



  • 英语哲理励志短文(2)
  • 英语哲理励志短文
  • 80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译
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  • 英文哲理美文带翻译3篇
  • 英语哲理小短文(带翻译)
  • 英语哲理励志短文(2)

      英语哲理励志短文篇三:   Remember when you thought you’d have life all figured out by the age of 30?   But now here you are, officially a 30-something and yet your life is far from sorted. Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone.   For most of us, our 30s are a time of change and uncertainty. Perhaps things haven’t worked out quite how you would have liked so far. But the good news is, there’s still plenty time to shape the life you want and you’re sure to learn a lot along the way.   I turned 40 last month which means somehow I made it through my 30s in one piece. Now, I’m still no life expert but as I reflect on the last ten years, I’m amazed at how much I’ve learnt.   Here are some of the lessons you’ll learn during your 30s.   1. You’ll learn friendships change   Your friendships will change a lot during your 30s. As people pair up, have kids, move house or change jobs, your friendships inevitably alter.   You may discover friends you have known for years don’t make the effort to keep in touch anymore. Or perhaps you no longer have anything in common with friends you’ve had since childhood.   It’s difficult to accept but there may be people who simply aren’t meant to be in your friendship circle anymore. But new friendships will take their place and the good news is, the friends you have at the end of your 30s will probably be friends for life.   2. You’ll learn to make big decisions   When you enter your 30s, you realize those big decisions you’ve been putting off can’t wait forever.   During my 30s I moved house twice, set up a business and had a baby. All demanded huge decisions that I’d been able to avoid during my 20s.   Decisions about your career, family, finances and relationships – you’ll face them all during your 30s. And no matter how old you get, making decisions is tough but with every big decision, your life changes; usually for the better.   3. You’ll learn about heartache   Divorce, fertility issues, bereavement, these are all things many people in their 30s have to face, often for the first time. The thing is, the journey through life isn’t meant to be straightforward and you can only really appreciate the highs, when you’ve also experienced the lows.   As Winston Churchill said: “If you’re going through hell, keep going”.   4. You’ll learn what’s really important   As you get older, your priorities change. The things that were important to you in your 20s such as making money or owning the latest gadgets will now seem less important.   Your 30s is a time to redefine your priorities; whether that’s traveling more, achieving a better work/life balance, or starting a family.   5. You’ll learn about compromise   Life is full of compromises and during your 30s you may find you have to compromise on big things such as taking a pay cut to get the job you really want, or moving city to be with the person you love.   Of course, it’s equally important to know when not to compromise. If you want kids but your partner doesn’t, it’s probably impossible to find a compromise. Instead, you may have to make the difficult decision to walk away from the relationship to get the life you really want.   6. You’ll learn to look after your body   Alcohol, sugar, late nights; they all take their toll. In your 20s you can enjoy your vices without inflicting too much long-term damage. But in your 30s, all those bad choices suddenly have a huge impact.   When you look in the mirror and see wrinkles, grey hairs and saggy skin for the first time, it’s a shock. And while you can’t reverse the ageing process (at least not without lots of cash and a great cosmetic surgeon), you can slow down the effects of ageing by making smart choices.   Now is the time to nurture your body to keep you healthy throughout your 30s and beyond.   7. You’ll learn to invest in the future   “Live for today” is the mantra of most 20-somethings. And this is perfect when you’ve got plenty time ahead to iron out your mistakes. But as you enter your 30s, you’ll realize although enjoying the moment is still important, you also need to plan for the future.   By investing in your finances, your health and your relationships you’ll form good habits that will make your future healthier and happier.   8. You’ll learn life is short   In your 20s you had the luxury of knowing that your whole life was still ahead of you. Meanwhile in your 30s, the sensation that time is hurtling along just keeps getting stronger.   You’ll treasure every second more and only go for things you really like or really needed.   9. You’ll learn about regret   Did you want to be a millionaire by the time you were 30? Travel the world? Win an Oscar? Goals you had in your 20s may no longer seem achievable and although it’s hard to let go of your dreams, with the wisdom you’ve gained, you can create new ones.   10. You’ll learn about children   Whether you already have kids, want kids, or definitely don’t want kids; there’s no escaping the fact that during your 30s everyone seems to be talking about children.   When you have absolutely no interest in kids, all the conversations about diapers and nurseries can become tiresome. But seeing your friends settle down and have kids can clarify how you feel about starting your own family.   You may find your thoughts about children change when you hit your 30s. Plenty of people (including me) change from thinking “definitely not”, to “definitely maybe” as they realize it’s a decision that can’t be put off forever.   11. You’ll learn to develop your own style   Knowing how to dress in your 30s isn’t easy. You’re too mature to wear teenage fashions but not ready to dress like your parents. Take the opportunity to develop your own style. It’s refreshing not to have to be a slave to fashion anymore.   12. You’ll learn to socialize differently   If your 20s were all about all-night parties and being seen in the hippest clubs; you may learn your tastes change in your 30s. Personally, I’d rather go for coffee than cocktails and much prefer watching a film with friends to hitting the town.   Being in your 30s gives you the freedom to do the things you really want to do, not what you think you should be doing.   13. You’ll learn not to sweat the small stuff   Remember when you were worried about everything? What to wear, how to cut your hair, whether your colleagues thought you were a dork for staying in on Saturday night? Well, great news; in your 30s you’ll learn not to care about the little things.   