



  • 英语六级听力题目,帮忙解释。
  • 2020年12月英语六级听力真题答案
  • 英语六级听力考试原文训练及答案
  • ​2019年英语六级听力模拟题及答案
  • 英语六级听力能看到答案吗?
  • 英语四六级考试答案
  • 英语六级听力题目,帮忙解释。

    W:电梯是在每层都停吗? M:不是.


    英语六级听力对话答案 Conversation 1

    Q1: C) Her claim has been completely disregarded. Q2: A) The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.

    Q3: D) The woman' s failure to pay her house insurance in time. Q4: A) File a lawsuit against the insurance company.

    Conversation 2 Q5: B) They disagree about the future of AI technology.

    Q6: C) Less time-consuming and focusing on creation. Q7: B) Digital life could replace human civilization.

    Q8: D) It will be smarter than human beings. 英语六级听力短文答案

    Passage 1 Q9: B) Save one-fifth of their net monthly income.

    Q10: A) Start by doing something small. Q11: B) An ambitious plan."

    Passage 2 Q12: B) She found her outfit inappropriate.

    Q13: A) To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day. Q14: C) It matters a lot in jobs involving interaction with others.

    Q15: D) Do whatever is possible to look smart. 英语六级听力演讲答案

    Recording 1 Q16: A Their obsession with consumption.

    Q17: D Things that we cherish most. Q18:A They serve multiple purposes.

    Recording 2 Q19: C Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distance they drove.

    Q20: C They wanted to protect their reputation. Q21: B They seem intuitive.

    Recording 3 Q22: D Older people's aversion to new music.

    Q23: A They no longer listen to new music. Q24:D The more you experience something,the better you'll appreciate it.

    Q25: B Teenagers' emotions are more intense. 2020年12月英语六级听力真题答案小编就说到这里了,更多关于大学英语六级考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯,成绩查询,准考证打印入口,准考证打印时间等内容,小编会持续更新。祝愿各位考生都能认真备考,顺利通过考试。


