



  • 宾语从句时态
  • 宾语从句中的时态问题,或……
  • 宾语从句主句过去式从句用什么时态怎么判断
  • 宾语从句和英语八种时态
  • 英语中宾语从句的时态要用什么? 英语中宾语从句的从句的时态因怎么用...
  • 初中宾语从句的时态
  • 宾语从句时态




    1. that在口语中常被省略,但在正式的文体中,不能省;并且它一般不能引导介词的宾语从句,但可引导except, but, in等少数介词的宾语从句。如:

    I didn’t know (that) he was Li Lei.我不知道他就是李蕾。

    I will do anything I can to help you except that I’m ill.只要我身体舒服,我愿做任何事情来帮助你。 2.宾语从句之后带有补足语成分时,一般须用it作形式宾语,把宾语从句放到句末,此时的that不能省。如:

    The boy has made it clear that they can’t play with his toys.那个男孩已清楚的表明他们不能玩弄他的玩具。 3.动词advise, ask, demand, desire, insist(坚决主张),order, propose, request, suggest(建议)等代的宾语从句须用虚拟语气,即:(should) do的形式。

    He asked that we (should) get there before nine o’clock.他要求我们在九点钟之前赶到那儿。

    The teacher advised us that we (should) not waste our time.老师劝告我们不要浪费时间了。





    例句:She was sorry that she hadn’t finished her work on time.她很抱歉没有按时完成工作。


    例句:The headmaster hopes everything goes well.校长希望一切顺利。




    2、Whether,if 引导宾语从句:两词可互换。


    4、主语 + 动词 + it + 形容词/名词等宾语补足语 + 宾语从句。


    6、有时候可以用it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语从句放在后面。




    宾语从句用法 时态: 1.主句用一般现在时,从句可用任意时态. 2.主句用过去时,从句用过去某个时态. 3.主句用过去时,从句是客观真理时,只用一般现在时. 一、宾语从句的连接词 从属连词 连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether. that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句, if和whether引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的宾语从句. He told me (that he would) go to the college the next year 他告诉我他明年上大学. I don’t know if there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否还会有公交车. Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam. 没人知道他是否会通过考试. 连接代词:连接代词主要有who, whom ,whose ,what ,whoever ,whomever ,whosever, whatever, whichever等. 连接代词一般指疑问,但what, whatever除了指疑问外,也可以指陈述. Do you know who has won Red Alert game? 你知道是谁赢得了红色警报的游戏? The book will show you what the best CEOs should know. 这本书会告诉你最好的执行总裁该了解些什么. Have you determined whichever you should buy,a Motorola or Nokia cell phone? 你决定好是买诺基亚还是摩托罗拉的电话了吗? 连接副词: 连接副词主要有when,where,why,how,whenever,wherever,however等. He didn’t tell me when we should meet again. 他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面. Could you please tell me how you use the new panel? 你能告诉我怎么用这个新的操作盘吗? None of us knows where these new parts can be bought. 没有人知道这些的新的零件能在哪里买到. 二、动词的宾语从句 大多数动词都可以带宾语从句 We all expect that they will win , for members of their team are stronger. 我们都预料他们会赢,因为他们的队员更强壮. He told us that they would help us through the whole work. 他告诉我们在整个工作中,他们都会帮忙的. 部分“动词+副词”结构也可以带宾语从句 I have found out that all the tickets for the concert have been sold out. 我发现这场音乐会的所有票都卖光了. Can you work out how much we will spend during the trip? 你能计算出这次旅行我们将花费多少钱吗? 动词短语也可以带宾语从句 常见的这些词有: make sure确保 make up one’s mind下决心 keep in mind牢记 Make sure that there are no mistakes in your papers before you turn them in. 在上交试卷前确保没有任何错误. 三、形容词的宾语从句 I am sure I will pass the exam. 我确信我会通过考试. I am sorry that I have troubled you so long. 很抱歉我这么长时间在打扰你. He is glad that Li Ming went to see him when he was ill. 他很高兴在他生病的时候李明能去看望他. 四、if,whether在宾语从句中的区别 ① if和whether在作“是否”解时,引导宾语从句常放在动词know,ask,care,wonder,find out等之后,介词后一般不用if ② 少数动词,如:leave,put,discuss,doubt后的宾语从句常用whether. ③ whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以. ④ 在不定式前只能用whether. (如:I can’t decide whether to stay. 我不能决定是否留下.) ⑤ 避免歧异时,我们常用whether而不用if. 五、宾语从句的否定转移(否定前移):主句的谓语动词是think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,expect,fancy,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来. I don’t think he will e to my party.而不能说成I think he won’t e to my party. 我认为他不会来我的舞会. I don’t believe that man is killed by Jim,is he? 我认为那个人不是Jim所杀的,是不是? 如果宾语从句中有某个含有否定意义的形容词或副词,其反义疑问句要用肯定形式. We find that he never listens to the teacher carefully,does he? 我们发现他从来不仔细听老师讲课,是不是? 宾语从句关键点1,宾语从句要用陈述语序(即特殊疑问词+主语+动词+其他或者特殊疑问词+to + 动原),2从句中一定没有助动词,如果有dodoesdid那一定是做实意动词用的,要区分,3所有的直接引语变间接引语都是宾语从句,变换方式此处省略,4,从句时态一般根据主句也就是前面的句子定的 此答案来自:wenku.baidu/view/f686711452d380eb62946df7 八种时态: 一、一般现在时: 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况. 时间状语: always,usually,often,sometimes,everyweek(day,year,month…),onceaweek,onSundays,etc. 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①am/is/are+not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词. 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词. 二、一般过去时: 概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为. 时间状语:ago,yesterday,thedaybeforeyesterday,lastweek(year,night,month…),in1989,justnow,attheageof5,oneday,longlongago,onceuponatime,etc. 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①was/were+not;②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词. 一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②用助动词do的过去式did提问,同时还原行为动词. 三、现在进行时: 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为. 时间状语:now,atthistime,thesedays,etc. 基本结构:am/is/are+doing 否定形式:am/is/are+not+doing. 一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首. 四、过去进行时: 概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作. 时间状语:atthistimeyesterday,atthattime或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等. 基本结构:was/were+doing 否定形式:was/were+not+doing. 一般疑问句:把was或were放于句首. 五、现在完成时: 概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态. 时间状语:recently,lately,since…for…,inthepastfewyears,etc. 基本结构:have/has+done 否定形式:have/has+not+done. 一般疑问句:have或has. 六、过去完成时: 概念:以过去某个时间为标准,在此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即“过去的过去”. 时间状语:before,bytheendoflastyear(term,month…),etc. 基本结构:had+done. 否定形式:had+not+done. 一般疑问句:had放于句首. 七、一般将来时: 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事. 时间状语:tomorrow,nextday(week,month,year…),soon,inafewminutes,by…,thedayaftertomorrow,etc. 基本结构:①am/is/are/goingto+do;②will/shall+do. 否定形式:①was/were+not;②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词. 一般疑问句:①be放于句首;②will/shall提到句首. 八、过去将来时: 概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中. 时间状语:thenextday(morning,year…),thefollowingmonth(week…),etc. 基本结构:①was/were/goingto+do;②would/should+do. 否定形式:①was/were/not+goingto+do;②would/should+not+do. 一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②would/should提到句首. 此答案来自:yingyu/e/20080220/4b8bc9287049e.shtml