It’s painful to realize how much time you wasted overthinking things but the worries that caused you sleepless nights in your 20s simply won’t matter anymore. And when you learn not to sweat the small stuff, you’ll have more energy to focus on more important things.   14. You’ll learn to manage your money   If you haven’t already got your finances in check, you’ll learn to during your 30s. No doubt you’ll make some mistakes along the way but you’ll quickly become an expert.   Whether you’re investing in business, property or parenthood; now is the time to focus on money matters and financial planning.   15. You’ll learn to value your family   During our late teens and 20s many people grow apart from their parents and siblings as they fly the nest and embrace freedom. But during our 30s, many rediscover the importance of family.   Having kids of your own can bring you closer to your parents. And as your friendships change, it’s comforting to have the stability of family relationships.   16. You’ll learn to stand up for yourself   Whether it’s asking for a pay rise, or standing up to bullies at work, once you’re in your 30s, you’ll learn how to be assertive when it counts. Confidence comes with age so don’t be afraid to ask for what you want; you just might get it.   17. You’ll learn to love yourself   Your 20s can be a difficult time when you’re constantly comparing yourself to others and worrying “am I good enough?”. Well, the good news is your insecurities lessen during your 30s.   You might not have life completely figured out yet but you’ll definitely care less about what others think and learn to love yourself a whole lot more.   英语哲理励志短文篇四:   Some people choose to tightly grasp on to the past and stay stuck in their story, playing it over and over like a broken record. They, in turn, live with regret, anger, fear, and resentment.   Those who choose to live life with no regrets let go of the past and live joyfully in the present moment. They know that every experience gives birth to lessons and growth, even if it felt painful at the time. They look at all life experiences, both positive and negative, as part of their divine journey. They forgive themselves and others and understand their power is always in the present moment. They are grateful and optimistic, and know whatever they focus their thoughts on is what they attract. They also live by the following important mindsets.   1. Following your unique path leads to greater fulfilment   We all have unique gifts and talents we bring to this earth, accompanied by our distinct personality. We also have a life purpose to pursue- whether it’s to inspire, create, support, protect, or teach. If pave your own path by following your passions and inner guidance, your life will take on deeper meaning and fulfilment. If you pave your own path with what society and others expect of you, you’ll waste your precious time creating a life of pain, resentment, and regret. Instead of living a life of what you think you should do, try living according to what your inner knowing guides you to do.   2. Let your passions guide you, not societal pressures   We all know the feeling of being passionate about something. Our eyes light up, our energy increases, we smile, feel fulfilled, present, and deeply connected to what we are doing. Too often we allow the pressures of society and fear to steer us into spending our days engaged in activities we feel we should do. Whether it’s working in an unsatisfying job, staying in a bad relationship, or worrying what others think, none of those behaviors serve our higher good. To check whether your passions are guiding your life, write a list of up to 10 experiences you’ve had in your life where you felt the most fulfilled and connected. Then assess how many of these activities you have done in the past twelve months. If it’s not many, then start to reduce the amount of things you feel you have to do and start doing more of what you want to do.   3. Understand happiness is a choice   We often think that we will be happy once we get that job, car, house, or finish that course. The truth is there will always be something we are chasing after and areas we want to grow. Life is a journey of discovery, making mistakes, constantly improving ourselves and exploring our purpose, so there will always be goals we are striving for. Making your happiness dependent upon gaining external things or being perfect is a straight road to misery. Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy and content right now no matter where you live, what your job is or what you are striving for. Happiness comes from within. As everything external to you is temporary, even when you do get what you think will make you happy, once it goes, so will your happiness. True happiness is being connected to your true self and living a purposeful life.   4. Don’t think twice about expressing love and appreciation   A tapestry of relationships, connections, and encounters with others constantly weaves through our lives. We support others to grow by our words and actions, while also receiving their support and love back. What’s easy to take for granted is how often we express our gratitude and appreciation to the people that make a rich contribution to our lives. When I was 20 years old, I lost my best friend to suicide. It had been a while since I told her how much I appreciated and loved her. I then spent the next 8 years living with anger and regret. Life is precious and we don’t know when we will see our friends and loved ones again. Expressing your heartfelt feelings allows you to have no regrets for whatever tomorrow may bring. It may also be exactly what the other person needs to hear to get through their current challenges.   5. Don’t settle for less than what you truly want   You are here to create, expand, achieve, serve and receive. Through truly believing in yourself and having full trust you can achieve what you desire, you’ll stop wasting time settling for what’s in front of you out of fear you can’t get any better. You won’t live regretting you could have gone further or done more if only you didn’t settle. By continuing to focus on the goals determined by your higher guidance and not letting tests steer you off track, you can have the life of your dreams, with no regrets.   6. Creating your own definition of success is key to finding happiness   In the West we grow up learning that certain models of success are what we need to strive after. Whether it’s climbing up the corporate ladder, acquiring material possessions, or getting married and having kids, we often don’t take the time to assess if these achievements are what will truly make us fulfilled. What is right for one person may not be right for another. By identifying and honoring your unique values and the passions that drive your happiness, you can create your own definition of success that is fulfilling for your life.   7. Forgiving yourself and others leads to freedom   Forgiving yourself for the things you did in the past allows you to move forward and create the life you were born to live. Accepting what is done is done and that you now know better, allows you to drop your story and become free. Playing out regrets from the past in your mind only creates guilt, resentment, and attachment. Forgiving others is also key to dissolving any anger and resentment that may be living inside you.   