      SectionC Recording   Recording1   (积极情绪和消极情绪以及其利弊)   Let’s say you start to brainstorm a list of all the emotions you’ve ever experienced. Just for fun. Try it now. What’s on your list? Chances are you included things like happy, sad, excited, angry, afraid, grateful, proud, scared, confused, stressed, relaxed and amazed. Now sort your list into two categories: positive emotions and negative emotions. Feeling both positive and negative emotions is a natural part of being human. We might use the word “negative” to describe more difficult emotions, but it doesn't mean those emotions are bad or we shouldn't have them. Still, most people would probably rather feel a positive emotion than a negative one. It's likely you'd prefer to feel happy instead of sad or confident instead of insecure. What matters is how our emotions are balanced, how much of each type of emotion, positive or negative we experience. Negative emotions warn us of threats or challenges that we may need to deal with. For example, fear can alert us to possible danger. It's a signal that we might need to protect ourselves. Angry feelings warn us that someone is stepping on our toes, crossing a boundary or violating our trust. Anger can be a signal that we might need to act on our own behalf. Negative emotions focus our awareness. They help us to zero in on a problem so we can deal with it. But too many negative emotions can make us feel overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted or stressed out. When negative emotions are out of balance, problems might seem too big to handle. The more we dwell on negative emotions, the more negative we begin to feel. Focusing on negativity just keeps it going. Positive emotions balance out negative ones. But they have other powerful benefits, too. Instead of narrowing our focus, like negative emotions do, positive emotions affect our brains in ways that increase our awareness, attention and memory. They help us take in more information, hold several ideas in mind at once and understand how different ideas relate to each other. When positive emotions open us up to new possibilities, we are more able to learn and build on our skills that lead to doing better on tasks and tests. People who have plenty of positive emotions in their everyday lives tend to be happier, healthier, learn better and get along well with others.   Q16. What does the speaker say about negative emotions?   Q17. What happens to people whose negative emotions are out of balance?   Q18. How do positive emotions affect us?   Recording2   (3D打印机引领服饰新潮流)   In the past few months, I've been traveling for weeks at a time with only one suitcase of clothes. One day, I was invited to an important event, and I wanted to wear something special for it. I looked through my suitcase but couldn't find anything to wear. I was lucky to be at the technology conference then, and I had access to 3D printers. So I quickly designed a skirt on my computer, and I loaded the file on the printer. It just printed the pieces overnight. The next morning, I just took all the pieces, assembled them together in my hotel room, and this is actually the skirt that I'm wearing right now. So it wasn't the first time that I printed clothes. For my senior collection at fashion design school, I decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from my home. The problem was that I barely knew anything about 3D printing, and I had only nine months to figure out how to print five fashionable looks. I always felt most creative when I worked from home. I loved experimenting with new materials, and I always tried to develop new techniques to make the most unique textiles for my fashion projects. One summer break, I came here to New York for an internship at a fashion house in Chinatown. We worked on two incredible dresses that were 3D printed. They were amazing — like you can see here. But I had a few problems with them. They were made from hard plastics and that's why they were very breakable. The models couldn't sit in them, and they even got scratched from the plastics under their arms. So now the main challenge was to find the right material for printing clothes with. I mean the material you feed the printer with. The breakthrough came when I was introduced to Filaflex, which is a new kind of printing material. It's strong, yet very flexible. And with it, I was able to print the first garment, a red jacket that had the word "freedom" — embedded into it. And actually, you can easily download this jacket, and change the word to something else. For example, your name or your sweetheart's name. So I think in the future, materials will evolve, and they will look and feel like fabrics we know today, like cotton or silk.   Q19. What does the speaker say about the skirt she is wearing now?   Q20. When did the speaker start experimenting with 3D printing?   Q21. What was the problem with the material the speaker worked on at New York fashion house?   Q22. What does the speaker say about the Filaflex?   Recording3   (中小企业的发展)   Welcome to the third lecture in our series on the future of small businesses in Europe. The purpose of today's lecture, as you have seen from the title and the abstract, is to examine in more detail the problems facing small and medium sized enterprises which arise at least in part from having to adapt to rapid advances in technology. And I want to look at these both from a financial and from a personnel point of view and to offer a few hopefully effective solutions. Here we have three of the most important problems facing small businesses that I want to look at today. First, keeping up with the pace of technological change, recruiting high quality staff in a time of skills shortages in I.T. as a whole and in a highly competitive market and the issue of retaining staff once they've been recruited and trained. Now all of these problems involve significant costs for all businesses, but they're a particularly challenging issue for small and medium sized enterprises. And those costs will vary depending on the size and scale of the businesses. So let's come to the first issue on our list which is keeping pace with developments in technology. Now we all know that the technology industry is intensely competitive with new products being launched all year round, as the various companies strive to compete with each other rather than say once a year or every couple of years. And this is a real headache for smaller businesses. So let's imagine we have a small company which is doing OK. It's just about making a profit, and it spends most of its income on overheads. So for a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if it's only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive. So in my view, some creative thinking needs to come in here to find ways to help companies in this situation to stay ahead in the game. But at the same time to remain technologically competitive. Well there's the possibility that small groups of companies with similar requirements, but not directly competing with each other, they could share the cost of upgrading in much the same way as let's say, an Internet operates within larger organizations. In fact, cost sharing could be a very practical solution, especially in times of financial difficulty. If there's downward pressure on costs, because of a need for investment in other areas, I would argue that this is a perfectly feasible solution.   Q23. What does the speaker say about the problems facing small and medium sized enterprises?   Q24. Why does the speaker's say about the technology industry?   Q25. What is a practical solution to the problems of small and medium sized businesses?   Section C Lecture   16. [B] They are necessary in our lives.   17. [B] They feel too overwhelmed to deal with life's problem.   18. [A] They expand our mind.   19. [B] It came from a 3D printer.   20. [C] When she was studying at a fashion design school.   21. [C] It was hard and breakable.   22. [D] It marks a breakthrough in printing material.   23. [A] They arise from the advances in technology.   24. [D] It is intensively competitive.   25. [D] Sharing of costs with each other.


