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  • niceday是什么意思?
  • Nice Day是什么意思啊?
  • nice day中文翻译是什么意思
  • 英文nice day中文意思是什么
  • niceday是什么意思中文
  • niceday是什么意思中文
  • niceday是什么意思?

    Nice Day词义:美好的一天。


    1、a nice fine day 天气晴朗。

    2、a nice dry day 舒适干燥的一天。

    3、a real nice day 好日子。

    nice的基本意思是“美好的,美妙的,令人愉快的”。用于物时指能引起快感或赞赏之情; 用于人时,指人心地善良,态度友好,行为正派。有时用作反语,表示“糟透的,困难的,讨厌的”。nice还可表示“精细的”“细微的”,指良好的辨别力,特别是把非常好的和一般的区分开的能力,尤其侧重于智力方面,也指须要细微处理才能解决的问题。

    nice可用于会见某人时的客套语,刚见面时接动词不定式(to see you),告别时其后接动名词或动词不定式的完成式(meeting〔to have seen〕)。

    在“nice and+ adj。 ”结构中,nice and是加强其后形容词的语气的,表示“很,非常”,通常用于口语中,置于所修饰词之后; 还可用作反语,意思等于quite, very。

    用法:On a nice day, it can be really relaxing to eat your sandwiches outside in a nearby park.



    Nice Day意思相近的单词有bright day。

    bright day词义:美好的一天。


    1、as bright as day 亮如白昼。

    2、bright spring day 艳阳天。

    3、The bright blessed day 明媚的一天。

    用法:When there’s a bright day, there comes a grey evening. Both are golden moments of our day.


    Nice Day是什么意思啊?

    Nice Day词义:



    1、a nice fine day 天气晴朗。

    2、a nice dry day 舒适干燥的一天。

    3、a real nice day 好日子。

    用法:On a nice day, it can be really relaxing to eat your sandwiches outside in a nearby park.



    Nice Day意思相近的单词有bright day。

    bright day词义:



    1、as bright as day 亮如白昼。

    2、bright spring day 艳阳天。

    3、The bright blessed day 明媚的一天。

    用法:When there’s a bright day, there comes a grey evening. Both are golden moments of our day.


    nice day中文翻译是什么意思

    nice day是美好的一天的意思。


    a nice dry day 舒适干燥的一天

    a nice fine day 天气晴朗

    Quite Nice A Day 蛮好蛮好

    what a nice bright day 今天天气多晴朗

    Nice Day To Cheat 外遇的好日子

    today is nice day 今天是美好的一天 ; 今天是漂亮一天 ; 今天是好天儿 ; 今天是愉快的一天

    quite a nice day 非常不错的一天

    a real nice day 天气真好的日子


    On a nice day, it can be really relaxing to eat your sandwiches outside in a nearby park.



    good day意思:日安(白天见面或分手时的招呼)


    Good Riddance Day 解脱日 ; 大解脱日 ; 标签

    Good Windy Day 吹着风的好日子

    good every day 糯糯小汇

    Good Deeds Day 行善日

    Happy good every day 开心过好每一天

    good-day 在白天遇见人或与人分别时的用语

    A Good Enough Day 唱片名

    Joyful Good Each Day 快快乐乐好每一天


    If I have a good day, I will be proud of myself.


