



  • 书面表达用英语怎么表达??
  • 英语中书面表达是什么意思?
  • 英语中书面表达是什么意思
  • 英语书面表达是什么?
  • 书面表达是什么意思 什么是书面表达
  • 如何写好书面表达 [如何做好书面表达]
  • 书面表达用英语怎么表达??

    书面表达用英语表达:Written expression; written adj.书面的;笔头的;以书信(或文件等)形式的;成文的;正式的; v.编写;书写;写作;写字;作曲;写信; expression n.表示;表达;表露;表情;神色;词语;措辞;表达方式 扩展资料   这四幅画对你做这篇书面表达有所帮助。   These four pictures will help you to do the writing.   较好的`语言、书面表达能力,熟练使用英语。   Skillful at oral and written expression, with English proficiency.   文中也提出了一些提高书面表达能力的设想。   Some effective ways to improve linguistic competence are also proposed.   英语学习者书面表达中词汇强势语的误用分析   Misuse analysis of the lexical intensifiers in written expressions of English learners   他缺乏书面表达能力。   He had no talent for expressing himself on paper.   优秀的中英文口头及书面表达能力。   Good verbal& written communication skills in both English and chinese.













    书面表达是什么意思 什么是书面表达

    1、书面表达就是相当于写作文,只不过数量少一点为了考验孩子们的英语储备量,可以更明显的看出孩子与孩子之间的差距。 2、没事的时候多让孩子看看英语作文,未来可以有益于学习英语。更好的改正错误,建议孩子先了解一下语法吧,但不要太多,只要稍微了解一下本学期的书本就可以。

    如何写好书面表达 [如何做好书面表达]

      《考试说明》书面表达评分标准中最高档次的要求为:覆盖所有内容要点,应用了较高级的语法结构和词汇,有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。   这几句话不仅涵盖了评分的标准和依据,更重要的是为我们进行书面表达指明了方向,提供了思路,发挥了指导棒的功能。   审题是写好文章的第一步,审题时要注意把握好三个方面,即文体、人称、时态。书面表达常见的几种文体是记叙文、说明文、议论文。      一、多样化句式的写作效果      为了使文章生动活泼,除了用主语开头外,还可以用句子的其他成分开头。   1.用副词开头:Too often,students fall into the habit of cheating on tests.    Regretfully, the woman driver didn’t stop but fled as quickly as possible.   2.用同位语开头:Air, water and oxygen,everything is necessary for life.   3.用状语开头:Dark and empty, the house looked very different from the way I remembered it.   4.用表语开头:Equally important to the highest success in learning a language are intense interest plus persistent effort.   5.用宾语开头:My advice you would not listen to; my helps you laughed at. Now you will have what you asked for.   6.用介词短语开头:To me the news was very interesting, but to my wife very boring.   In front of the school is the newly-built building.      二、常用的一些关联词      1.时间:now thenbefore/after/later/soon/first/next meanwhile/finally/at last/in the end   2.因果:because/since/so/as a result/therefore/thusbecause of this/for this reason/in that case   3.附加递进 also and/then/in addition/furthermore/moreover/what’s more   4.比较:like/unlike/similarly/just as/in the same way   5.对照:but/still/however/otherwise/nevertheless/ on the other hand/on the contrary   6.让步:dispite/in spite of/though/even though/no matter how/ what/when   7.目的:for this purpose/so that/in order that   8.列举解释:for example/such as/in other words   9.总结:in a word/in summary/in conclusion/in short in brief/that is/from above      三、书面表达训练点评      写作要求:   简要介绍学校布局,校园中间是教学楼,两旁分别为体育馆和图书馆,操场在街对面。适当发挥,不少于70词。   学生习作:   Dear friend, (1)   I’m writing to tell you something about my school. Now I stand on the road leading to the school gate.(2) In front of me stands our teaching building, every day we happily study altogether. On my left, there exists a gym. In it, you can do some exercises on the PE equipment. On my right stands the library with many books, and it was there that students can read a lot freely. The playgroud is across the street, where we can have PE classes.   纠错诊所:   (1)文章的开头和第一句话用了书信格式, 说明没有认真审题, 这种失误是写作之大忌。   (2)在这篇文章中作者的写作思路很清晰,使自己立足于通向学校门口的大路上,然后介绍学校的布局。但是 “我” 在文章中应该是隐形的,即读者能够从文章中看出作者的立足点。所以这句话纯属画蛇添足。   教师点评:   这是一篇说明文。习作者能够按照写作要求对学校进行简要介绍,要点齐全,以空间方位顺序清楚合理地概括了学校的布局,遣词造句均能达意,并较好地使用了一些较高级词汇和结构如倒装句、强调句等,整体来看是一篇不错的文章。从出错的地方看,习作者有点粗心大意,没有认真细致地审题,想当然地写成了书信格式。而且,说明文要求能够客观地描述某一事物,所以作者不应把自己置身其中。      参考范文:   Our school is very beautiful,now let me introuduce it to you.   In front of the road stands the teaching building, every day we happily study altogether. On the left,there exists a gym, in it we can do some exercises on the PE equipment. On the right stands the library with many books, and it was there that students can read a lot freely. The playground is across the street, where we can have PE classes.