    2019年英语六级听力模拟题及答案   第一节:请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。   1.What does the man want to do?   A.To go out with Sally. B.To see Sally. C.To talk to Sally.   2.What are the speakers going to do?   A.To go shopping. B.To see a film. C.To have hair cut.   3.When will the next bus leave for Beijing?   A.10:07. B.10:30. C.11:00.   4.What can we learn about the boy?   A.He often finds excuses to be off. B.His grandfather is often ill. C.His grandfather died.   5.What did the woman tell the man to do?   A.To post a letter. B.To get the bread C.To buy newspapers.   第二节:请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。   听第6段材料回答第6至8题。   6.What is Mike going to do?   A.To see a movie. B.To attend a party. C.To look after a baby.   7.Where will the children do picnic?   A.On the top of a mountain. B.On a small island. C.Near their house.   8.How will the children go there?   A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car.   听第7段材料回答第9至11题。   9.What are the speakers talking about?   A.Traveling. B.Train engines making. C.Hobbies.   10.Which continent does the man probably live in?   A.America. B.Europe. C.Asia.   1 1.Whom does the steam engine belong to?   A.An American company. B.Five persons. C.The man   听第8段材料,回答l2至l4题。   12.What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?   A.Classmates. B.Brother and sister. C. Roommates.   13.What’s the man going to do?   A.To have a date. B.To take part in a party. C. To visit a friend.   14.Why does the woman refuse to lend the man anything?   A.She doesn’t have any of them· B.She doesn’t trust the man. C.She thinks poorly of Liza   听第9段材料,回答15至17题。   15.Why did the man decide to go to the library?   A.One of his classes finished early. B.He wanted to get some studying done.   C.The library had a special display on the Revolution·   16.After getting the books,what did the man do?   A.Checked them out. B.Put them in his book bag. C.Returned them to the shelves   17.According to the man,what happens to all the books in the library?   A.They are marked with colored labels. B.They are inspected by the guard.   C.They are specially coded.   听第10段材料回答第18至20题。   18.What is the main purpose for making this announcement?   A.To describe an event. B.To invite people to Harry’s. C.To warn people of danger.   19.What is coming?   A.A storm. B.A camping ban. C.An electric disaster.   20.What does the speaker suggest?   A.Watching television. B.Staying with crowd. C. Listening to the radio.   听力参考答案(每小题1.5分,共20题,总计30分)   1-5:CBCAB 6-l0:AACCA   ll-l5:BBACA l6-20:BCCAC   听力原文:   Text l M:If you see Sally,can you ask her to phone me?   W:Sure.I'll be seeing her this evening,So I’ll tell her then.   Text 2 M:Hurry up! Are you ready to go? We’11 be late for the movie.   W:I’m still washing my hair.Well,come in and wait.We can go there by taxi.   Text 3 W:When will the next bus leave for Beijing?   M:Buses leave for Beijing every thirty minutes.You’ve just missed the ten thirty bus by seven minutes.   Text 4 W:What? you want another day off? I’m anxious to hear what excuse you have this time.You have been off for your grandfather’s funeral four times already.   M:But today my grandma is getting married again.   Text 5 W:Did you remember to get the bread?   M:Well,I remember walking past the baker’s shop.   W:But you forgot to get the bread.   M:I’m afraid so.I don’t remember you telling me that.   Text 6 M:Hello,Linda! W:Hello,Mike!   M:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?   W:Sorry.I’m getting ready for tomorrow’s picnic now.   M:Yes? Whom will you have it with?   W:Some of my classmates.   M:Where?   W:On the top of the mountain.   M:It’s so far from our town.How will you get there?   W:Jack’s father will take US there in his car.   Text 7   W:How did you begin to have this interest?   M:Well,when l was a boy,I used to collect train numbers,the numbers of the engines,that is.When I got the numbers of nearly all the engines on this island,I went to France,Holland,Germany,and Italy to look up the railways there.   W:And how many foreign countries have you been to?   M:I’ve been to 23 countries in Europe and Africa,and I'm hoping to go to the Far East and Australia next year.   W:You actually own a steam engine,don’t you?   M:It’s not just mine.Five of us bought all old steam engine.So I'm a part—owner.We keep it on a track,which belongs to an American company.   W:Thank you very much,Mr..Andrews.   Text 8   M:Would you please do me a favor,Sarah?   W:It depends on what it is.   M:Could you lend me twenty dollars until Wednesday?   W:I suppose so.If you’re sure you can pay the money back to me on Tuesday.   M:Of course.There’s something else,too,Sarah.Would you mind me tiding your bike tonight?   W:Well,I guess not.I have to study anyway,so I won’t be using it.   M:Wonderful! I’ve one last favor to ask you.I'd appreciate it if I could borrow your new walkman.   W:Where on earth are you going tonight?   M:To the cinema together with Liza,my new girlfriend.I want to look rich.   W:Oh,no! How can you go out with her? She’s awful.If you insist on going to the cinema with her, I won’t lend you anything.Besides.I'll tell Dad all about her·   Text 9   M:Do you know what happened to me today? I was so embarrassed·   W:What?   M:Well,Doctor Brown’s class finished ten minutes early,so I went to the library between classes. I know I didn’t have much time,but I wanted to get those books on the industrial revolution.I looked them up in the card catalogs and went right to the stacks and found them.So I put them in my book bag and headed back toward me door.Then it happened.The exit gate in front of the door wouldn’t open,and the guard immediately warned me that I hadn’t checked out my books.He thought l was trying to steal them.   W:That must have been embarrassing.Why didn’t the exit gate open?   M: I asked him that.It seems that books in the library are all magnetically coded and when you check them out,the librarian behind the desk demagnetizes(给消磁)them,then the exit gate will open.   W:How interesting! I still don’t quite understand how they do it though.I'll have to go to the library and see it for myself.   Text l0   M:We’ve just received word that Hurricane Harry has changed its course,and it is not heading straight for the mainland.We expect to have winds of over l50 miles per hour.The hurricane should arrive at about 3 p.m. this afternoon.Please get prepared for it.Board up your windows as much as possible.Tie your boats down well.No camping is allowed on the beach;it's too dangerous.If you are planning to leave for the day,try to get out of town before 3.For those of you staying in town,stay in doors and out of your cars·   After the hurricane dies down,be careful of loose electric wires.The electric company will be out repairing the wires as soon as possible.Don’t touch any wires on the ground.If your electricity goes out,be patient. You can be assured that the electric company will be working as quickly as possible to restore it. Keep your radio turned to this station for more information.


