



  • 气球的英文单词怎么写
  • 气球的英文单词
  • 气球的英语单词
  • 气球的英语单词怎么写?
  • 气球的英文是什么
  • 气球英文单词怎么读
  • 气球的英文单词怎么写

    气球的英文单词是:balloon; balloon: n.气球;热气球。 v.(突然)膨胀,涨大;乘热气球飞行。 第三人称单数: balloons复数: balloons现在分词: ballooning过去式: ballooned过去分词: ballooned 扩展资料   They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.   他们用花和气球装饰了房间。   Goodness, what a big balloon!   啊,好大的`气球呀!   The room was decked out in flowers and balloons.   屋子里装点着鲜花和气球。   A balloon suddenly went bang.   一只气球突然砰地一声爆了。   The balloon went pop.   气球砰的一声爆了。


    气球 [qì qiú] n. ballute   vi. balloon   misc. air balloon   BALLOON ballon balloon 风船 短语 :   气球小子 Balloon Headed Boy ; Helium Boy ; Pang Pom's ; Balloon Heade   轻气球 Balloons ; Pioneer Balloon ; -remix   气球形 Ballon   自由气球 free balloon ; balloon ; free ; free alternating current balloon   高空气球 aerostat ; sky balloon ; high-altitude balloon ; balloon   气球独轮车 Bloony Wheel   气球泡泡 Balloon Pop ; Blubble   发射气球 launch balloon   气球布 dirigible fabric ; balloon fabric   气球 [qì qiú]   balloon; airballoon:   coloured balloon;   彩色气球   pilot balloon;   测风气球   constant-level balloon;   定高气球   Helium is a gas used in balloons.   氦是一种用于气球的气体。    新汉英大辞典 短语:   气球不稳定性 ballooning instability;   气球布 dirigible fabric;   气球吊篮 gondola; aerial car;   气球发射探空火箭 rockoon;   气球飞翔运动 ballooning;   气球飞行 balloon flight;   气球高度 balloon altitude;   气球护罩 balloon cover; balloon shroud;   气球集材 balloon logging;   气球驾驶员 balloonist;   气球降落伞 ballute;   气球拦阻网 {军} balloon barrage;   气球升限 {气} balloon ceiling;   气球探测 balloon sounding;   气球天文学 balloon astronomy;   气球望远镜 balloon telescope;   气球卫星 satelloon; balloon satellite;   气球样变性 ballooning degeneration;   气球阻塞网 {军} balloon barrage; balloon apron 双语例句   气球因充气而膨胀。   The balloon swelled out with gas.   《21世纪大英汉词典》   首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球。   The first vehicles to navigate the air were balloons.   《新英汉大辞典》   他的大衣被风吹得鼓成了一个圆气球的样子。   His overcoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind.   《21世纪大英汉词典》   气球飘过天空。   A balloon floated across the sky.   www.kfyes.com   我把泡沫塑料的泳池里用的条条对半切开,然后孩子就在室内用这个条条和气球打曲棍球。   My kids love balloons. I cut foam pool noodles in half, and they play hockeyinside with the pool noodles and balloons.   www.elanso.com   气球、 棒球 、 篮球 、 足球 和 排球 都在火山上跳 芭蕾舞 。   Balloon, baseball, basketball, football and volleyball all dance ballet on thevolcano. www.hjenglish.com   但里面并未找到天线,而是一个气球以及氟利昂。   An antenna was not found inside, but a balloon with freon was there.   article.yeeyan.org   我是个思维容易兴奋的人,但倘若得用这些思维来做些什么事的话,那无异于在狂风大作时把一只气球塞进一座小棚子里。   My thoughts were a great excitement, but when I tried to do anything withthem, it was like trying to pack a balloon into a shed in a high wind.   article.yeeyan.org   由于这个气球会爆,所以不是很适合那些患有神经紧张的人。但对于其他人还是很适合的。   Since the balloon will pop, this game is not suitable for those that have anervous disposition but it good for almost everyone else.   www.elanso.com   带着每个体验,我膨胀得像个气球,超出承受的能力。   With every experience I expand like a balloon blown up beyond its capacity.article.yeeyan.org   所以,你要做的就是找到其中一个气球,参与抽奖,并获胜,然后一切如愿。   So all you have to do is find one of the balloons, enter the draw, win it, andBob’s your uncle . article.yeeyan.org   一个气球怎样在空中上升,并且向上提起人?   How does a balloon Rise in the air,And lift people up?   www.hjenglish.com   在我的家庭里生日总是非常特别的一天,不管那天是谁的生日,我们都会举行一个盛大的早餐,有气球、横幅、大 蛋糕 还有桌上一堆的礼物。   In my family it was always a really special day and whenever it wasanybody’s birthday we would have a huge breakfast, with balloons,banners, a big cake and a pile of presents on the table.   article.yeeyan.org   “我们已经在预测这些气球轨道方面取得优异成绩,”他说,“但是在整个轨道上会有某种误差积累,且能够修正大约40千米。”   “We've gotten really good at predicting the trajectory of these balloons,”he says.“But there is some error that accumulates throughout the trajectoryand it can be corrected about 40 km.   article.yeeyan.org   如果地球是移动着的,那一个人想环游地球的话只用准备一只结实的大气球。   If the Earth moved, all it would take for a man to travel its distance would bea strong balloon.   article.yeeyan.org   我倾向于使用更圆的气球,用不同的姿势拿起球来巧妙地处理最终效果。   I tend to use rounder balloons, holding the balloons in different positions tomanipulate the outcome. article.yeeyan.org   从来没有人们记忆中有一个选举更重要的是一个比迅速接近,这就是四年一度的陈词滥调,如预期的气球和豪。   Never in living memory has an election been more critical than the one fastapproaching—that’s the quadrennial cliché, as expected as the balloonsand the bombast.   ask.putclub.com   向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。   The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays atthe level.   www.hjenglish.com   有时把他那些好长时间不玩的玩具处理掉后,或是扔掉来了一只躺在屋角的旧气球,我会撒个小谎说:"坏掉了,孩子“。   "It broke" is the fib I tell after tossing an old toy he stopped playing with orthe balloon that lingered too long in the corner.   article.yeeyan.org   接下来的两个小时里,那里有仰面大笑,惊讶的喘息声,以及水花四溅和气球爆裂时的哄堂大笑。   For the next two hours there were up-turned faces and gasps ofastonishment, roars of laughter as water splashed about and balloonspopped.   www.ebigear.com   接下来的两个小时里,那里有仰面大笑,惊讶的喘息声,以及水花四溅和气球爆裂时的哄堂大笑。   For the next two hours there were up-turned faces and gasps ofastonishment, roars of laughter as water splashed about and balloons



