



  • 六级作文模板万能句型有哪些?
  • 六级作文模板万能句型有哪些?
  • 大学英语六级考试作文常用句式
  • 六级作文万能句型
  • 大学四六级作文万能句式
  • 六级作文模板万能句型是什么?
  • 六级作文模板万能句型有哪些?


    Recently, the problem of … has aroused people's concern。最近,……问题已引起人们的关注。

    The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life。It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well。


    Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face。




    As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____。

    2、总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______。Only in this way can ______in the future。







    六级作文模板万能句型有:It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.

    还有:A proverb says, “ You are only young once.”









    大学英语六级考试作文常用句式一、表原因 1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation. A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem). 2. The answer to this problem involves many factors. 3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that... 4. The factors that contribute to this situation include... 5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that... 6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are... 7. Part of the explanations for it is that ... One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ... Another contributing factor (cause ) is ... Perhaps the primary factor is that … But the fundamental cause is that 大学英语六级考试作文常用句式二、表比较 1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that... 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.Like anything else, it has its faults. 7.A and B has several points in common. 8.A bears some resemblances to B. 9.However, the same is not applicable to B. 10. A and B differ in several ways. 11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects. 12. People used to think ..., but things are different now. 13. The same is true of B. 14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks. 15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ... 大学英语六级考试作文常用句式三、批驳 1)It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out. 2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact. 3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water. 4) Many of us have been under the illusion that... 5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is. 6) It makes no sense to argue for ... 7) Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ... 8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ... 9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ... 更多关于大学生英语六级考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等内容,小编会持续更新。



    1. 随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy

    2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard

    3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

    4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life

    5. 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that…

    6. 我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.

    7. 引起了广泛的公众关注 Sth. has aroused wide public concern. / Sth has drawn great public attention.

    8. 不可否认 It is undeniable that…

    9. 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion / debate

    10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

    11. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

    12. 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

    13. 双方的论点 argument on both sides

    14. 发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role in…

    15. 对…必不可少 be indispensable to …

    16. 正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

    17. 对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive / negative effects on…

    18. 利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

    19. 导致,引起 lead to / give rise to / contribute to / result in

    20. 复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

    21. 责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility / achievement

    22. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

    23. 开阔眼界 widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision

    24. 学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

    25. 经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden

    26. 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into consideration

    27. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

    28. 做出共同努力 make joint efforts

    29. 对…有益 be beneficial to / be conducive to…

    30. 为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

    31. 打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

    32. 综合素质 comprehensive quality

    33. 致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

    34. 应当承认 Admittedly,

    35. 不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

    36. 满足需求 satisfy / meet the needs of...

    37. 可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

    38. 宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

    39. 因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)

    40. 方便快捷 convenient and efficient

    41. 在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

    42. 环保的材料 environmentally friendly materials

    43. 社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

    44. 大大方便了人们的生活 Sth has greatly facilitated people's lives.

    45. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

    46. 在一定程度上 to some extent

    47. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

    48. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

    49. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly keen social competition

    50. 眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

    51. 长远利益 long-tem interest

    52. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons

    53. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to

    54. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas / emotions / information

    55. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…

    56. …的健康发展 the healthy development of…

    57. 重视 attach great importance to…

    58. 社会地位 social status

    59. 把时间和精力放在…上 focus one's time and energy on…

    60. 扩大知识面 expand one's scope of knowledge

    61. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally

    62. 有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

    63. 导致很多问题 give rise to / lead to / spell various problems

    64. 可以替代think的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that

    65. 缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress / burden

    66. 优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.

    67. 与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

    68. 可降解的/可分解的材料 degradable / decomposable material

    69. 代替 replace / substitute / take the place of

    70. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

    71. 反映了社会进步的 mirror the social progress/advance

    72. 增进相互了解 enhance / promote mutual understanding

    73. 充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

    74. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

    75. 保障社会稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

    76. 更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

    77. 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the social development

    78. 实现梦想 realize one's dream

    79. 主要理由列举如下 The main / leading reasons are listed as follows:

    80. 我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.


