



  • help的用法有哪些?
  • help的用法是什么?
  • help的四种用法
  • help的用法
  • help的6种用法
  • help的用法有哪些
  • help的用法有哪些?









    1、help to do sth.意为“帮助做某事”

    2、help do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”

    3、help sb.with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”或“在……方面帮助某人”


    Could you help me,please?或者May I help you?


    1、help oneself (to) +名词,意为“请随便吃……”,这是招待客人的常用语。

    2、with the help of sb.或 with one's help 意为“在某人的帮助下”。



    help, support, assistance, aid


    help 最普通用词,可以与aid和assistance换用。help强调使受助者达到目的或侧重受助者对帮助的需要。

    support 强调在迫切需要时给予支持或鼓励。

    assistance 正式用词,通常指帮助完成不太重要的那一部分工作。

    aid 比help正式,侧重受助者处于困难或危险境地急需救助。




    例如:Can you help me to learn English?



    例如:This book is of great help to me.



    例如:Can you help him with this work?你能帮助他完成这项工作吗?


    1、help to do sth.意为“帮助做某事”。

    2、help sb. to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,其中不定式符号to可以省略。

    3、help sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”或“在……方面帮助某人”。有时在上下文意思清楚时,与help sb. (to) do sth.意思相近。

    4、help oneself (to) +名词,意为“请随便吃……”。这是招待客人的常用语,oneself有人称和数的变化。


    help 【help】,用法如下: 1、help *** . to do sth.  帮助某人做某事。其中的to通常是省略的。 【例句】Can you help me to learn English ?   你能帮助我学英语吗? 2、help *** .with sth 帮助某人做某事, 【例句】Can you help him with this work ?   你能帮助他完成这项工作吗? 3、 be of some/ no/ much help to *** . 对某人有些 / 没有 / 很有帮助。 【例句】This book is of great help to me.   这本书对我很有帮助。 4、help oneself ( to )自用(食物等)。 【例句】Help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼。 5、 help *** . into/ out of 搀扶某人进入 / 走出。 He helped the patient out of the hospital.  他搀扶病人走出了医院。 6、 help *** . out 帮助某人克服困难,渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作。 【例句】When I'm in trouble, he always helps me out with money.   每当我处境困难时,他总是用金钱帮助我渡过难关。 7、with the help of 在……帮助下。 【例句】With the help of her, he found his lost child.   在她的帮助下,他找到了失踪的小孩。 8.、help to do sth. 有助于做某事。 【例句】This program helps to improve our English.  这个计划有助于我们提高英语成绩。 扩展资料: 例句 (1)Can I help you? 【动词:help *** 】 (2)Would you like some help ?【名词,不可数】 (3)This book is a great help to my English study.【抽象名词具体化,“有帮助的人或物”,可数】 (4)Can I be of any help to you?【名词,be of help 短语】 (5)Can you help me with my homework?【动词,help *** with sth】 (6)Can you help me do/ finish my task today?【动词,help *** do sth】 用help为题写一篇小短文 英语作文 life need helpIn our daily life , everyone needs help. I often get help from my friends, teachers and parents. At school we often get help from our teachers and clas *** ates. At home we often get help from our parents. At public places we can get help from strangers, such as saleswoman in the shop , cleaners by the road or some others. So we should try to help others in return . Because everyone needs help . We should help others if we are often helped by others. Here is my experience .One day I was on the way to school ,an old lady fell on the road. I helped to call an ambulance and sent her to hospital. I was very glad that dao because I helped others. help!求一个初中600字作文,难忘的经历。 有很多。 举例2篇:=================================一次难忘的经历 每个人的一生都会经历许许多多的事,有的回味无穷,有的苦涩难咽;有的早已忘却,有的记忆犹新。 那是上四年级时的一次经历。 一天,我忘了带作业本,因为我,全班同学都要多做一些作业。 中午吃完饭,我一声不响在坐在座位上写作业,不知不觉下课铃响了,我突然觉得这 *** 是那么的美妙,望着别人快快乐乐的样子,我感到非常孤单。 因为我一个人连累了全班同学,我恨不得帮同学们把作业做完。 这时,一些同学的骂声、抱怨声、吵闹声一起挤进我的耳朵里,有的人甚至动手打我。 霎时间教间里乱成一片,大家叽叽喳喳、七嘴八舌地争吵着。 有的人瞪着我,恶狠狠地说:“你记性太差了,是不是得了老年痴呆症呀!”有的撇着嘴轻蔑地说:“就他这样,学习肯定好不了。 ”还有的人无可奈何地叹了口气:“唉!怎么天天都有不做作业的,害得我们每天都要多做作业。 ”这时马皓轩走进教室,看到很多人围在我的座位旁,就猜到这些人是为作业的事指责我。 于是,他跑过来,拉起我说:“走,出去玩去。 ”一个同学说:“他犯了那么大的错误,还出去玩?”另一个同学指着我的鼻子气愤地说:“快滚出去吧,让我们安静一会儿!”站在马皓轩身旁的同学拦住他说:“你跟叛徒玩,你也会跟这个叛徒一样的。 ”马皓轩看了他一眼,没说话,拉起我走出教室。 我对他说:“对不起。 ”“没关系。 ”马皓轩安慰我说:“以后注意点就行了。 ”顿时,我眼中充满了泪水,这眼泪是甜的,因为这是感动的眼泪。 我很庆幸遇到了这么一个知心的朋友,在我悲伤、痛苦、无助的时候,是朋友用真诚的心抚慰我那受伤的心灵,我一定要记住这个教训,彻底改掉丢三落四的毛病。 ======================一次难忘的经历那是一个风和日丽的星期天,妈妈带我去张店玩。 当我们快到家的时候,没想到天气突然变了。 盛夏的天气,说变就变。 只一会工夫,只见乌云弥漫天空,天边划过一道道刺眼的闪电。 妈妈说:“我们得快走,要不然会被大雨淋着的。 ”听了妈妈的这番话,我的脚步快了起来。 就在这时,一道电光闪过,随着就是一声巨响。 “我们走近道吧。 ”妈妈说。 这时,我想起老师讲的要遵守交通规则,抬头看看乌云密布、雷电交织的天空,再看看妈妈那焦急的神情。 虽然心里很矛盾,也只好无奈地点了点头。 妈妈穿过慢车道,翻过路栏,快速地越过车行道,再次翻过路栏,走到人行道上,回头向我摆手示意。 于是,我学着妈妈的样子,小心翼翼地走过慢车道。 虽然妈妈在前面作了演示,可我还是有些害怕。 左看看右看看,确信没有车,我才战战兢兢地爬上路栏。 就在我跳下来的那一瞬间,一辆车从我身边飞驰而过!我的身子一软,倒在了地上,呆呆地连哭都不知道了。 妈妈拉着我的手走在人行道上,那危险的一幕还浮现在我眼前。 我对妈妈说:“老师在课堂上经常叮嘱我们:‘宁走百步远,不走一步险’……”说到这里,我看到妈妈的脸红了。 她说:“孩子啊!好好的记住老师说的话,一定要遵守交通规则。 因为录像可以重放,但生命却只有一次啊!” HELP!英语作文 Dear Mr Brown,I'm Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Xianghua High School. I am glad to know that your visiting students group will visit our school on 12th October 2011.We have the following plan proposed for the one day visit :1. In the morning, join one of our classes for one session of English lesson and one session of arts class. Then chat with some of the teachers and students.2. To have lunch in the canteen with our students at noon.3. To visit the People's Park in the afternoon for 3 hours.I hope the above arrangements can provide chances for your group students to interact with our students during the different activities. However, if you have any opinion on any of the arrangements, please let me know and we will try to fulfill your requirements.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 助人为乐的我作文,40字 Protecting the Environment Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence. everyone needs help初中作文 Everyone in the world can't live without helpning no matter how old ,young and so on.Because we are living in a big family.Do something by ourselves mustn't succeed. So we need help.It's a part of life.Only to find how to help others and how to receive help from others can we enjoy a happy life . There is a sentence "union is powerful." We know that help others means helping ourselves. 帮助别人的作文 Helping OthersWe all live in the same society. More or less, we get help from others, our parents, relatives, teachers, friends even strangers. In return, we should give others a hand when they are in need. We should tran *** it this kind of love. As long as everyone can contribute a piece of love, the world will bee a paradise. As for our individuals, helping others would bring us happiness and a sense of achievements. We would be happy to see that we are capable of helping others. In addition, helping others is helping ourselves, to some extent. One of the most beautiful pensations in life is that after helping others in good faith, we get help ourselves at the same time. I think “rose presented, *** ell remained” is the best description to help others. help these who need help作文怎么写? 不需要太生僻的词 Dear Friend Thank You For your LoveDear friend Lucy, thank you for your love. We get on well with each other in day-to-day lives. As for my friend, you always help me with my study. When I have a few difficulties, you always encourage me to get over difficulties.Do you remember? Last semester, I fot to do my homework. So the next day, I wanted to copy your homework. Because I really didn't want to be criticized. But you said you couldn't lend your homework to me, it was very bad solution. Even if I said I would never do it except this time. Please lent me your homework. But you still said maybe it would start a bad habit. I should do my own homework. So I was pretty angry. I said I wouldn't bee your friend anymore. A few days later, I thought I was sorry. So I told you to fot this thing. I wanted to make friends with you. And I was happy you said OK.Now I 'm certain you are my best friend. Dear friend Lucy, thank you for your love. 转载请注明出处作文大全网 » help的用法


