
摘要今天我们来聊聊both的用法,以下6个关于both的用法的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的大学知识。本文目录"both”的用法和位置。(要完整的)Both 用法英语中Both的用法both 的用...



  • "both”的用法和位置。(要完整的)
  • Both 用法
  • 英语中Both的用法
  • both 的用法,初中生必须掌握的
  • both所有用法
  • both的用法和位置
  • "both”的用法和位置。(要完整的)


    adj. (形容词)




    pron. (代词)


    5、both作同位语时,一般用在助动词、系词之后,实义动词之前; 但为了强调,both也可置于助动词或系词之前,如一个句子中,既有助动词又有系动词时,可用在助动词后,系动词之前。但是不能紧放在代词前。

    6、both与复数名词连用时,若该名词前有the,these或物主代词,其前用both或both of均可,当both跟who或人称代词搭配时只能用both of。

    both英 [bəʊθ] 美 [boʊθ]

    adj. 两者的;pron. 两者 ;conj. 不但 ... 而且 ...


    用作形容词 (adj.)

    1、Both his eyes are hurt.


    2、She kissed him on both cheeks.


    Both 用法

    1. both用法

    1)adj. 两者


    如:There are many flowers on both sides of the street.

    2)pron. 两者

    可以单独使用(相当于名词),也可以构成“both of + 其他限定词 + 名词(复数)”或“both of + 代词”结构。

    Both are my good friends.

    Both of the boys over there are my good friends.

    Both of them are my good friends.

    3)adv. 两者都


    They are both my classmates.

    They both can play soccer well.

    They both have a good son.

    4)conj. 不仅...而且...;...和...都...



    如:Both you and I are students.

    I can speak both English and Chinese.

    They can both sing and dance.

    The boy is so lazy that he sleeps both in the daytime and at night.

    2. neither...nor... 既不...也不...



    如:Neither he nor his parents are at home.

    She is neither Chinese nor Japanese.

    She can speak neither English nor Chinese.


    Both用法浅谈国画欣赏 摄影:五一快乐逛书店   温晓霞  Both可作形容词、代词或副词用,意思是“两个”、“双方”、“两个都”。在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语。  如:Both are right.两者都对。(主语)  I like both.两个我都喜欢。(宾语)  Both可参与构成名词词组,也可和动词连用,还可与and构成并列连词。在使用时,要注意下列几点:  一、Both和both of后都可接复数名词,构成名词词组。但Both后的名词前可有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词作修饰限定,也可没有;both of后的名词前却一定要有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词作修饰限定。  如:可以说both(the these,her) children;也可以说both of the(these,her)children;但一般不说both of children。  Both of后可接人称代词宾格,both后则不可;但人称代词宾格后可接both。可以说both of us(you,them),一般不说both us(you,them),但可以说us(you,them)both。  二、Both与动词连用时,大多数放在系动词be之后,其它动词之前。  如:His parents are both workers.  They both enjoy reading.  若句中谓语动词包含情态动词或助动词时,both大多放在第一个情态动词或助动词之后。  如:The bridges must both be built this year.  两座桥都必须在今年修建。  kate and Mary have both gone to English.  凯特和玛丽都去了英国。  三、Both可与and构成并列连词,连接两个性质相同并在句中作相同成分的并行结构。  如:Both he and his brother are good at English.  (连接两个主语)  She can both dance and sing.  (连接两个谓语动词)  Mary is both kind and beautiful.  (连接两个表语)  四、含both的句子变为否定时,是将both改为neither。  如:当肯定句为Both of the boys are clever.(两个男孩都聪明)时,否定句当为Neither of the boys are clever.(两个男孩都不聪明)。Both后接复数名词,neither后接单数名词,动词的人称和数也要随之变化。若把句子变为Both of the boys are not clever,则是不完全否定。意思是:并不是两个男孩都聪明(一个聪明一个愚笨)。  五、含both…and…的句子变为否定句时,将both…and…改为neither…nor..,连接的两个部分若是名词,可以是单数,也可以是复数。  如:I know both the man and the woman.  我既认识那男子,也认识那妇女。  I know neither the man nor the woman.  我既不认识那男子,也不认识那妇女。  Both beats and birds would have the bat as their friend.  一Neither beats nor birds would have the bat as their friend. 记住both的用法 1.和谓语动词连用时,both应放在 be动词、助动词和情态动词之后,行为动词之前。例如: My parents are both doctors.我父母都是医生。 The two sisters can both drive cars.这两位姐妹都能开汽车。 They will both stay here for another day or two.他们俩在这儿将再逗留一两天。 注意:在简略回答以及感叹句中, both不能位于句尾,要放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之前。例如: “Are your parents workers?”“Yes, they both are.”“你父母是工人吗?”“是的,他们俩都是工人。” How clever they both are!他们俩多聪明啊! 2.both可直接放在名词前作定语。但如果名词前有其它限定词,如the, these,my或two等,则应放在这些词前面,也可以用both of加上这些词。如:可以说both(of)the books,both(of)his hands等。不能说the both books,his both hands等。例如: Both(of)my parents work in a hos- pital.(=My parents both work in a hos- pital.)我父母都在医院工作。 3.both和代词连用时,应说they both(作主语),both of them(作主语或宾语),them both(作宾语)等形式,不能说 both they或both them等。例如: We must thank both of you.(=We must thank you both.)我们应该感谢你们俩。 Both of us are from Canada.(=We are both from Cana-da.)我们俩都是加拿大人。