    2021年下半年大学英语四六级即将开考,而这是当代大学生最头疼的考试之一了。我们都知道,四六级一开始就是写作。面对即将到来的考试,临时背一些万能的 英语 作文 句子 模板也是很有效的。下面是我们精心整理出来的万能模板。 ↓↓↓点击获取“四六级”相关内容↓↓↓ ★ 英语四六级口语自我介绍 ★ ★ 英语四六级应急技巧与方法 ★ ★ 大学四六级没过影响大吗 ★ ★ 英语四六级多少分以下没有成绩 ★ 大学四六级作文万能句式 一.段首句 1)关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to 省略.Some people suggest that 省略. 2)俗话说……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使今天,它在许多场合仍然使用。 There is an old saying省略.It is the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3)现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today,省略,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,省略,Second,省略.What makes things worse is that 省略. 4)现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外……。 Nowadays,it is common to 省略.Many people like 省略because省略.Besides,省略. 5)任何事物都是两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and 省略is not an exception.It has both advantages and disadvantages. 6)关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about 省略vary from person to person.Some people say that 省略.To them,省略. 7)人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变的越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem省略which is becoming more and more serious. 8)……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年轻人当中,将引发激烈的 辩论 。 省略has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9)……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 省略has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10)根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条图形/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages/ in the chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that省略.Obviously,省略,but why? 二.中间段落句 1)相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。 On the contrary,there are some people in favor of 省略.At the same time ,they say省略. 2)但是,我认为这不是解决……的好 方法 ,比如……。最糟糕的是……。 But I don't think it is a very good way to solve省略.For example,省略.Worst of all,省略. 3)……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是…… 省略is necessary and important to our country's development and construction.First,省略.What's more,省略.Most important of all,省略. 4)有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First,we can省略. 5)面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效地方法来……。一方面……,另一方面…… Confronted with省略,we should take a series of effective measures to省略.For one thing,省略For another,省略. 6)早该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。 It is high time that something was done about it.For example,省略.In addition.省略.All these measures will certainly省略. 7)然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它不利的一面,像……。 However,just like everyone has both its good and bad sides,省略also has its own disadvantages,such as省略. 8)尽管如此,我相信……更有利。 Nonetheless,I believe that省略is more advantageous. 9)完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下: I fully agree with the statement that省略because省略. 三.结尾句 1)至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为…… As for as I am concerned,I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.I think that省略. 2)总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of省略.Only in this way can省略in the future. 3)就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因此…… Personally,I believe that省略.Consequently,I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us because省略. 4)随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自己的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。 With the development of society,省略.So it's urgent and necessary to省略.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society,it will be better and better. 5)至于我(对我而言,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能…… For my part,I think it reasonable to省略.Only in this way can we省略. 6)在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形式。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。 It is difficult to say whether省略is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of省略-.However,from a personal point of view find省略. 以上就是一些英语四六级作文万能句式的内容,考生可以抽时间熟练掌握,希望对大家有用。 大学四六级作文万能句式相关 文章 : ★ 大学四六级作文万能句式 ★ 大学英语四六级及英语考试作文的万能套句 ★ 大学英语四六级写作中的常用句型有哪些 ★ 大学英语四级作文必备的五大万能模板 ★ 大学英语六级作文四大类型的万能模板 ★ 六级作文模板万能句型 ★ 六级作文模板高级句型 ★ 英语六级作文万能模板+高分句式,你值得拥有! ★ 英语六级作文万能句子及写作模板 ★ 四级作文模板万能句型大全 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?fff14745aca9358ff875ff9aca1296b3"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();




    There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____。


    There is an old saying______,It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today。


    Today,____,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life、First,____ Second,____、What makes things worse is that______。


    Nowadays,it is common to ______,Many people like ______ because ______,Besides,______。


    Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages。


