



  • 中秋节用英语怎么说怎么读
  • 中秋节的英语是什么?
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  • 中秋节英语怎么说 中秋节的英语怎么读
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  • 中秋节用英语怎么说怎么读

    中秋节的英语是Mid-Autumn Festival [ 'mɪd'ɔtəm ˈfɛstəvəl ]其他说法:Moon Festival;Mooncake Festival;Zhongqiu Festival。


    1.中秋节英文- The Mid-Autumn Festival

    这是直接按照中秋节逐字翻译过来的,“中”翻译为middle,“秋”翻译为autumn,“节”翻译festival或者day,所以最后就变成了Mid-Autumn Festival、Mid-Autumn Day、The Mid-Autumn Festival。这三个中比较正式的是The Mid-Autumn Festival,如果想要使用比较正式的表达方式,一定要记得使用定冠词“the”。

    2. 中秋节英文- Moon Festival

    中秋节的一项主要活动就是赏月了,在我国自古以来就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就有过记载“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神。到了周代,更是要每逢中秋都要举行迎寒和祭月。在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行,很多关于赏月的诗句就此兴起了,如“花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,它是世俗欢愉的节日,通常是不眠之夜,夜市通宵营业,玩月游人,达旦不绝。明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。所以根据这项赏月的活动,外国人又称中秋节为月亮节,即Moon Festival.

    3.中秋节英文- Mooncake Festival

    Mooncake Festival,这个中秋节的英文说法,也是来源于中秋节的另一项活动--吃月饼,如果说赏月只是在古代比较盛行,那么吃月饼这个习俗则是流传至今。正如袁景澜《咏月饼诗》所云:"巧出饼师心,貌得婵娟月。" 月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,在祭月之后,由家中长者将饼按人数分切成块,每人一块,如有人不在家也要为其留下一份,寓意家人团圆的象征。月饼在外国人称为Mooncake,这个节日也被称为月饼节,即Mooncake Festival。

    4. 中秋节英文- Zhongqiu Festival

    对于这种英文写法,则带有点中国风味,Zhongqiu为中秋的汉字拼音,后面加上节日的英文翻译,合起来便是Zhongqiu Festival。类似这种中国风味的翻译还有很多,如kung fu(功夫),taiji(太极)等。


    The 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is China’s Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) - it is so named because it falls in the middle of autumn. This year, that’s today.

    The moon is roundest and brightest at this time, and one look at the round, full moon on Mid Autumn Festival and people across all of China immediately want to sit down and eat with their closest family and friends, miss their hometowns, and get deluged by memories. Because of the tendency to sit around a round table with family and friends, Mid Autumn Festival is also called 团圆节 (Roughly ‘Gathering Holiday’). And there is no denying that Mid Autumn festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays.




    中秋节的英语是Mid-Autumn Festival , 其他说法: Moon Festival;Mooncake Festival;Zhongqiu Festival 短语 中秋节快到了 Mid-Autumn Festival is coming 中秋节即将来临 Mid-Autumn Festival approaching 双语例句 1、中秋节是家庭团圆的好时机。 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a good occasion for family reunion. 2、中秋节在中国农历八月十五。 The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of Our Chinese lunar calendar. 词语辨析:autumn,autumnal n.(名词) 这两个词词形相近。 1、autumn是名词,autumnal是形容词,但autumn有时也可修饰名词作定语,只是不如autumnal正式而已。 2、一般说强调“在秋天发生”时用autumn,强调“具有秋天的性质与特色”时用autumnal,如“秋分”一般译作autumnal equinox。 3、autumnal多用于比喻意义或诗歌中,特别是用来表示秋天的负面意义时。如:a deep,autumnal tone。