Try to accept that everyone is doing the best they can with where they are at and forgive everyone for any hurt you feel they may have caused you. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you condone their actions, it just means you can let the experience go and have neutral feelings towards them rather than letting the experience eat you up inside and cause regrets. You can write a note to yourself or the people you want to forgive, expressing all your emotions. Then burn, rip, wet or bury the note to release these feelings permanently. 英语哲理励志短文相关 文章 : 1. 哲理励志英语美文欣赏 2. 哲理励志英语美文阅读 3. 双语励志美文:生活的十条哲理 4. 哲理唯美励志英语句子 5. 励志的英文散文


      阅读英语哲理短文不仅能使我们的品格、人生修养和境界等得到提升,有良好的 英语阅读 习惯更能够提高我们的英语阅读水平。下面我为大家带来英语哲理励志短文欣赏,希望大家喜欢!   英语哲理励志短文篇一:   “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future”   ~ John F. Kennedy   The one constant thing in our life is change. We cannot avoid it and the more we resist change the tougher our life becomes. Trust me, I know this because I was very skilled at deflecting change in my life. We are surrounded by change and it is the one thing that has the most dramatic impact on our lives. Change has the ability to catch up with you at some point in your life. There is no avoiding it because it will find you, challenge you, and force you to reconsider how you live your life.   Change can come into our lives as a result of a crisis, as a result of choice or by chance. In either situation we are all faced with having to make a choice – do we make the change or not? I believe it is always better to make changes in your life when you choose to rather than being forced to.   We however cannot avoid the unexpected events (crisis) in our lives because it is these events that challenge our complacency in life. What we can control when we are experiencing these challenging events, is how we choose to respond to them. It is our power of choice that enables us to activate positive change in our lives.   Acting on our power of choice provides us with more opportunity to change our lives for the better. The more opportunities we create to change our lives the more fulfilled and happier our lives become. Here are 10 things that you can do in your life that will change your life for the good, forever:   1. Find Meaning In Life   Spend some time trying to sort out what is important in your life and why is it important. What is it that you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams? What makes your happy? Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning you will spend the rest of your life wandering through life aimlessly with no direction, focus, or purpose.   2. Create A Dream Board   When we were children we would daydream all the time. We were skilled at dreaming and visualising what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible. As we grew into adults we lost our ability to dream. Our dreams became hidden and once we started to feel like achieving our dreams was impossible.   A dream board is a great way for us to start believing in your own dreams again. Seeing our dreams every day on a dream board brings our dreams to life. Our dreams become real and we start to have believe in the possibility of achieving these dreams.   3. Set Your Goals To Achieve Your Dreams   Once you know what is important in your life and what your dream life looks like for you, you need to take action and set your long-term, medium, and short-term goals. It is acting on these goals that enable you to achieve your dreams   Remember your goals may change. Always be flexible with setting and achieving your goals as things in life change and your goals need to reflect these changes. It’s the small steps that you take that create the momentum for change to happen in your life.   4. Let Go Of Your Regrets   Regrets will only hold you back in life. Regrets are events of the past and if you spend all your time thinking about the past you will miss the present and the future. You cannot change what you did or did not do in the past, so let it go. The only thing you have control over now is how you choose to live your present and future life.   I had a heap of regrets that were holding me back in my life. I came across the “Balloon Exercise” and got rid of my regrets for good. What is it? It’s simple — blow up as many balloons as you need. On each balloon write a regret and then let the balloon go. As the balloon drifts off into the sky say goodbye to that regret forever. A simple and powerful exercise that works and can change how you live your life.   5. Choose Some Really Scary Things To Do And Then Do Them   This is all about you choosing to step out of your comfort zone. Public speaking is one of the most frightening things anyone can do. I was petrified of public speaking however, I knew that I wanted to be a motivational speaker. So I joined Toast Masters to overcome my fear of public speaking. My first speech was terrible, my knees were knocking, I broke out in a sweat and I couldn’t stop shaking. But I did it and the feeling of completing this speech, even though it was terrible was great. I chose to keep going and now I earn a living as a motivational speaker. I am still nervous when I get up to speak however it is an excited nervous and I love it.   Make a list of scary things that you would kind of like to do but are too afraid to. Put a plan in place and then go do them. Never stop doing scary things because if you do your life will become one of complacency and comfort.   6. Start Living A Well-Balanced Life   Our health does not remain the same. Our physical, emotional, and spiritual state changes, as we get older. What we can control however is how we feed our minds and our bodies. Living a balanced and healthy life builds our resilience to the physical changes of our body. Exercise is the best way in which we can attain a positive and optimistic attitude toward life.   Living a healthy, well-balanced life with lots of exercise is a lifestyle choice that without a doubt will give you a happier more satisfied and fulfilled life.   7. Face Your Fears   Its easy to ignore our fears and hope that they will go away. Unfortunately, it does not work like that. If you want to change your life, learn to master your fears so they can’t control you any longer. Our fears are only thoughts in our minds that are not real but over time we have become to believe that they are true. It is our fears in life that stop us from living our life to the fullest. We know when our fears are controlling our lives because we feel discontent, dissatisfied and unfulfilled.   