    help的用法:help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事;help sb. with sth.帮某人干某事;with the help of,在……帮助下;can't help doing sth.情不自禁做某事等。 help用法举例 to do sth.意为“帮助做某事”。 sb. to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,其中,不定式符号to可以省略。 sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”或“在……方面帮助某人”。有时在上下文意思清楚时,与help sb. (to) do sth.意思相近。 oneself (to) +名词,意为“请随便吃……”。这是招待客人的常用语,oneself有人称和数的变化。 5.with the help of sb.或with one's help,意为“在某人的帮助下”。这里的with不可用under来代替。 6.习惯句式中的help: Could you help me, please? 你能帮助我吗? May I help you?/Can I help you? 我可以帮助你吗? help相关短语 help oneself(to)自用;自取所需 with the help of 在…的帮助下 help sb with sth 帮某人干某事 help with 帮忙某人做… help each other 互相帮助 need help 需要帮助 can't help 禁不住,忍不住;不得不 ask for help 寻求帮助;求助;请求帮助 help yourself 请自便 help out 帮助…摆脱困难 help on 鼓励;促进 help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 be of some/no/much help to sb.对某人有些/没有/很有帮助


    do 1、help既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 2、接动词不定式作宾语或宾语补足语时, to常可省略,但用于被动结构时, to则不能省。help用作不及物动词时常表示“有用”“有帮助”。 3、Help!还可用作呼救用语,意为“救人啊!”。 aid,assist,help这些动词均有“帮助”之意。辨析: 1、aid正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。 2、assist强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。 3、help最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。