    英语中宾语从句的时态要用什么? 英语中宾语从句的从句的时态因怎么用?

    宾语从句的时态问题 1)当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,其宾语从句的时态可以是任何适当的时态.所以,宾语从句的时态应根据实际情况而定.eg. She says (that) she works from Monday to Friday.她说她从周一至周五上班. (从句是一般现在时) She says (that) she will leave a message on his desk.她说她要在他桌子上留个便条. (从句是一般将来时) She says (that) she has never been to Mount Emei.她说她从来没有去过峨嵋山. (从句是现在完成时) 2)当主句的谓语动词的时态是一般过去时的时候,其宾语从句的时态一般要用任一适当的过去时态.eg. He said there were no classes yesterday afternoon.他说昨天下午没有课. 从句是一般过去时) He said (that) he was going to take care of the baby.他说他会去照看这个婴儿. (从句是过去将来时) He said (that) they were having a meeting at that time.他说他们那时正在开会. (从句是过去进行时) 但是当宾语从句是表达客观真理和规律的句子时,其时态仍旧用一般现在时.eg. The teacher told us(that) nothing is difficult if we put our hearts into it. 老师告诉我们世上无难事,只怕有心人. She said(that) her father is twenty-eight years older than her. 她说她父亲比她大二十八岁. He said that light travels much faster than sound. 他说光比声音传播得快. He told me that I must go to school on time every day. 他告诉我我必须每天按时上学. 注意:当主句的谓语动词是think或believe,宾语从句要表达否定时,要把从句的否定转移到主句上.eg. 我认为他不会帮你学英语的. I don't think he is going to help you with your English. 不可以翻译成: I think he isn't going to help you with your English. 如果宾语从句有它的补语时,宾语从句用it代替,从句后置.其句型为:主语+谓语 + it +补语+宾语从句.eg. I think it necessary that we learn English grammar. 我认为我们学习英语语法是必要的. He thinks it a good job that he becomes a teacher. 他认为当老师是个很好的职业. 实战演练 1.Could you tell me if it _____ tomorrow? A.rains B.is raining C.will rain D.rain 2.The teacher told his students the sun_____ in the east. A.rise B.rises C.rose D.risen 3.I'm sure___ he will be here on time. A.if B.that C.whether D.when 4.Can you tell me ______? A.what's the matter with him B.what the matter with him is C.what happened with him D.what with him happened 5.Let me tell you ______. A.how much is the car B.how much does the car cost C.how much did I pay for the car D.how much I spent on the car 6.Peter knew _______. A.whether he has finished reading the book B.why the boy had so many questions C.there were 12 months in a year D.when they will leave for Paris 7.Bruce says _______ he can come at 9:00 tomorrow. A.when B.what C.that D.what time 8.Dave,could you teach me ______ to search the Internet? A.that B.how C.when D.why 9.Could you tell me ______? A.where is the nearest railway station B.where the nearest railway station was C.where the nearest railway station is D.where was the nearest railway station 10.He was afraid ______ he would forget his Chinese. A.if B.when C.how D.that 11.Mike asks Lin Yang _______ he has been in Beijing. A.how long B.where C.how D.that Keys:1-5 C B B A D 6-11BCBCDA


    1.如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。即从句可用所需的任何时态 2.如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时) 3.当宾语从句为客观真理时,用一般现在时态,不受主句时态的限制。 4.当主句为 Could you (please) tell us-----?时,只表示语气,而不表示过去时态