    both 的用法,初中生必须掌握的

    both 表示两着都… 是个副词,也可以做代词,例: 副词:We are both students. 代词:Both of us are students. 它的否定形式是neither 词性和both一样,例: 副词:We are neither STUDENT, 注意是单数名词. 代词:Neither of us IS a student 同样注意也是单数 下面稍微复杂些的 both的用法有两种,它可以和名词、代词连用,也可以和动词连用,在句中作主语、宾语及同位语,也可作定语。现将其用法归结如下: 1)both与名词、代词连用 (1)both+(of) +the/ 物主代词/指示代词+名词,如: ①Both of the cats are asleep. 两只猫都睡着了。 ②I bought both of these bottles in China two years ago. 两年前我在中国买了这一对瓶子。 ③Both of his daughters are doctors. 他的两个女儿都是医生。 (2)both直接修饰名词时,不加of。如: ①Both children won prizes. 两个孩子都得了奖。 【注意】不能说both of children,但可以说 both of the children. ②I've got oil on both hands. 我两手都是油。 【注意】不能说both of hands,可说both of my hands。 (3)在人称代词前一定要用both of,不能说 both we或 both us,但可以说us both, them both等。如: ①Both of us like skating. 我们俩都喜欢滑冰。 ②I want both of them. 两个我都要。 2)both与动词连用 当both在句中作主语的同位语时,也可与动词连用,both在句中的位置有以下三种情况: (1)放在是动词be之后。如: ①The children are both lovely. 这两个孩子都很可爱。 ②They are both from Australia. 他们两个都是澳大利亚人。 【注意】在感叹句或简略答语中,both应置于be之前。如: ③How beautiful they both are! 他们俩多漂亮啊! ④----Are you both from Japan? ----Yes, we both are. “你们俩都是日本人吗?”“是的,我们是。” (2)放在行为动词前。如: ①We both like watching TV.我们俩都喜欢看电视。 ②The men both looked French.那两个人看起来都像是法国人。 (3)当谓语动词是由几部分组成时,both要放在第一个助动词后面。 如: ①We have both studied acting. 我们俩都学过演戏。 ②The rooms have both been cleaned. 这两间屋子都已打扫过了。 3)both作代词时,可单独使用,其后不接名词。如: ①The brothers are good at playing basketball. Both will take part in the game.这弟兄俩人篮球打得好,他们俩都将参加比赛。 ②----Which one do you want? ----I'll take both please. “你要哪一个?”“两个我都要。” 【注意】both与not连用,是部分否定。如: ①Both the doors are not open. 两扇门并不都开着。 ====================================================== both 表示两着都… 是个副词,也可以做代词,例: 副词:We are both students. 代词:Both of us are students. 它的否定形式是neither 词性和both一样,例: 副词:We are neither STUDENT, 注意是单数名词. 代词:Neither of us IS a student 同样注意也是单数 ========================================================= Both的用法及注意事项 一、形容词both作“两”、“双”解: 1.Both (the)instruments are valuable to this process.(定语)这两个仪器对这个过程都是很有价值的。 2.Both (the)student have made a good few experiments on electricity.(定语)这两个学生都做了不少电学实验。 二、代词both作“两人”、“两者”解: 1.Bothe (of them)have been to Beijing.(主语)他们两人都去过北京。 2.There are two English books on the table. He wants to read them both in a short time.(同位语)桌上有两本英语书,他想在短时期内阅读这两本书。 