    可以的。 英语六级作文和听力的答题卡是在一张纸上,听力部分在试题第二页,如果答题快的话,是可以看的。收答题卡1的5分钟也是可以看阅读题的。 听力理解部分分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解。 大学英语四、六级考试从命题、审题、考务组织、统计分析到成绩发布已形成一套完整的制度,是一项组织得较好的、严格按照标准化考试质量要求进行的大规模考试。 大学英语考试每年为我国大学生的英语水平提供客观的描述。 由于大学英语四、六级考试广泛采用现代教育统计方法,分数经过等值处理,因此保持历年考试的分数意义不变。 扩展资料: 大学英语六级考试流程: 8:50---9:00试音时间 9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 9:35---9:40重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试 9:40开始听力考试,电台开始放音 9:40---10:05听力考试 10:05---10:10听力考试结束后(停止答题)收答题卡一(即作文和听力) 10:10---11:25继续考试,完成剩余考试 11:25全部考试结束。 英语六级考试目的是推动大学英语教学大纲的贯彻执行,对大学生的英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为提高我国大学英语课程的教学质量服务。国家教育部委托“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”负责设计、组织、管理与实施大学英语四、六级考试。 参考资料来源:百度百科——英语六级


    如果你正在备考四六级,可以关注vx公众号:沪江英语四六级,关注后后台回复关键字“6月”即可获得2022年6月四六级真题以及答案解析。如果需要历年四六级考试的真题答案,在该公众号的往期消息中都能找到。2022年英语四六级考试于6月11日已经结束,首先希望已经参加了这次考试的同学们能取得好成绩,查询时间大概在2022年8月下半旬左右发布。 附:四六级考试题型和评分标准 1.写作 写作选题一般来自考生熟悉的题材,要求考生根据提纲、情景、图片或图表等信息提示写出一篇短文,四级120-180词,六级150-200词。四级和六级采取相同的档次评分。 个人建议:考前或平时最好积累一些自己的模板,然后考场上直接套用,因为时间只有30分钟,如果想拿高分,尽量不要直接用有些公众号提供的模板,因为大家都会用,就很难拿高分,所以最好自己积累一些句型表达等。 2. 听力 听力理解部分考核学生获取口头信息的能力。录音材料用标准的英式或美式英语朗读,语速四级约每分钟120-140词,六级约每分钟140-160词。听力分值占比35%。 四级听力部分各项占比:短篇新闻7%,长对话8%,听力篇章20%;考试时间25分钟。 所有录音材料均播放一遍,每个问题后有15秒答题时间。 六级听力部分各项占比:长对话8%,听力篇章7%,讲座/讲话20%;考试时间30分钟。 所有录音材料均播放一遍,每个问题后有13秒答题时间。 本人觉得四六级听力难度差得还挺多的,而且听力是可以在考前几个月有所提高的部分,所以考前一定要多听,磨耳朵。 3. 阅读 这一部分就简单讲一下,由选词填空(1)、长篇阅读(1)和仔细阅读(2)三个部分组成。建议把选词填空放在最后做,难度较大,分值较小。前期要多背单词,后期练真题。 4. 翻译 四六级翻译题型为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字,六级长度为180-200个汉字。分值占比15%。阅卷方式与作文一样。