    中秋节用英语怎么说: The Mid-autumn Festival ; Moon Festival ; Mooncake Festival ; Mid-Autumn Day ; Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节快乐 Happy Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节快乐 我们吃月饼。 We eat moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋节我国民间有吃月饼的习俗,美味可口的月饼象征合家团圆、欢聚。 It‘s traditional to eat moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. These yummy treats symbolise reunion and happiness. 中秋节快到了,提前祝您中秋节快乐! The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near.Happy Mid-Autumn Day! 端午节是三个中国主要节日之一,另两个是春节和中秋节。 The Dragon Boat Festival is one of three major Chinese holidays, along with the Spring and Moon Festivals. 中秋节快到了。 The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near. 你愿意来我家过中秋节吗? Would you like to come over to my home for Mid-Autumn Festival? 中秋节是观赏满月的日子。 The Mid-Autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. 用英文表达想念之情 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but inmy heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressedwith any choice of words. 2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is justlike that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-coldwater you have drunk into tears. 3、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。想学习更多英语知识,请关注口袋英语aikoudaiyy I know you like this song most and I know what you arethinking about ,too, I miss you . 4、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你 Those days when we were together appear in my mind time aftertime, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sadand painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much 5、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring youall the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling starshanging on the curtain of my heart.

    中秋节英语怎么说 中秋节的英语怎么读

    导读:学了那么多年英文,如果让你现在用英语把中秋节读出来,你会吗?有很多人还是不会的,不然也不会来询问中秋节英语怎么说,中秋节的英语怎么读了。不用担心,看了以下我对中秋节的英文介绍后,你很快就能掌握中秋节的英文说法,还有关于中秋节的优美句子英语类型参考哦。 中秋节英语怎么说 中秋节的英语怎么读 1.Mid-autumn Festival 2.Mid-autumn Day 3.Moon Festival(中秋节又称月亮节) 4.Mooncake Festival(吃月饼是中秋节一大习俗,又称月饼节) 祝福中秋的好句 1.中秋节快乐! Happy Mid-autumn Festival! 2.中秋节是中国所独有的节日。 The Mid-Autumn Festival is peculiar to China. 3.今年中秋节礼品送月饼啊。 It's mooncakes as a mid- autumn present this year again. 4.今年中秋节在阳历9月22日,这是一个传统的中国节日。 关于中秋节的优美句子(英文+翻译) 1. Sultry autumn,the early autumn evening you and I share,bright,think Italy is strong! 2. The moon is priceless,both alpine conditions.May your life is like the fifteen moon,festive! 3. The autumn moon Ming,Qing,Acacia meet you know who? 4. Colorful world Xi Long is mid autumn festival in August,a cup of wine song with the spirit of a high wind. 5. The mid autumn moon,quietly hung in the window.My mother looked at it,as if it is a mirror,you and I watch each other. 6. Far from thinking two Xiang Duan,thousands of miles with light! 7. The Mid Autumn Festival moon,full moon things round people to yuan,miss,miss,can’t help my tears. 8. Let roundest moon accompany you and me,let the moon to convey my wishes and blessings to you…Wish a Happy Mid Autumn Festival,one more round full moon. 9. Autumn sky moon hanging,is a mid autumn festival to 10. The bright moon is rising above the sea,everyone faraway enjoy the same moment. 翻译: 1、秋意撩人,愿在初秋的夜晚你我享,皓月当空,思意正浓! 2、明月本无价,高山皆有情.愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满! 3、秋风清,秋月明,相思相见知何日? 4、夕七彩人间长共中秋八月,杯低吟酒伴同歌盛世高风 5、中秋的月亮,在窗外静静地悬着.我楞楞地看着它,仿佛它是一面明镜,你我在互相注视. 6、远思两乡断,清光千里同 ! 7、中秋佳节中秋月,月圆事圆人难圆,思念、思念,不禁泪潸潸. 8、让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福…祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满. 9、秋空明月悬,又是一年中秋至 10、海上升明月,天涯共此时!


    Moon Festival



    Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, August Festival, August Festival, Chasing Moon Festival, Moon Festival, Moon Festival, Daughter's Day or Reunion Festival.


    The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional cultural festival popular among many ethnic groups in China and the Chinese cultural circle. It is on the 15th day of the lunar calendar.


    Because it is just half of the autumn, hence the name, there are some places to set the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 16.