    读音:英 [bəˈluːn]、美 [bəˈluːn]



    固定搭配:hot-air balloon热气球

    例句:The balloon hit a tree and burst.







    英 [bə'luːn] 美 [bə'luːn]

    n. 气球;球状物

    vt. 使膨胀

    vi. 乘气球飞行;激增;如气球般膨胀

    adj. 气球状的

    例句:A balloon floated across the sky.



    n. (名词)





    英 [swel] 美 [swel]

    v. (使)膨胀;(使)鼓起;(使)增长

    n. 增大;膨胀;肿胀;汹涌

    adj. 很棒的;时髦的;一流的

    例句:The hills swell gradually up from the plain.



    v. (动词)



      一、英文单词:   balloon; airballoon; air balloon; ballute;   二、双语例句:   1   氦是一种用于气球的气体。   Helium is a gas used in balloons.   2   气球爆了。   The balloon burst.   3   气球啪的一声爆炸了。   The balloon burst with a bang.   4   气球缓缓升上天空。   The balloon rose up slowly into the air.   5   她用叉子戳破了一个气球。   She popped a balloon with her fork.   6   五颜六色的气球腾空而起。   The colourful balloons rose high into the air.   7   一个个巨大的气球在头顶的蓝天中漂浮着。   Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above   8   昨晚世界第一届跨大西洋热气球比赛在一片混乱中收场。   The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night   9   那不是气球,这点我敢肯定。   It wasn't a balloon — I'm certain of that.   10   首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球。   The first vehicles to navigate the air were balloons.   11   一只气球爆裂了,听着像是枪响。   A balloon popped, sounding like a gunshot.   12   9个开幕气球第二天还有4个飘在空中。   Four of the nine starting balloons were still aloft the next day.   13   气球飘过天空。   A balloon floated across the sky.   14   不断上升的气球静静地飘过乡间。   The climbing balloon drifted silently over the countryside   15   他们试图完成乘热气球不间断环球飞行的创举。   They are to attempt to be the first to circle the Earth non-stop by balloon. 气球的英文是什么




    balloonn 气球;热气球;球形大酒杯;对白圆圈;(非正式)蠢人;分期付款中最后一笔数目特大的还款;(非正式)大麻烦;v. 激增;突然长胖;膨胀;(把球)踢飞;乘热气球旅行;adj. 像气球般鼓起的;n. (Balloon) (美、印、泰、俄、巴)巴隆(人名)。

    air balloon:气球。



    她用叉子把气球砰的一声戳爆了。She popped a balloon with her fork。

    你再给气球充气,它就要爆了。That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more。

    他们用花和气球装饰了房间。They decorated the room with flowers and balloons。


    balloon loop:环形回车道。

    Balloon maturity:期末放气式偿还、到期大额偿还、气球型期限、期末放气式归还。

    balloon paper:气球用纸、球用纸。

    balloon loan:漂浮式贷款、气球贷款、气球贷、百龙信贷。

    captive balloon:留气球。

    meteorological balloon:气象用气球、气象探测气球、气象控测气球。


