



  • happen的用法是什么呢?
  • happen的用法
  • happen的用法总结
  • happen的用法
  • happen的用法是什么?
  • happen的用法
  • happen的用法是什么呢?



    读法英 [ˈhæpən] 美 [ˈhæpən]

    v. 发生;使遭遇;碰巧

    adv. 或许,大概


    It Could Happen to You 倾城佳话 ; 爱在纽约

    happen to meet 恰巧碰到 ; 碰巧遇见 ; 刚巧碰着

    happen to do 碰巧做 ; 恰巧 ; 碰巧做某事 ; 碰巧


    We happened to discover we had a friend in common.



    happen的用法是: happen有偶然发生,出现等含义。是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。 happen美/ˈhæpən/英/ˈhæpən/,vi.发生;碰巧;偶然遇到。过去式happened;过去分词happened;现在分词happening;第三人称单数happens。 happen造句: 1.You can never guess what will happen in the future. 你永远猜不到将来会发生什么事。 2.The interviewer happens to be my primary school classmate. 面试官碰巧是我的小学同学。 3.Happen the meeting this time will be cancelled. 可能这次的会议要取消了。 4.He wondered idly what wouldhappen. 他漫不经心地幻想着会发生什么事。 5.Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see ithappen. 露西闭上了眼睛,以便不会看到它发生。


    happen表示发生,下面我给大家 总结 了happen在 句子 中的用法,望喜欢! happen的意思 vi. 发生; 出现; 碰巧; 偶然遇到; happen的用法 happen是不及物动词。happen在中学英语教材中的用法主要有以下三种: 1. "sth.+happen+地点/时间",意为"某地/某时发生了某事"。例如: An accident happened in that street.那条街发生了一起事故。 What's happening outside?外面发生什么事了? 2. "sth.+happen to+sb."意为"某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)"。例如: A car accident happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生了交通事故。 What happened to you?(=What was wrong / the matter with you?)你怎么啦? 3. "sb.+happen+to do sth."意为"某人碰巧做某事"。例如: I happened to meet her in the street.我碰巧在街上遇见她。 It happened that I was out when he called.他来访时我碰巧不在。 使用happen的注意事项 1. happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。例如,要表示"这个 故事 发生在去年。"不能说:The story was happened last year.但可以说:The story happened last year. 2. happen为短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如,要表示"这事发生一年了。"不能说:This happened for one year.但可以说:This happened one year ago. 3. happen一般用来强调某事发生的偶然性。如要表示事先安排或有准备的事情或活动,则不能用happen,而要用take place。例如: A sports meeting took place(=was held) in our school last week.上周我校举行了运动会。(不能说:A sports meeting happened in our school last week.) happen的用法例句 1、We cannot say for sure what will happen 我们无法确定会发生什么事。 2、She wondered what would happen if her parents found her 她不知道如果父母找到自己会有什么结果。 3、If we had been spotted at that point, I don't know what would have happened to us 如果当时我们被发现了,我不知道会有什么后果。 4、We happened to discover we had a friend in common 我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。 5、She called Amy to see if she had any idea of her son's whereabouts. As it happened, Amy had. 她打电话给埃米,看她是否知道自己儿子的行踪。埃米还真就知道。 come about和 happen用法的区别 happen作“发生、碰巧”解,常用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened.Ihappened to see him on my way home. =It happened that I saw him on my way home. come about表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句, 例如:When Mother woke up,she didn’t know what had come about. I’ll never understand how it came about that you were late three times a week. Do you know how the air accident came about? happen的用法总结相关 文章 : 1. 2. happen的用法 3. happen的用法小结 4. 关于happen的用法及解释 5. expect的用法归纳总结 6. happen的过去式和用法例句 7. 非谓语动词用法总结大全 8. shall的用法总结 9. not …but的用法总结


    发生; 出现; 碰巧; 偶然遇到;


    1.表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用“sth.+ happen +地点/时间”这一结构来表达,此时主语应是事情.例如:

    The story happened in 2003.这个故事发生在2003年.

    An accident happened in that street.那条街上发生了一起事故.