Once we face our fears we take back our power to choose how we want to live our lives and when we do this we change our lives forever.   8. Accept You   The only person who is going to create change in your life is you! and to create that change you have to like you. There will be times in your life where you will face rejection and there will be people who will not like you that much. Accepting who you are and loving yourself helps you to move forward in your life. Putting yourself down all the time and wishing you could be better will only lead you to a life of unhappiness and discontent.   Find your courage, love yourself, and step out and do something crazy. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks or whether it is the right thing to do. In your heart if it feels right, act on it and go create the life you love.   9. Live In The Moment   Many of us tend to think that the grass is greener on the other side. Often, we get to the other side of the fence we find that this is not so. The motivation to change our lives comes from our desire to be happy. We are often so busy focusing on our pursuit of happiness that we miss the joy of actually living in the moment. Our desire to have happiness in our lives is a desire of a future state not of the present. We become so consumed with all our problems and discontent in the present we miss the precious beauty of the moment.   Sitting on the beach eating an ice-cream with your best friend or partner is a moment of happiness. Appreciating and showing gratitude on a daily basis is experiencing happiness in the moment. Helping those in need brings joy and happiness to us. This is what living our life in the moment is all about – don’t miss these moments because you are too busy focusing on your pursuit of happiness.   10. Experience The Joy Of Learning   Each time you learn something new you gain more knowledge and with more knowledge comes more confidence. Learning helps us to be more adaptable and flexible to new situations. Learning encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking and we are therefor more comfortable with the unknown.   Reading books is a great way for us to learn. To fully embrace the joy of learning, never stop reading nor searching for more knowledge. Learning gives our life meaning and this is what makes our life worthwhile.   You have a choice to make as to how you want to change your life. Choosing to act on these 10 things will, without a doubt change your life forever. So what are you waiting for? Go do these 10 things now!   英语哲理励志短文篇二:   Are you ready to unlock your productivity potential? As we enter the final quarter of 2015, it’s time to look back on the year. Have you accomplished at least 75% of the resolutions you made at the beginning of the year? If you haven’t, don’t worry; here are some tips on how to make your day the most productive.   1.You are in control   The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you are in control of your life.   “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler.   Mr. Altshuler was right. Time flies, and sometimes it flies so fast without you realizing it. What you need to remember is that everything in your life is dictated by the choices you make. So, begin each day by reminding yourself that you are in control and you decide what happens today.   Only you can decide whether or not it is going to be a productive day.   2. Optimism is the key   Start your day with a positive mind. Not all tasks that you have listed are easy. This may include talking to your boss about a raise, tackling a complicated project — or even just going to the gym. You may start thinking that your boss will say ‘No’ or about all the obstacles you are going to face on the project. You might think going to the gym is too tiring and better not do it.   Abraham Lincoln said, “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”   We just have to look at things differently. Perhaps your boss will consider that you have made valuable contributions to the team and agree that your request for a raise is justified. Look at a complicated project as a challenge that will help you learn something. Think of the benefits going to gym will give you. (If nothing else, think of a special treat you can indulge in once you have done your gym session.) Learn to be optimistic and good things will follow. On the other hand, if things didn’t go as expected, then always remember: When one door closes, another will open. The lost opportunity may not be for you but you are up for something much better.   It is all about having the proper mindset. Be positive.   3. Procrastinate no more   As human beings, we think that we have all the time in the world to do the things we want and need to do. This is the reason we love procrastinating. We are always thinking that we have tomorrow to spare and we can just push to do things to another day. But what if you don’t have tomorrow?   Remember this Bill Keane quote, masterfully used by Master Oogway (the wise tortoise in Kung Fu Panda): “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.”   Today is something to be thankful for, so better spend it wisely. You’ll never know what is going to happen tomorrow. Do the things that you have set today right at this moment.   Say “No” to procrastination and always say “Yes” to today.   4. Ignore the perfectionist in you   “Prolific beats Perfect.” – Daniel Priestley   I know that we tend to be our harshest critics and often times will keep fiddling with a project even when it’s good enough. While I am not advocating pushing out halfhearted work, I believe sometimes you have to accept good enough and move on. Spending too much time obsessing over tiny details means that you are putting in an additional amount of time to tweak something only 1% of people will notice. It also means you will get bogged down in the minute details and before you know it, the day is over.   Stop obsessing and start completing. Don’t let the inner perfectionist monster get the better of you. Work that is completed and pushed out on time is better than work that is perfect, but late.   If you bear these 4 things in mind every single day, you will find yourself able to look forward to each day with a better attitude to getting things done. This will, in turn, lead you to getting closer and closer to your goals.   Say goodbye to the slums of yesterday…and hello to the most productive days of your life.


