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University. I amwriting the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/yourrecently advertised position for a staff member.   I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, whichfurther details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only domy qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality iswell suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, myhobbies include sports and music.   Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you rendered me.Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. 3.2022年12月大学英语四级范文必备模板   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Do We Need “Never give up”? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:   1. “永不言弃”一直被认为是一种积极的生活态度,是个人成功的关键因素   2. 但是,也有人认为适当的放弃才是明智的选择   3. 你对此的看法及理由   【范文】   Do We Need “Never give up”?   It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for himself/herself.   In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.   Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.


