nuist是南京信息工程大学的英文简称。学校始建于1960年,原隶属中央(军委)气象局,前身为南京大学气象学院,1963年独立建校为南京气象学院,1978年列入全国重点大学,2004年更名为南京信息工程大学。2007年以来,先后实现了江苏省人民政府、中国气象局、教育部、国家海洋局的多方共建。 扩展资料 南京信息工程大学(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology)位于南京江北新区,是一所以大气科学为特色的全国重点大学,由江苏省人民政府、中华人民共和国教育部、中国气象局、国家海洋局共建,是国家首批世界一流学科建设高校、江苏高水平大学建设高校,中国高校行星科学联盟成员,入选国家“2011计划”、国家“特色重点学科项目”建设高校、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”高校、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、全国首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、应急管理学院建设首批试点学校。 截至2019年8月,南京信息工程大学校园占地面积约2000亩,设有22个专业学院,开设68个本科专业,拥有6个一级学科博士学位授权点,22个一级学科硕士学位授权点、13个硕士专业学位授权点,有专任教师1700多人,有全日制在校本科生3万余名、硕博研究生近4000名、留学生1600余名。
Nuist是南京信息工程大学,nuist只是缩写。 扩展资料 Nuist是南京信息工程大学,nuist只是缩写全称为Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology。坐落于南京的江北新区,是一所以大气科学为特色的全国重点大学。是国家首批世界一流学科建设高校。
后面的我不知道 但南京信息工程大学的英文缩写是 nuist 所以应该是 Nanjing University of Information Science Technology 南京市宁六路219号... 这个不写的话 我估计也行 邮局能找到学校就行呗 我也是这个学校的 呵呵 学校老校门那 不是有信箱么 把信箱写上 要是包裹 到收发室取就行
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), founded in 1960 and renamed from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 2004, was designated in 1978 as one of the key institutions of higher learning in China. It was granted to confer bachelor ' s, master ' s and doctoral degrees. With a scientific research center for post-doctoral students, the university enjoys a complete educational system.
Currently, there are 18,000 students and over 1,300 faculty members on the campus. The university consists of 24 departments or colleges, 12 scientific research institutions and one international training center.
The university, covering an area of 140 hectares with a floor space of 420,000 square meters, boasts 42 basic and special laboratories such as Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disasters and Sino-American Remote Sensing Laboratory. With a total collection of over 1,170,000 books, the library was listed as one of the most completed literature libraries in China in terms of atmospheric sciences.
A total of 42 specialties for bachelors are offered, which include key disciplines in both state and provincial levels and cover fields of science, engineering, management, literature, economics, laws and agriculture. The academic level on atmospheric science ranks the top in China and enjoys a high reputation in the world. Three key disciplines of Atmospheric Science, Information Science and Technology, and Environmental Science and Engineering are established in recent years based on the preponderant specialties.