    2.表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“sth.+ happen+to sb.”这一结构来表达.例如:

    A car accident happened to her this morning.今天上午她发生了交通事故.

    What happened to you?你怎么啦?

    3.表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“sb.+ happen+ to do sth.”这一结构来表达.例如:

    I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友.

    4.happen表示“碰巧或恰巧发生某事”时,还可用“It happens / happened that...”这一结构来表达.例如:

    It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day.碰巧那天布莱恩和彼得在家了.

    It happened that he had to take part in a meeting that afternoon.碰巧那天下午他不得不参加一个会议.

    注:that从句中的主语是人时,此种结构可以与“sb.+ happen + to do sth.”结构互换.例如:

    It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day.= Brian and Peter happened to be at home that day.


    同义词:bechance,befall;materialise,materialize;encounter,find,bump,chance;come about,fall out,go on,hap,occur,pass,pass off,take place。






    take place:多指通过人为安排的发生。


    If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth.


    Happening by chance or accident;fortuitous.


    Nothing have happened in the interim.


    A train of events happened last year.


    He happened on the book in an secondhand bookstore.



    发生; 出现; 碰巧; 偶然遇到;x0dx0ahappen是不及物动词,它的用法常见的有如下几种情况:x0dx0a1.表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用“sth.+ happen +地点/时间”这一结构来表达,此时主语应是事情.例如:x0dx0aThe story happened in 2003.这个故事发生在2003年.x0dx0aAn accident happened in that street.那条街上发生了一起事故.x0dx0a2.表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“sth.+ happen+to sb.”这一结构来表达.例如:x0dx0aA car accident happened to her this morning.今天上午她发生了交通事故.x0dx0aWhat happened to you?你怎么啦?x0dx0a3.表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“sb.+ happen+ to do sth.”这一结构来表达.例如:x0dx0aI happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友.x0dx0a4.happen表示“碰巧或恰巧发生某事”时,还可用“It happens / happened that...”这一结构来表达.例如:x0dx0aIt happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day.碰巧那天布莱恩和彼得在家了.x0dx0aIt happened that he had to take part in a meeting that afternoon.碰巧那天下午他不得不参加一个会议.x0dx0a注:that从句中的主语是人时,此种结构可以与“sb.+ happen + to do sth.”结构互换.例如:x0dx0aIt happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day.= Brian and Peter happened to be at home that day.x0dx0a词形变化:时态:happened,happening,happens。x0dx0a同义词:bechance,befall;materialise,materialize;encounter,find,bump,chance;come about,fall out,go on,hap,occur,pass,pass off,take place。x0dx0a反义词:dematerialise,dematerialize。x0dx0a单词分析:这些词语都可表示“发生”之意。x0dx0ahappen:普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。x0dx0aoccur:较正式用词,可指意外地发生,也可指意料中的发生。x0dx0achance:侧重事前无安排或无准备而发生的事,特指巧合。x0dx0atake place:多指通过人为安排的发生。x0dx0a英语句子x0dx0aIf this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth.x0dx0a如果事情发生了,说话者会因为说错话而难过。x0dx0aHappening by chance or accident;fortuitous.x0dx0a偶然的偶然或意外发生的;偶然的x0dx0aNothing have happened in the interim.x0dx0a在过渡期间,没发生过任何事。x0dx0aA train of events happened last year. x0dx0a去年发生了一系列的事情。x0dx0aHe happened on the book in an secondhand bookstore.x0dx0a他碰巧在一家旧书店里发现了这本书。


    vi. 发生(表偶然事件,无被动语态)

    结构:sth happen (to sb/sth) (某人/某物)发生某事 如:What happened to you? 你发生什么事了?你怎么了?

    A traffic accident happened here last night. 昨晚这里发生了一起交通事故。 vi. 碰巧


    sb/sth happen to do sth 某人/某物碰巧......

    It happen that从句 碰巧......

    如:I happened to meet my friend yesterday.

    = It happened that I met my friend yesterday.

    我昨天碰巧碰到了我朋友。 3. 至于happen到底是哪个意思和用法,根据上述结构和句意即可猜知。