    英文nice day中文意思是什么

      英文nice day的中文意思:   美好的.一天;阳光明媚的一天   day 英 [de] 美 [de]   n.一天;白天;时期;节日   adj.日间的;逐日的   adv.每天;经常在白天地   英文nice day的单语例句:   1. " It's nice to see that we have a common dream, " Klinsmann said the other day.   2. If you feel a need to recharge, pick a nice day and try out the latest culinary creations.   3. Teachers Day was set in September because it's expected to create a nice environment for teachers and students at the beginning of a new semester.   4. It is as nice a day as any I have experienced in the city but it is not always thus.   6. A day that starts above the hustle and bustle of the city's financial district puts the guests head and shoulders above the rest.   7. Mornings are the best time to see the market in full bustle, but many believe prices drop towards the end of the day.   8. He claims to give out 120 kg of free treats every day during the busy season.   9. The flooding came on a weekend during the busy summer tourist season, when thousands of visitors a day flock to the canyon.   英文nice day的双语例句:   1. It`s a sunny and nice day.   这是美好的一天,阳光明媚。   2. Every day after that, Aladdin and his mother got nice food and gold plates.   之后的每一天,阿拉丁和他妈妈都得到了精美的食物和金盘子。   3. It is going to be a nice day.   这将会是美好的一天。   4. We will do our best to meet your demands and provide you with fresh, cozy living space by means of higher quality and better service. wish you a nice day!   本公司将以更好的产品质量,更优质的服务满足您的需求,为您及亲朋营造出清新怡人的生活空间!   5. It`s nice to start the day feeling that I`ve crossed something – however minor – off my list.   一天开始就发觉自己已经完成了一件要去做的事情真好。   6. Due to an eight-month overdue account. Thank you and have a nice day.   因为你已经有八个月的欠债谢谢,祝你有愉快的一天   7. Oh well, aside from that, it was a darn nice day.   哦好,除了认为,这是一个织补愉快的一天。   8. I think it's going to be a nice day.   我想会是一个好天气。   9. Good day, nice to see you.   日安,很高兴见到你。   10. It is a nice day, isnt it? The sun shines.   真是太美好的一天了,太阳好好哦。   11.A nice day, is not it?   好天气,是吗?   12.Oh, what a nice day! It's a good day to make call on some customer.   啊!天气真好!这是拜访客户的好日子。   13.It's a nice day let's go for a picnic.   天气真好--咱们去野餐游玩吧。   14.It's a nice day today.   今天天气很好。


    nice day是美好的一天、阳光明媚的一天的意思。nice指的是好的,美好的,宜人的,可爱的;好心的,友好的;细微的,精细的。day指的是一天;白天;时期;节日;日间的;逐日的每天;经常在白天地。 扩展资料   nice day相关短语   nice day 美好的一天   what a nice day 好天气,天气不错   nice and ... 很…,非常…   nice and (后接形容词或副词, 表示满意或赞赏)很, 挺 ..得很   nice and cool 凉快   nice Nelly 装得规规矩矩的人,委婉语   as nice as pie 很好的,可爱的,讨人喜欢   nice money 相当多的款项   Nice going 干得好;极地道的表扬   nice girl 好姑娘   a nice dry day 舒适干燥的一天   a nice fine day 天气晴朗   Quite Nice A Day 蛮好蛮好   what a nice bright day 今天天气多晴朗   today is nice day 今天是美好的'一天 ; 今天是愉快的一天   quite a nice day 非常不错的一天   a real nice day 天气真好的日子


    nice day是美好的一天、阳光明媚的一天的意思。nice指的是好的,美好的,宜人的,可爱的;好心的,友好的;细微的,精细的。day指的是一天;白天;时期;节日;日间的;逐日的每天;经常在白天地。 nice day相关短语 nice day 美好的一天 what a nice day 好天气,天气不错 nice and ... 很…,非常… nice and (后接形容词或副词, 表示满意或赞赏)很, 挺 ..得很 nice and cool 凉快 nice Nelly 装得规规矩矩的人,委婉语 as nice as pie 很好的,可爱的,讨人喜欢 nice money 相当多的款项 Nice going 干得好;极地道的表扬 nice girl 好姑娘 a nice dry day 舒适干燥的一天 a nice fine day 天气晴朗 Quite Nice A Day 蛮好蛮好 what a nice bright day 今天天气多晴朗 today is nice day 今天是美好的一天 ; 今天是愉快的一天 quite a nice day 非常不错的一天 a real nice day 天气真好的日子 例句: On a nice day, it can be really relaxing to eat your sandwiches outside in a nearby park. 在一个美好的一天,在附近的公园里吃你的三明治会是相当放松的。


