
摘要今天我们来聊聊notonlybutalso,以下6个关于notonlybutalso的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的大学知识。本文目录not only but also什么意思?notonlybutal...



  • not only but also什么意思?
  • notonlybutalso的意思
  • not only……but also的用法,要具体的,
  • not only...but also...怎么倒装?
  • not only ,but also的用法是什么
  • not only but also 的用法
  • not only but also什么意思?


    例如:She is no a doctor but an actress.他不是医生而是演员。




    not only...but also...

    “not only...but also...“是并列关联连词,意为”不但.....而且......“,主要用来连接两个并列成分(如主语、谓语、表语、宾语、状语),也可用来连接两个分句,所强调的重点是后面的一个。在具体使用时要注意以下几点。


    例如: He not only speaks English fluently but also writes English well.他不但英语说得很流利,而且写得很好。(连接谓语)

    2、当它连接两个分句时,如果not only位于句首则not only分句要用倒装结构,but also分句不要倒装。

    如: Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer, but he also gets the computer to translate it into sounds.他不仅要把答语在计算机上打了出来,而且还要让计算机把答语变成声音。


    not only but also 的意思是不但……而且……。 not only,but also可以用来连接主语、连接宾语、连接谓语动词、连接表语、连接宾语补足语、连接状语、连接从句、连接定语、连接句子、用于it is…that强调结构。 扩展资料   用于连接两个对等的成分,若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。   not only but also中的'also通常可以省略,或换成too,as well(要置于句末)。   为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。   例句:   Not only cancer, but also heart and lung disease are influenced by smoking.   不仅是癌症,还有心脏病和肺部疾病也都会受吸烟影响。   Laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct calculation.   实验工作不但需要准确的测量,而且需要准确的计算。   A slow response to a message could hurt not only your reputation but also your livelihood.   回复信息的速度慢不仅会有损你的声誉,而且会影响你的生计。

    not only……but also的用法,要具体的,

    not only ...but also ...不但.而且.(连接并列成分或并列分句)

    1.Not only you but also he is going to the cinema this evening (并列主语)

    2.Not only he but also we are going to the cinema this evening (并列主语)

    3.He can speak not only English but also French(并列宾语)

    4.He can not only speak English but also write in it (并列谓语)

    5.Not only can he speak English but also he can speak French.(并列分句)


    (1)not only?but的省略及其变体

    1.Not only?but also中的also可以省略。有人认为该句型所连接的第二部分最高级形容词或它所表示的范围、程度、影响等超过第一部分时,常将also省略。例如:

    He is famous not only in China but (also) in the whole world. 他不仅闻名中国,而且闻名全球。

    2.not only?but also句型一般只省略also,但在连接句子时,有时也可见到省略but甚至but also的情形。例如:

    Not only was I tired, I was also cold.我不光困倦, 还感到很冷。(省去了but)

    not only...but also...怎么倒装?

    当not only…but also位于句首引出句子时,not only 后的句子通常用部分倒装形式。用法如下:

    1、连接两个不同形式的谓语:如果用not only...but also对某一个人或者事物进行两次具有递进关系的描述,但两次描述的谓语形式不同。

    原因是两个句子中的谓语形式不同的情况下,我们就应该看做是对两个分句进行递进连接,所以not only和but also分别置于两个分句句首,第一个分句引起部分倒装。

    Not only is she thoughtful, but (also) she sacrifices her own interests for those of others.她不仅仅多思善虑,而且总是舍己为人。


    Not only is she thoughtful, but (also) she is broad-minded.她不仅仅多思善虑,而且心胸开阔。

    需要注意的是。在使用not only...but also的倒装用法时,务必注意“一个条件”:即并列谓语;“两个可能”:一是两种不同形式的谓语(必须倒装),二是两个相同形式的谓语(在表示强调语气时可以倒装)。


    1、如果置于句首的Not only… but also仅连接两个并列词语,不可用倒装结构,如:Not only you but also I am fond of music。只有当Not only… but also连接两个分句时,才在第一个分句用倒装结构。例如:

    Not only is he a teacher, but he is also a poet.他不仅是一位教师,而且是一位诗人。

    Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily.不仅他讲得更正确,也讲得更不费劲了。

    2、如果修饰主语就不能倒装。Only John was there-----因为only已经修饰主语了。She met only John there------Only John did she meet there------only修饰John放在句首就要倒装。

    not only ,but also的用法是什么

    “not only … but also”的两种用法:

    1、not only … but also应连接两个相对称的并列成分。例如:

    Not only MrLin but also his son joined the Party two years ago.不仅是林先生,他的儿子也在两年前加入了该党。(连接两主语)

    He plays not only the piano but also the violin.他不仅弹钢琴,还拉小提琴。(连接两个宾语)

    注:句子 He not only plays the piano but also the violin 不是好的文体,因为 but also 之后的成分与 not only 之后的成分不对称.

    2、not only …but also 连接两个分句,并且 not only /until位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。例如:

    Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.太阳不仅给了我们光明,也给了我们热量。

    Not only didhe speak English correctly,but also he speaks it fluently.他不仅讲正确的英语,而且讲得很流利。


    在使用not only…but also…时还应注意以下几点:

    1、有时可将but also分开用,即将but视为普通的并列连词,用于连接两个句子,然后将also用于句中(用谓语动词用在一起)。如:

    2、该结构中的also有时可以省略,或将also换成too, as well(置于句末)。如:His name is known not only in Japan, but in China. 他不仅在日本出名,而且在中国也出名。

    3、有时因为语境的需要,not only…but also…也可能用于连接两个性质不同的词或短语,但这多半因为承前省略的原因。

    句中的not only后接的是谓语goes to,而but also后接的却是状语 on weekends,可视为but also后承前省略了谓语动词 goes to work。

    4、当not only…but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保持一致。如:

    5、为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。

    not only but also 的用法


    Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.



    The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.英国人和美国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯。

    注意 not only?but also连接的动词一般不重复, 这与汉语不同。 如汉语说 “ 我不仅懂英语, 而且懂俄语 ” ,英语则说 “I know not only English but also Russian” ,而不说 “I not only know English but also know Russian”. 再如:“ 气体不仅改变形状,而且改变体积 ” ,英译为 “A gas changes not only in shape but also in volume.” (注意介词常重复)


    The problem for the recipient was trying to guess not only who the sender was, but also what his secret feelings might be.收信人不仅要尽力猜出是谁的, 还要推测寄信人内心有什么想法。


    Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.浅色和鲜艳的颜色不 但使人看了高兴,也会使人更加活泼。


    Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor 莎士比亚不仅是一位剧作家, 而且是一位 演员。


    If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thank fully. 如果低你的朋友善意地指明出你的缺点, 你不但要欣然接受, 而且要心怀感激之 情。


    He didn’t let us off the hook until we had proved not only that we knew what an organism was but also that we had the fortitude to stand up for the truth. 直到我们证明了我们不仅知道什 么是生物体,而且具有坚持真理的不屈不挠精神时,他这才放过我们。


    Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space. 人类不但征服了天空,而 且征服了太空。


    I not only heard it, but (also) I saw it. 我不仅听到、而且看到了它。 Not only?but also连 接句子时 , not only 可以置于句首表示强调 , 这时第一分句要采用倒装结构。例如:

    Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a tremendously hard worker. 他不仅有着头 等聪明的脑子,而且工作很能吃苦。

    Not only had the poor man been arrested but he had been sent to prison as well. 这个可怜的 人不仅被逮捕,而且被投进监狱。

    Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs too.对这件事不仅教授们有自己的看法,学生们也有自己的想法。

    10.用于 it is?that 强调结构

    It is not only the scientist and the physician who need a long special training now, but the computer expert, the accountant, and the business manager. 现在,不仅科学家和医生需要长期 的专门训练,计算机专家、会计师和企业经理也需要这种训练。

    It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. 我们不 但要对我们所做的事负责,而且要对我们没有去做的事负责。