      生命的哲理,是人生的导航,生活的哲理,是生活的指导,且看看一篇篇英文哲理短文是如何将生命和生活链接在一起的!下面是我为大家整理的关于80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译的相关资料,供您参考!   80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译篇1   We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives; instead of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to deflect the hurt and pain by pretending it doesn’t exist, but although we can try this all we want, in the end, we can’t hide from ourselves. We need to learn to open our hearts to the potentials of life and let the world soften us.   生活发生不幸时,我们常常会关上心门;世界不仅没能慰藉我们,反倒使我们更加消沉。我们假装一切仿佛都不曾发生,以此试图忘却伤痛,可就算隐藏得再好,最终也还是骗不了自己。既然如此,何不尝试打开心门,拥抱生活中的各种可能,让世界感化我们呢?   80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译篇2   Whenever we start to let our fears and seriousness get the best of us, we should take a step back and re-evaluate our behavior. The items listed below are six ways you can open your heart more fully and completely.   当恐惧与焦虑来袭时,我们应该退后一步,重新 反思 自己的言行。下面六个 方法 有助于你更完满透彻地敞开心扉。   80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译篇3   Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and lean into it. When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives, it gets stronger and more real. We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event, instead of something that passes through us.   当生活中出现痛苦的事情时,别再逃跑或隐藏痛苦,试着拥抱它吧;当悲伤来袭时,试着深呼吸,然后直面它。如果我们一味逃避生活中的悲伤,悲伤只会变得更强烈更真实——悲伤原本只是稍纵即逝的情绪,我们却固执地耿耿于怀。   80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译篇4   By utilizing our breath we soften our experiences. If we dam them up, our lives will stagnate, but when we keep them flowing, we allow more newness and greater experiences to blossom.   深呼吸能减缓我们的感受。屏住呼吸,生活停滞;呼出呼吸,更多新奇与经历又将拉开序幕。   80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译篇5   We all know what that twinge of anxiety feels like. We know how fear feels in our bodies: the tension in our necks, the tightness in our stomachs, etc. We can practice leaning into these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.   我们都经历过焦灼的煎熬感,也都感受过恐惧造成的生理反应:脖子僵硬、胃酸翻腾。其实,我们有能力面对这些痛苦的感受,从中领悟到出路。 80字英语励志哲理短文带翻译相关 文章 : 1. 100字英语励志哲理短文带翻译 2. 励志的英语文章带翻译 3. 英语小短文100字励志 有哲理的英语短文 英语美文100字带翻译 4. 英语小短文100字励志 有哲理的英语短文 英语美文100字带翻译(2) 5. 400字英语励志哲理短文带翻译 6. 英语励志文章加翻译 7. 100字英语励志哲理短文或语录 8. 英语哲理励志短文 9. 英语励志小故事带翻译20个 10. 英语励志短文带翻译


      读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辩。我整理了优秀英语哲理小短文,欢迎阅读!   优秀英语哲理小短文篇一   掌握未来:我们正在起跑点   "We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite---"   I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.   We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.   I want the future to be better than the past. I don‘t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the reminder of our lives.   The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will effect it. Each day will brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our businesses, if we will only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.   中文:   “我们正在阅读一本页数无限的书的第一章的第一节……”   我不知道这段文字是谁写的,我一直很喜欢并用它们来提醒自己,那就是未来操之在我。我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。   我们每个人都是农夫。我们若种下好种子,就会有丰收。倘若种子长得不良且长满杂草,我们就会徒劳无获。如果我们什么也不种,就根本不会有什么收获。   我希望未来会比过去更好。我不希望未来会被那些充斥在历史中的错误所污染。我们应关心未来,因为往后的余生都要在未来中度过。   往昔已一去不复返而且是静止的。任凭我们怎么努力都不能改变过去。未来就在我们眼前而且是动态的。 我们的所作所为都会影响未来。只要我们体会的出来,每天都可以发现新的知识领域伴随而生,可能是在家里,也可能是在我们的事业中。我们正处在人类所努力钻研的每个领域中进步的起点。   优秀英语哲理小短文篇二   Life is difficult.   生活是艰辛的。   It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it, Then life is no longer difficult.   一旦我们懂得并接受生活,生活便不再艰难。这是伟大的真理。   Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problem and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, their class, or even their nation.   但是大多数人没有认识到这一点。他们只会抱怨遇到的问题和生活的艰难,好像生活本不该这么艰难。似乎困难就代表了一种强加于他们,或强加于他们的家人、阶级、民族的苦难。生活之所以如此艰难,是因为面对和解决问题的过程是一个痛苦的过程。生活中不同种类的问题会给我们带来悲伤、孤独、遗憾、愤怒与恐惧。那是一种令人不舒服的感觉,像身体的疼痛一样令人痛苦。由于生活中经常会有各种各样无穷无尽的问题,生活才显得艰难并充满痛苦与欢乐。   