3.Steel and petroleum both play an important part in the development of industry and agriculture.(同位语)钢和石油这两样东西在工农业发展中起着重要作用。 4.He and I are both from Tianjin.(both作同位语。注意both在本句中的词序和上两句不同。)他和我都是天津人。 三、“both…and…”起连接词作用,作“两者都”、“又……又”、“不但……而且”解: 注意:“both…and…”能连接各种并列成分,甚至两个句子。 1.Both copper and silver are good conductors of electricity.(连接两个主语)铜和银都是良好的电导体。 2.The molecules of common salt all contain atoms of both the gas and the metal which compose the salt.(连接of的两个宾语)食盐分子都具有构成食盐的气体和金属这两种物质的原子。 3.Alloys are both useful and important.(连接两个表语)合金既有用又重要。 4.To do work, you must both exert force and move something.(连接两个动词短语)为了作功,你必须既施加力又推动某个东西。 5.Copper is an important conductor, both because of its high conductivity and because of its abundance and low cost.(连接两个状语)铜是一种重要的导体,因为它的导电率高,而且资源丰富,价格又低。 6.It is necessary to build a lot of petrochemical works, both because China is rich in petroleum and because there is a great demand for petrochemicals.(连接两个状语从句)由于中国石油丰富,而对石油化学产品需要量又大,所以有必要建立许多石油化工厂。 四、注意“both+否定式谓语+…”构成部分否定: 1.Both (the)instruments are not precision ones.并非这两个仪器都是精密仪器。 2.Both of the books are not helpful.这两本书并非都是有益的。 如果要将上述两句改成全部否定,则就应写成: 1.Neither instrument is precision one.(=Either instrument is not precision one.=Either of the instruments is not precision one.)这两个仪器都不是精密仪器。 2.Neither of the books is helpful.(=Either of the books is not helpful.=Either book is not helpful.)这两本书都不是好书。



    1. 'Both'作为形容词,表示两个事物或人都有某个特点或性质,例如:

    - Both of them are tall. (他们两个人都很高。)

    - I like both chocolate and vanilla. (我喜欢巧克力和香草味。)

    2. 'Both'作为副词,表示两种情况都是如此,例如:

    - He speaks both French and Spanish fluently. (他说法语和西班牙语都很流利。)

    - She can both sing and dance. (她既会唱歌又会跳舞。)

    3. 'Both'可以和'and'连用,表示两种情况都适用,例如:

    - Both John and Peter are coming to the party. (约翰和彼得都要来参加聚会。)

    - She is both smart and funny. (她既聪明又有趣。)

    4. 'Both'也可以和'of'连用,表示两个人或物体中的每一个都有某个特点或性质,例如:

    - Both of my parents are doctors. (我父母双方都是医生。)

    - Both of these books are interesting. (这两本书都很有趣。)




    1、both有三种用法,一是用作形容词,意思是“两者的”,此时只用作定语,是前位限定词,常与复数名词连用;二是用作代词,意思是“两个”,此时一般不用于否定句,如用否定句也只表示部分否定,不是“都不”而是“不都”;三是用作连词,意思是“不但…而且…;既…又…”。2、常见句型:He both speaks and writes Russian.他又能说,又能写俄语。We should pay attention both to industry and toagriculture.我们都应该重视工业和农业。