What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems, depending duanwenw.com on their nature , cause in us sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are un- comfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.   然而,正是在处理这些问题的整个过程中,生命体现出其意义所在。那些问题就是严峻的考验,能让我们分辨成功与失败。当我们鼓舞别人打起精神时,我们就是在鼓励人去解决问题,就像在学校里我们给学生设置一些问题让他们去解决一样。在面对问题与解决问题的过程中,我们不断学到新东西。正如本杰明•富兰克林所说:有些东西使我们受伤,又给我们指明方向。正因如此,许多人便学着不再恐惧,而是欢迎问题给我们带来痛苦。   Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problem that life has its meaning. Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, those things that hurt, instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.   优秀英语哲理小短文篇三   In every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. Let's say the top crowed decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters. Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater.   每所学校中都有一群领头学生引领潮流,其他人争相效仿。比如说,这些领头学生认为穿鲜红色羊毛衫很时尚,那么很快人人都会穿上鲜红色羊毛衫。   There is something wrong with that, except the fact that on some people bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming. The situation can duanwenw.com even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead were endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.   事实上,有些人是极不适合穿鲜红色羊毛衫的。除此以外,这件事还是有些不对劲。如果这些领头学生觉得喝酒或以70英里的时速开车很时尚的话,情况甚至会变得危险起来。这些盲从的学生在危及自己的生命,他们就像被领到屠夫前的羊群。   Now, changes are that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life; changes are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don't do it yourself. Learn to say, “No!”   在你的生命中,你可能不止一次遇到这种情况;可能你时不时也会做自己知道是不对的事情。你可能会为自己开脱说:“大家都在这么做嘛。''那让大家这么做好了,但你自己不要这样做。要学会说“不!”   Develop your own standards and your own judgement. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree to, have the courage to bow out mannerly, you'll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.   要有自己衡量事物的标准。如果你知道大家正计划你不赞成的事情,鼓起勇气礼貌地退出,你会为自己学会自立感到满意的。


      英文散文结构简练、语言简洁、文笔流畅 ,且十分讲究其独特的语言风格 ,给人以美的感受。在翻译时 ,充分体现散文的风格是至关重要的。以供大家参考。 英文哲理美文带翻译篇一:你见过那棵树吗   Have You Seen the Tree   My neighbor Mrs. Gargan first told me about it."Have you seen the tree?" she asked as I was sitting in the backyard enjoying the October ilight.   关于那棵树,最初是我的邻居加根太太告诉我的。“你见过那棵树吗?”她问道,当时我正坐在后院欣赏十月的暮色。   "The one down at the corner," she explained. "It's a beautiful tree-all kinds of colors.Cars are stopping to look. You ought to see it."   “就是下去拐角处的那棵”她解释说,“漂亮极了—五颜六色的。好多车路过都停下来看,你该去看看。”   I told her I would, but I soon fot about the tree. Three days later, I was jogging down the street, my mind swimming with petty worries, when a splash of bright orange caught my eye. For an instant, I thought someone's house had caught fire. Then I remembered the tree.   我对她说我会去看的,可转眼就忘记了关于树的事。三天后,我顺着街道慢跑,脑子里充斥着恼人的小事,忽然,一片耀眼的橘红色映入眼帘,有一会儿,我还以为是谁家的房子着火了呢,但我马上想到了那棵树。   As I approached it, I slowed to a walk. There was nothing remarkable about the shape of the tree. a medium-sized maple. But Mrs. Gargan had been right about its colors.Like the messy whirl of an artist's palette, the tree blazed a bright crimson on its lower branches, burned with vivid yellows and oranges in its center. and simmered to deep red at its top. Through these fiery colors cascaded thin rivulets of pale-green leaves and blotches of deep-green leaves, as yet untouched by autumn.   我慢慢走近它.就像朝圣者缓缓步向神殿,我发现靠近树梢的地方有几根光秃秃的枝丫,上面黑乎乎的小枝像鹰爪一般伸向天空。枯枝上落下的叶子一片猩红,像地毯似的铺在树干周围。   Edging closer-like a pilgrim approaching a shrine-I noticed several bare branches near the top, their black igs scratching the air like claws.The leaves they had shed lay like a scarlet carpet around the trunk.   当我靠近树时,禁不住放慢了脚步。树的形状并没有什么非凡之处,是一棵中等大小的枫树。但加根太太说得不错,它的色彩确实奇特,像画家调色板中斑斓的颇料,令人眼花缭乱。树底部的枝丫好似一片鲜红的火海,树的中部燃烧着明快的黄色和橘色,顶部的树梢又爆发着深红色。在这火一样的色彩中,流淌着浅绿的叶子汇成的小溪,深绿的叶子斑驳点缀其间,似乎至今末曾受到过秋天的侵袭。   With its varied nations of color, this tree seemed to bee a globe, embracing in its broad branches all seasons and continents: the spring and summer of the Southern hemisphere in the light and dark greens, the autumn and winter of the Northern in the blazing yellows and bare branches.   这棵枫树集各种颇色于一体。如果一种颜色就是一个国家,枫树俨然成了一个缤纷的地球,它张开宽大的枝条,历数着四季轮回,容纳着五湖四海。深浅错落的绿叶,昭示着南半球的春夏,耀眼的黄叶和光秃秃的枝丫勾勒出北半球的秋冬。整个星球就围绕这一时空的交集点和谐运转。   As I marveled at this all-enpassing beauty, I thought of Ralph Waldo Emerson's ments about the stars. If the constellations appeared only once in a thousand years, he observed in Nature, imagine what an exciting event it would be. But because they're up there every night, we barely give them a look.   我为这棵树无所不包的美而惊叹不已。这时,我想起了著名作家拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生有关星星的评论。他在《自然》一书中写道:倘若星座一千年才出现一次,那么,星座的出现是一桩多么激动人心的事;可正因为星座每夜都挂在天上,人们才很少去看上一眼。   I felt the same way about the tree. Because its majesty will last only a week, it should be especially precious to us. And I had almost missed it.   对于眼前这棵树,我也有同感。它此时的华美只能维持一个星期,所以它对于我们就相当珍贵。可我竟差一点错过了。   Once when Emily Dickenson's father noticed a brilliant display of northern lights in the sky over Massachusetts, he tolled a church bell to alert townspeople. That's what I felt like doing about the tree. I wanted to bee a Paul Revere of autumn, awakening the countryside to its wonder.   有一次,当埃米莉·迪金森的父亲偶然看见马萨诸塞州上空一道炫目的北极光时,他立刻跑到教堂鸣钟告知所有市民。现在,我也产生了同样的想法,我要向世人宣扬这棵树。我愿成为秋天的信使。让田园乡村每一个角落的人们都了解它的神奇。   I didn't have a church bell or a horse, but as I walked home, I did ask each neighbor I passed the same simple but momentous question Mrs. Gargan had asked me: "Have you seen the tree?"   可我没有教堂的大钟,也没有快马,但当我走在回家的路上,我会问遇见的每一位邻居加根太太曾问过我的那个极其简单又极其重要的问题:“你见过那棵树吗?” 英文哲理美文带翻译篇二:孤独   Solitude   I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time.To be in pany,even with the best, is soon wearisome. I love to be alone. I never found the panion that was sopanionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene beeen a man and his fellows. 'The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert. The farmer can work alone in the field or the woods all day, hoeing orchopping,and not feel lonesome. beacause he is employed; but when he es home at night he cannot sit down in a room alone, at the mercy of his thoughts, but must be where he can "see the folks," and recreate, and,as he thinks. remunerate himself for his day's solitude; and hence he wonders how the student can sit alone in the house all night and most of the day without ennui and "the blues"; but he does not realize that the student, though in the house, is still at work in his field, and chopping in his woods, as the farmer ire his. and in turn seeks the same recreation and society that the latter does, though it may be a more condensed form of it.   大部分时候,我发现独处都是有益于健康的。有人陪伴,即使是最好的同伴,不久也会心生厌烦,兴致将消散。我爱独处。我没有遇见比孤独更好的伴侣了。我们置身国外,立行人群之中,通常比独处室内更加寂寞。一个思考着的或工作着的人总是孤独的,就让他去他想去的地方吧。孤独不是以和同伴之间的距离里程来衡量的。真正勤奋的学生,在剑桥学院一个拥挤的蜂房里,就像沙漠中的苦行僧一样孤单。农夫可以整日在田间或林中独自工作,耕地或者伐木,却并不感到寂寞,因为他有活儿干;可是当他晚上回到家中,却不能在房间坐下独自思考,而必须去“能看到乡亲”的地方消遣娱乐,正如他所想的,去补偿他五天的孤寂;因此他不明白学生如何可以整日整夜地独坐在家里,而不感到倦怠和“优郁”;但他没有意识到,学生虽然身处室内,却依然在自己的田野上耕耘,在自己的森林中采伐.就像农夫在他的田地林间工作一样,之后学生也和农夫一样要去寻求消遣,山要去交朋结友,只是娱乐方式可能更加简明一些。   Society is monly too cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. We meet at meals three times a day, and give each other a new taste of that old mushy cheese that we are. We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquetteand politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not e to open war.We meet at the post office, and at the sociable,and about the fireside every night; we live thick and are in each other's way, and stumble over one another, and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another. Certainly less frequency would suffice for all important and hearty munications. Consider the girls in a factory-never alone, hardly in their dreams. It would be better if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live.The value of a man is not in his skin.   社会交际往往极其廉价。我们相聚的时间十分短暂,没有足够的时间让彼此获得任何有价值的新事物。我们在一日三餐的时候见面,我们就如陈腐的奶略,却让彼此相互品尝出新味道。我们必须一致同意若干条规则,也就是我们所谓的礼节和礼貌,使这种经常的聚会相安无事,我们还要一致同意我们没有争吵的必要。我们在邮局碰面,在社交场合碰面,每天晚上在炉火边碰面;我们生活得很拥挤,相互干扰,彼此牵绊,我想,我们因此失去了对彼此的尊重。当然,所有重要的、真诚的沟通,次数少一些就足够了。想一想工厂里的女工——永远不会独处,甚至在梦中也难得是独自一人。如果一平方英里只有一个居民,就像我这样,那要好多了。一个人的价值不在于他的外在。 英文哲理美文带翻译篇三:无知的快乐   The Pleasures of Ignorance   It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average town *** an—especially, perhaps, in April or May-without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance. It is impossible to take a walk in the country oneself without being amazed at the vast continent of one's own ignorance. Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference beeen a beech and an elm, beeen the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird. Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish beeen a thrush's and a blackbird's song is the exception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticed them. We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo.   和一个普通的城里人在乡村漫步—特别是,可能在四五月份——你不可能不对他无知的领域之广而感到惊讶。一个人去乡间散步,你不可能不对自己无知的领域之广而感到惊讶。成千上万的男男女女活着然后死去,一辈子也不知道山毛榉和榆树之间有什么区别,不知道画眉和黑鹂的啼鸣有什么不同。现代都市中能辨别画眉和黑鹂叫声的人大概是极其罕见的。并非我们没有见过这两种鸟儿,仅仅是因为我们从不去注意它们。我们一生中都有鸟儿生活在我们周围,然而我们的观察力是如此微弱,以致我们中间许多人弄不清楚苍头燕雀是否全唱歌,说不出布谷鸟是什么颜色。   This ignorance, however, is not altogether miserable. Out of it we get the constant pleasure of discovery. Every fact of nature es to us each spring, if only we are sufficiently ignorant, with the dew still on it. If we have lived half a lifetime without having ever even seen a cuckoo, and know it only as a wandering voice, we are all the more delighted at the spectacle of its runaway flight as it hurries from wood to wood conscious of its crimes, and at the way in which it halts hawk-like in the wind, its long tail quivering, before it dares descend on a hill-side of fir-trees where avenging presences may lurk.   然而,这种无知并不完全是不幸的。从无知中,我们能源源不断地获取发现带来的喜悦。但愿我们真的一无听知,那么每到春天,各种自然现象就会带着清新的露珠呈现在我们眼前。如果我们已生活半生,甚至未曾见过一只布谷鸟,而仅仅把它当成一个四处飘荡的声音,那么.当我们亲眼目睹它因为自知自己的罪恶在林木间匆匆逃离穿梭,看到它如何如鹰般在风中骤然停止鸣叫,摆动着瑟瑟发抖的长尾翼,不敢在小山旁的冷杉上停歇,担心那里危机四伏时,我们一定会更加欣喜。   It would be absurd to pretend that the naturalist does not also find pleasure in observing the life of the birds, but his is a steady pleasure, almost a sober and plodding occupation, pared to the morning enthusia *** of the man who sees a cuckoo for the first time. And, as to that, the happiness even of the naturalist depends in some measure upon his ignorance, which still leaves him new worlds of this kind to conquer.He may have reached the very Z of knowledge in the books, but he still feels half ignorant until he has confirmed each bright particular with his eyes. Assuredly the men of science have no reason as yet to weep over their lost ignorance. There will always be a fortune of ignorance waiting for them under every fact they turn up.   如果假设博物学家在观察鸟类的生活时发现不到乐趣,那是荒谬可笑的。和清晨有人第一次看到布谷鸟的兴奋相比,博物学家的快乐是稳固的,他们的工作是严肃和漫长的。为此,甚至是博物学家的幸福在某种程度上也取决他的无知,无知给他留下这类新天地让他去征服。他的书本知识可能已经达到了顶峰,但是,在他亲眼证实每一个光辉的细节之前,他仍然感到自己是半无知的,无疑,科学家们迄今没有理由为他们错过的无知而哭泣。在他们发掘出的每一个事实下面总将会有一笔无知的财富在等待着他们。   But your and my ignorance is not confined to cuckoos. It dabbles in all created things, from the sun and moon down to the names of the flowers, including nearly everything you and I have taken for granted. One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge. The great pleasure of ignorance is, after all, the pleasure of asking questions. The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure of dogma, which is the pleasure of answering, is already beginning to stiffen. Do not fet that Socrates. was famed for wisdom not because he was omniscient but because he realised at the age of seventy that he still knew nothing. Once more I shall see the world as a garden through the eyes of a stranger, my breath taken away with surprise by the painted fields.   但是,你我的无知绝不仅仅局限于布谷鸟,它涉及所有的创造物,上到太阳和月亮,下到百花的名称,几乎包括所有你我认为是理所当然的事物。人类感受过的最大快乐之一就是迅速逃到无知中去追求知识。无知的巨大乐趣,归根结底,是提问的乐趣。已经失去了这种快乐的人,或已经用这种快乐去换取教条的乐趣(即回答问题的乐趣)的人,已经开始僵化。不要忘记苏格拉底之所以以智慧闻名于世,并不是因为他无所不知而是因为他在70岁的时候认识到他还什么都不知道.而我将再一次用陌生人的眼光来审视这个花园一样的世界,每当我看到那如画的田野,我都将惊叹不已。 ※本文作者:※



    Quit thinking self-defeating thoughts!Quit thinking that you can’t do what you want to do. It’s not what you are that’s holding you back;it’s what you think you are. You were given all the equipment you need to accomplish anything you desire. Use that power today.






